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Floyd Hobart #19: High School Reunion IV
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You are here: Home --> Adventures of Floyd Hobart
Adventures of Floyd Hobart - a weekly webcomic Updates weekly  

"High School Reunion IV"

The magical die. We all have one.
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Trust the DM
Price: $17.00

Lawful Evil Mens
Price: $14.00

Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity)
Art: Lance Card

Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Floyd seeks out a lost artifact left behind in his locker.

Brittany's thoughts for this strip:

Keywords/tags for this comic: Floyd, Dnd, adnd, dungeons, dragons, dice, professional, dm, Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit

Script for this strip:
Ep19: HSR IV
Opening Scene: School corridor lined with lockers. Floyd walks down the corridor wearing his usual but he has a trench coat on as well. No Text

NF: Floyd at a locker, opening a door and reaching up to the top
FH: Aha. Gotcha.

NF: Floyd looking at a 20 sided die, worn in the corners. Floyd is smiling. No text.
NF: Dason Willet behind Floyd, bumping his elbow, dice follows a dotted line flight to Dason's hand.
FH: Hey!
DW: Is this what I think it is Hobart? The Die. You mean it was here all the time.

NF: Willet holds Die between two fingers and has other hand in the air
DW: Well it is mine now! My own! My ....
FH: if you say Precious I will be forced to kill you. Give that back Willet!

Originally posted on May 17th, 2018

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