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You are here: Home --> The Armoury --> Khord (dwarf) Name Generator


Khordaldrum (Dwarven) Name Generator

The khordaldrum are the dwarves of Audalis. Our name generator utility will create random given names, surnames, or full names for your use. You may generate a single name, or create up to one hundred dwarf names at a time.

Like most dwarven cultures, khordaldrum given names tend to be short and gutteral sounding. Our utility will allow you to create given names for either males or females. In addition, the generator allows you to choose between two types of surnames - "realistc" and "fantasy".

Realistic surnames are those that remain spoken in the khoraldrum langauge, and follow similar naming conventions to those used in given names. Examples of these include Argrabal, Muladar, Thomek, and Baradun.

Fantasy surnames are those that are commonly seen in most traditional dwarven societies, regardless of game setting. These names tend to consist of references to weapons, stone, crafting, and war. Examples of these include Ironforge, Granitecrusher, Thunderhammer, and Trollhewer.

Given name, surname, or both?
Total number of names to generate
If generating surnames, use realistic or fantasy?

This generator can produce up to 53,906 khord (dwarf) given names.
This generator can produce up to 11,958 khord (dwarf) surnames.
All told, our random khord (dwarf) name generator can produce 644,607,948 possible name combinations.

Thanks for taking the time to use the Red Dragon Inn's Khordaldrum (Dwarven) Name Generator. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, don't hesitate to contact us. While you're here, why not drop by the forums? New players and GMs are always welcome at the Inn!

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