Roster for the ,

Lieutenant (junior grade)
Lieutenant (junior grade) Adam Jason Hamilton
Current Assignment:
Chief Medical Officer , USS Charon
Date of Birth:
New Shreveport, Umoth VII
5' 7"
189 lbs
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Physical Description:
At 5’ 7” Adam stands somewhat short of average height, his stocky build further accentuated by the muscle-bound physique he has developed as a consequence of years of active gym use and military training. A slight widening about his midriff, however, points to a laxer use of exercise facilities in more recent years, though this is hardly apparent beneath his loose-fitting regulation blazer.

A strong, square jaw and aquiline nose give a powerful, aggressive slant to his face, though this is softened somewhat by his short-cropped curly blond hair. There is often an inflamed redness about his eyes, indicating a pattern of restless sleep and sporadic alcohol abuse. His uniform is almost invariably spotless, indicating personal standards somewhat in excess of military requirements, and he keeps his clothing tightly pressed and shoes polished on a daily basis.
Family and Background:
Adam was born on the planet of Umoth VII, in what was to become the De-militarised Zone, his parents (both doctors) having moved there to take advantage of better job opportunities in the Federation’s service, some years before his birth. New Shreveport, the city of their residence, was a secondary manufacturing centre populated predominantly by human colonists of South-Western American descent.

Firmly integrated into the local culture, Adam passed through the local educational system with exceptional grades, electing to follow in his parents’ footsteps and begin a medical training course once he had graduated from school. Like most of the other local boys he also enlisted into the Shreveport Rangers, a cadet/ militia outfit organised by the city authorities to provide some measure of military training and bolster the available defence forces in the event of a Cardassian attack. Though the elementary training they received was sound enough, and indeed to stand him in good stead for his future military career, the closest thing to military service he actually saw was when his unit were attached to a force escorting the crew of a downed Union scout craft back to the embassy at New Shreveport.

Situated so close to the border, feelings of anti-Cardassian antipathy ran high: the food replicator incident representing only one in a long chain of acts (and rumours of acts) by the Union to sabotage and undermine the colony’s position. There was a strong local belief that the policy pursued by the bureaucrats back on Earth of talking peace with the Cardassians would be fruitless, and that their necks would be the first on the line when it failed. This bullish stance was, if anything, exaggerated by the precarious state of the colony’s own military position and even the negligible presence which the Union maintained on Umoth VII was the subject of considerable paranoia, and though the modest Federation garrison was enough to prevent any serious incident, no one could have been left in any doubt that the aliens were not wanted there.

Come the 2367 settlement, the Federation Council’s calls for the colony to be abandoned were almost unanimously rejected as an increasingly determined mindset set in among the local population: they would continue to defend their homes even after their government abandoned them. Adam’s parents, tired of living on a frontier that seemed perpetually on the brink of violent explosion and mindful of their own looming retirement, were among the few who gladly accepted the Federation’s offer of resettlement before the 2370 treaty was finally threshed out. Adam, despite a stronger attachment to the planet of his birth and greater susceptibility to the bellicose mood that prevailed at the time, was eventually prevailed upon to accompany them, accepting that he could not finance the last year of his medical course without their help. This is a decision that he has often regretted since.

Transferring to a university on the planet of his new residence Adam was to qualify with above average grades. Harbouring some vague hopes of joining the Maquis and confident that the Federation would soon be pulled into the conflict that was developing along the border he then enlisted with Starfleet, serving as a medical officer aboard the USS Erinys for eighteen months and then, following a promotion as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Salamander, a smaller vessel largely confined to domestic anti-smuggling duties. What sporadic news of events with the DMZ reached him seemed promising enough, the colonies were holding their own with Klingon support and, as the Cardassians appeared increasingly to be falling under the Dominion’s spell, surely political pressure upon the Federation would become so great they would be left with little choice but to come to the aid of their errant colonists.

News of the 2373 offensive, once it reached the Salamander, and the full extent of the devastation became apparent, therefore came as some surprise. Adam fell into a deep and sustained bout of depression, turning increasingly to alcohol to fill the void and becoming unpredictable and aggressive as a result. Eventually he was relieved of his position as it became apparent that he was unable to fulfil his duties and, after a period of psychiatric help it was decided that he had sufficiently cleaned up his act to be returned to active military service. In light of his unblemished service record prior to recent events, and the aptitude he had shown aboard the Erinys and Salamander it was decided his capabilities might be best employed aboard another vessel, the Charon, which was in need of a new Chief Medical Officer as it undertook an active mission into Dominion Space.
Service Record:
Medical History:
Commendations and Reprimands:
Special Skills or Ratings:
Personal Bio:

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