Roster for the ,

Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander Tochi Zai
Eol Fefalas
Current Assignment:
Chief Flight Control Officer , Executive Officer, USS Peregrine
Date of Birth:
Mak'ala, Trill
5' 10
172 lbs
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dark Brown
Physical Description:
Tochi Zai is long and lean, as some might say. He's on the tall side of average with a lithely muscled build, cutting the same sort of figure as a fencer or dancer, might. His coffee colored hair is cropped close to his head but not so close as to call it a buzz cut. He has green/gold eyes that sparkle with a roguish, youthful exuberance (especially when he flashes that crooked grin of his) but, at the same time, belie an aged wisdom beyond his physical years. His skin is lightly tanned and, of course, accentuated by darker patterned spots, typical of his species, that run in twin streaks from head to toe on either side of his body.
Family and Background:
Yadur Tiaghen (Father, Administrator at the Trill Ministry of Science); Yenhi Tiaghen (Mother, artist); Nizrri Tiaghen (sister, Science officer aboard USS Hexatris - NCC-72965); Myrri Tiaghen (sister, Guardian, Symbiosis Commission)
Trill Science Ministry; Trillius Prime - Flight Engineering, Astrophysics (Subspace Anomalies)

Starfleet Academy; Earth - Astrophysics major, Exoarchaeology minor
Service Record:
2347.04.19 - Accepted to Starfleet Academy

2352.07.01 - Graduated Starfleet Academy; assigned to U.S.S. Perseus - NCC-78168 (shuttle pilot)

2354.12.13 - Designated Assistant Flight Control Officer; U.S.S. Perseus

2354.07.28 - Temporarily relieved of duty for medical/psychological complications related to joining with the Zai symbiont.

2354.08.01 - Granted an extended leave of absence on Trillius Prime under the supervision of the Trill Symbiosis Commission

2354.11.04 - Returned to active duty as Assistant FCO; U.S.S. Perseus. Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

2355.05.17 - Reassigned to Utopia Planetia Shipyards, Mars. Test/Shakedown pilot; Steamrunner Project

2357.11.21 - Assigned to U.S.S. Choctaw; AFCO

2358.03.02 - Promoted to Lieutenant

2358.09.13 - Assigned to the Saber Project; Utopia Planetia Shipyards, Mars. Shakedown Pilot.

2359.07.29 - Assigned to U.S.S. Peregrine NCC-79288; Chief Flight Control Officer

2365.02.12 - Promoted to Lt Commander
Medical History:
2347.04.20 - Standard physical and inoculation schedule for Starfleet Academy Cadets initiated

2347.09.24 - Treated for facial laceration resultant of a fencing accident

2349.02.25 - Treated for multiple contusions, abrasions, and a "Boxer's Fracture" to the right hand. Injuries consistent with aggressive physical contact (fighting); however no incidents involving this cadet were reported.

2352.06.28 - Starfleet Academy Exit Physical and vaccination schedule completed.

2354.07.28 - Underwent modified Trill joining procedure aboard U.S.S. Perseus in order to serve as host to an endangered symbiont. (Placed on Temporary Medical Leave. Extended Leave granted on 2354.08.01 following complications.)

2354.11.04 - Re-entry physical and psychological evaluation performed. Lt (JG) Zai cleared for active duty. (Note: Lt (JG) Zai exhibits heretofore unnoticed allergy to insect bites. Per communique with Trill Symbiosis Commission this is common among joined Trill as are cold hands.)

2365.03.04 - Treated for injuries sustained during Operation: Veiled Chimera. Remitted to quarantine for observation due to exposure to nanite infestation aboard USS Serapis.

2365.04.19 - Released from quarantine. Exit physical and psychological evaluation performed; cleared for return to duty.

***Note: Information beyond this point is NOT common knowledge (please contact Eol prior to initially utilizing any of this information in your posts.)***

Prior hosts of the Zai symbiont:

Kasru Zai (Female) - Occupation: Ambassador; Age of host at Transfer (death): 95; Years hosted: 80; Married: Yes, twice (widowed at time of death), two children with second husband

Dirven Zai (Male) - Occupation: Musician; Age of host at Transfer: 45; Years hosted: 27; Married: No

Odia Zai (male) - Occupation: Merchant trader; Age of host at transfer: 83; years hosted: 64; Married: Yes; three children

Isri Zai (female): Occupation: Stellar cartographer; Age of host at Transfer: 81; Years hosted: 67; Married: Yes; No children.
Commendations and Reprimands:
2354.11.04 - Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry - for selflessly serving as temporary host to a Trill symbiont

2356.09.14 - Cochrane Medal of Excellence - contributions to Flight Control Engineering on the Steamrunner Project
Special Skills or Ratings:
Class A CONN Rating - Starships

Class A CONN Rating - Auxiliary Craft

Expert Qualification - Bridge Operations

Marksman Qualification - Starfleet Small Arms

Talented Swordsman - Ranked 14th in the Federation Sport Fencing Association

Notable diplomatic and or negotiative understanding/abilities (inherited from previous host(s), Kasru and Odia)

Significant skill/talent playing the "Trillian Mandolin" (inherited from memories of prior host, Dirven)

Extensive knowledge and continued interest in Stellar Cartography (inherited from and seeded by previous (and initial) host, Isri)
Personal Bio:
Tochi Zai is a joined Trill and the fifth host of the Zai symbiont. He is a Starfleet Flight Control Officer, currently assigned to the USS Peregrine - NCC-79288 under the command of Captain Silas Drake.

Tochi was born in 2333, on stardate 10208.2, on the Trill homeworld. Growing up, Tochi was a curious and adventurous (some might even say rambunctious) sort of child. He lived with his mother, father, and two sisters on Trill and was always seeking out new thrills and looking for new places or things to explore. This curious and exploratory nature led him to decide, at a very young age, that he wanted to pilot starships and explore places beyond his homeworld; thus, he spent much of his early life striving toward that goal, never really imagining that he would become joined to a symbiont (that was his younger sister, Myrri's dream).

He applied to Starfleet Academy when he was fourteen and, after initially failing the entrance exam, passed it on his second attempt. He entered the academy in 2347, on stardate 24314.1, majoring in astrophysics with a minor in exoarchaeology. His thrill-seeking nature made for a somewhat stormy career at the Academy, but he did manage to earn Premier Distinctions in Advanced Navigation, Flight Control, and Advanced Subspace Geometry. He graduated in 2352 and, as a newly commissioned ensign, was assigned to the U.S.S. Perseus - NCC-78168 as a shuttle pilot.

While, in his early Starfleet career, Tochi earned a reputation as a "gifted pilot," his risk-taking nature often kept him from being what most would describe as an exemplary officer and, as such, he was slower to pin on his Lieutenant (JG) pips and, thus, move closer to becoming the Chief FCO than he would have liked but, his knack for flight control and astrogation did, eventually, earn him as spot at the Perseus' conn as an Assistant Flight Control Officer. Despite his relatively slow advancement through the ranks, he tremendously enjoyed his work, his shipmates, and his exploration of the galaxy aboard the Nova-class vessel. In fact, for the carefree Tochi, promotion scarcely pinged the sensors unless he was prodded into thinking about it by a senior officer. This attitude, however, was changed by an unexpected twist of fate in 2354.

On stardate 31587.5, the Perseus responded to a distress call from a transport ship who's deflector grid had failed and, as a result, had succumbed to severe systems and structural failure. Before the transport finally imploded, The Perseus managed to evacuate it's passengers and crew, many of whom were gravely injured. Among the casualties was an older Trill woman named Kasru who was host to a symbiont known as Zai. While Perseus' Chief Medical Officer held out hope that the woman could be kept stable enough for the ship to reach a starbase where more complete and appropriate medical care could be provided, Kasru insisted that she knew she was going to die and she didn't wish for Zai to die with her. Perseus' Captain was convinced to contact the Trill Symbiosis Commission on Kasru Zai's behalf and, out of that communication, it was determined that the best course of action would be to transfer the symbiont to another host as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the Perseus was far too distant from the Trill homeworld to be able to deliver Kasru there in time or even to rendezvous with another ship dispatched by the Commission, so, while it wasn't an ideal situation or solution (especially where the Trill were concerned) it was decided that Tochi would serve as a "temporary host" to the imperiled symbiont.

On 31593.6 (28 July 2354), the Chief Medical Officer, under the guidance of the Symbiosis Commission's representative, performed the emergency transfer and Tochi was joined with the symbiont. Without the direct involvement of a Guardian from the Commission to perform the zhian'tara ceremony, Tochi's joining was more than a little traumatic. The sudden influx of 238 years worth of memories from Zai's four previous hosts was a bit much and dealing with the mental cacophony without the benefit of the telepathic Guardian and docents in attendance was a struggle. The newly joined Tochi Zai was temporarily relieved of duty and, initially, limited to his quarters, sick bay, and the office of the ship's counselor, as the Perseus made it's way, first, to Starbase 153 to offload the evacuees, and then to the Trill homeworld to relieve Tochi of his new "burden."

In the span of time it took to reach Trillius Prime, however, the Zai symbiont seemed to have developed some a very strong attachment (no pun intended) to Tochi and, when finally escorted to the Caves of Mak'ala for the zhian'tara, the symbiont expressed it's desire to remain in this "temporary" host. The Guardians and Docents in attendance were shocked as this was a very rare (although not entirely unheard of) occurrence; however, after some discussion, the permanent joining of symbiont and host was allowed. Tochi Zai (now on extended leave from Starfleet) remained on Trill for several months, thereafter, and, under the supervision of the Symbiosis Commission, became more comfortable with the union. Due to the traumatic emergency transference performed aboard the Perseus, there were some lingering effects from that initial joining – like Tochi's propensity to occasionally refer to himself as "we" or "us" that were never fully mitigated, but, after a time, the Commission was satisfied that both Tochi and Zai were fit to return to service with Starfleet. On 31863.9 (November 4, 2354), Tochi Zai was retrieved from Trillius Prime by the U.S.S. Perseus and, resultant of his "selfless actions" in acting as temporary host to his now permanent symbiont, was presented with a commendation and promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

Tochi served aboard the Perseus for six more months as the AFCO before being transferred to Utopia Planetia Shipyards on 32395.6 (May 17, 2355). There he served as a test/shakedown pilot for the Steamrunner project's second production run until a year and a half later when he was, again, reassigned. His next tour saw him filling the role of Assistant Flight Control Officer aboard the New Orleans Class frigate, U.S.S. Choctaw - NCC-61937. Aboard the Choctaw, Tochi served with distinction and swiftly attained the rank of Lieutenant. Shortly after pinning on his Lt pips, Starfleet, once again, assigned him to Utopia Planetia, attached to the Saber-Class project, where he functioned in much the same capacity as he had with the Steamrunner. He remained at with the Shipyards until the christening of the U.S.S. Peregrine, at which time he was appointed CFCO of that particular starship and tasked to deliver the vessel to her new Captain, Silas Drake.

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