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RPG Myth Breakers - a monthly webcomic
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"Master of the Blade"

What is better - Light Saber of Vorpal Blade?
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Trust the DM
Price: $17.00

Plus Five Womens
Price: $16.00

Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity)
Art: Lance Card (Bromern Sal)

Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Al and Bro are short a volunteer to test the better of two weapons - Light saber vs Vorpal Sword

Lance's thoughts for this strip:

Keywords/tags for this comic: dnd, add, d&d, vorpal, sword, light, saber, rpg, dungeons, dragons Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
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Script for this strip:
MythBreakers: Master of the Blade

Opening Scene: Bromern with Darth Vader holding his light saber

Bro: Today on Mythbreakers, Which is better? Lightsabers?

NF: Alacrity holding a sword in a Scabbard, looking over his shoulder and scratching his head

AL: Or Vorpal Blades? Bro? Who was gonna do the Vorpal fighting for us?

NF: Bromern with cell phone out.

Bro: "That would be Arthur. Let me call him."

*ring ring*

“Hey Arthur. We were just … oh. Really? Morgana is back. Oh. Okay. Umm but . *click*

NF: Bromern putting away phone, avoiding looking at Al, Darth on far side

Bro: "Light sabers vs Vorpal blades! Lord Vader vs Alacrity the Brave!"

NF: Darth and Al looking at each other, Al in distress.

Darth : Very well

Al: What? Are you crazy?

NF: Bro takes Al aside

Bro: Relax Al. It will be fine. I’ll set some ground rules. No one will get hurt.

Al: You sure?

Bro: Sure. Besides I know a Priestess that can resurrect.

NF: Al alone

Al: What! I don’t think she is talking to us right now!

NF: Al and Vader face each other, weapons drawn with Bro between them

Bro: Okay let’s have a clean fight and Darth â€" no force choking

DV: If you insist.

Al: That is your ground rules?

NF: Darth swings, AL blocks and Al sword is cut in two, Bro watches

Al: Is this even Excalbur?

Bro: Oh …umm. I forgot about that.

NF: Al runs to a door marked Disney Supplies closet, slams door, DV follows

DV: Your cowardice is unbecoming.

NF: Door opens All is there but wearing Mickey Mouse ears, Vader stops


NF: DV kneeling before Al

DV: what is your bidding, my Master?

Al: Oh Bromern!!! Force Choking is back on the menu!!!!

Originally posted on June 14th, 2018

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