Roster for the ,

Romulan - Centurion
Romulan - Centurion Sienae i’Ra'tleihfi cha'Khnialmnae
Current Assignment:
Team Command Officer , USS Cerberus
Date of Birth:
Korthre Cliffs, ch'Rihan (Romulus)
160 lbs
Eye Color:
Golden Bronze
Hair Color:
Black/Platinum Streak
Physical Description:
Sienae has blue-black hair cut into the typical Romulan bob on the side with longer hair at the pack of her head that is clipped at the base of her skull. She has the Romulan's pronounced widow's peak. A lock of platinum hair starts at her right side of her widow's peak extends back along the right side of her head. Her complextion is light tan, her cheekbones are high and slightly slanted in her face. Sienae's large golden eyes are ringed in black like an eagle's and are very different from most Romulans who have dark eyes. Her eyebrows are fine and wing up towards her temples. Her ears are a bit more pointed than usual for a Romulan.

Sienae is tall, for a Romulan being a little longer in the legs, she is just under 6 feet tall in her bare feet. Sienae is broad shouldered, small waisted, and with a curvaceous body hidden under the typical Romulan uniform. Sienae is has a average frame, but muscular build, and is very fit. Daily strenuous workouts keep her that way.

The Romulan Uniform of the time. he Standard Romulan uniform of the time of the Cerebus Abandoned the large shoulders and abbreviated sleeves, this more-generalized design came in only a dark-gray, thatched material for all ranks and positions observed. Featuring a black, mock-turtleneck collar, this uniform displayed rank on the left collar, and also featured a belt/harness structure - this time extending from the left shoulder, down to two straps running across the stomach. As before, the crest of the Romulan Empire was displayed, lower in this design than in the previous style. Optional black gloves were sometimes worn with this uniform design.
Family and Background:
Sienae comes from the Noble Clan/Family of Khnialmnae who live in Ra'tleihfi: capital city of the Romulan Empire, located on Romulus. Also, a river running through that city They also have a summer home at the beautiful Korthre Cliffs, near Mhiessan where Sienae was born.

Her Grandfather is Senator D'Saren Mandukar Khaiel Cha'Khnialmnae the hru'hfirh, or Head of House Khnialmnae. He is also a member of the Continuing Committee.

Her Clan has been stanch supporters of the Romulus Star Empire, many family members past and present served in the Navy and in the Tal Diann basically the under the auspices of Praetor (The Tal Diann work in direct opposition to the Tal Shiar.)and some family members even the Tal P-----, the Praetor's personal bodyguards.
Sienae had one of the Highest D'Sora ratings on Romulus for her age group. (During this time of survival, the D’sora Ceremony was formed, the testing of young children for intelligence, for strength, and adaptability. Those children who passed the test are feted to a glorious time of feasting, dressed in magnificent ceremonial robes, and honored at a special religious service, at which time they were given their family name and officially entered into the historical records of the family.)
After the learning everything she could from the Clan tutors, weapons masters, and unarmed combat masters, Sienae applied for and took the entrance exams for the Romulan War College. Once again her scores were close to the highest and she began the four difficult years of schooling and grueling training.
Service Record:
Not as yet forwarded to Star Fleet as of this date.
Medical History:
Commendations and Reprimands:
If the Romulans gave purple hearts Sienae would have a number of them, coinciding with a number of Medical records, the last one being just recently and soon after she was awared the Medal of Valor by the Praetor himself.

Sienae has the Romulan Equivalent of:
1 Medal of Valor (Romulan Bird of Prey medal) , 2 Medals of Honor, 3 Distinguished Service medals, and 4 Citations of Bravery Under Fire. There are also a number of personal notes by her commanding officers as to her excellent attention to duty, her loyalty, her ability handle unsuual situations, and to command.
Special Skills or Ratings:
Sienae is a master in various Romulan martial arts; she is a Ke’veshrek (kick boxing) champion. She is also well raited in N’Delrek (N’Delrek is also an ancient art and resembles Terran jujitsu and wrestling. The objective is to grapple the opponent to the ground and disable him with a punch or strike.) and in CH’Vashrek (Though not as ancient a combat style as Kormorek or N’Delrek, it has been around for a thousand years. It began in the monasteries of the warrior-priests, the CH’Vash, who developed it as a way to maintain fitness. The combat form resembles a combination of Terran martial arts, and many “styles” have developed from the original form. Some are graceful and flowing, some are direct and quick.) She has also been training with S'Talon in the 2 more street fighting types of Martial Arts.
Personal Bio:
"Beware the Wrath of the Quiet." Is probably the most important warning one could learn about Sienae. In those rare times when pressed too hard and unfairly, Sienae uses her innate and enhanced abilities of self control and becomes strangely calm and quiet. (A Vulcan-like trait) It is only the calm before the storm. Probably the only waring one might see is her eyes becoming hooded,(partially closed)


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