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Credits: Script: Olan Suddeth (t_catt11) Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)
Olan's thoughts for this strip:
I continue to lag a bit in getting script put together in a timely fashion, and Brittany is still settling into her new job... but we do have an update. I also have a couple of guest strips by Roel to help us get through. :)
So, the caravan guy died. I wonder if any useful information died with him?
Also, please note that today marks the launch of a brand new webcomic here at the Inn - The Adventures of Floyd Hobart. Please do check out the weekly installments of Floyd, professional DM and gamemaster.
Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
Sorry for the late strip guys, my fault completely. I had a busy work week, so things weren't completely done by Friday. Either way, I hope you all enjoy~
Keywords/tags for this comic: dead guy, looting, consequences, caravan
Listed at and at
Script for this strip:Steve (narrator): "After Faustus reluctantly agrees to bring Krysta, the party moves to check the rest of the caravan."
Steve (narrator): Sadly, you find nothing but overturned and burned wagons along with the bodies of the merchants - including the crumpled form of the wounded man you failed to help.
Rich: "Uh-oh."
Brad: "But we heard that scream, and had to do something!"
Steve: "Okay."
Ray: "You're punishing us for looting the dead instead of helping that guy first, aren't you?"
Amy: "Us??? You were the looter!"
Ray: "C'mon, Steve - you never said he was hurt that bad!"
Steve: "And the fact you didn't bother to check is my fault because...?"
Originally posted on November 10th, 2011
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