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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Recent posts by Salvator Navaar
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Topic: Wanderlust Information Thread
Subject: Alright

So i will throw a post up tonight. Gotta go to work in 15 minutes. lol
(Only question... Is twig a male or female?)

Posted on 2012-09-26 at 12:43:03.

Topic: Wanderlust Recruitment
Subject: OH!

Oh, thank a god i asked. I totally forgot. lol

Posted on 2012-09-21 at 19:37:44.

Topic: Star Wars 'Imperial March' recruitment
Subject: So...

I have no idea if this is even still active, but if it is, i would like to play...

Posted on 2012-09-21 at 02:30:45.

Topic: Wanderlust Recruitment
Subject: So...

We still waiting on other people?

Posted on 2012-09-21 at 00:04:02.

Topic: The Bleeding Lute - Come on in and Play!
Subject: Playing my current character ;)

The sun was settling towards mid-day when Salvator pushed through the tavern door. The grime of the road still clung to his otherwise reasonably nice clothes.
He was not a handsome man, nor was he ugly, but had a 'likeable' face. 'Forgetable' seemed to cover it. His features remarkably plain. His face was clean shaven, and hair undetectable beneath his large, black hat.
The Black hat supported a thin steel band, and a large feather. His loose white shirt stood out beneath the Red cloak he wore, hood down, and slung over a single shoulder.
He also wore thick, dark pants and leather boots.
At his side hung a Saber, and an unloaded cross-bow. No Quarrels, or any other sort of weapons visible.

Bothering only a brief glance about the toor, he made his way to the bar. Taking a seat, he removed his hat and placed it on the counter top beside him. His hair was very short, and held a dark brown hue.
Placing a gloved hand on the bar, he dropped a few silver pieces.
"Whatever two silver will buy me. Keep the third for yourself." He told the server, and finally casting his eyes bout the establishment, and it's patrons....

Posted on 2012-09-20 at 13:57:20.

Topic: Starting a game
Subject: ya

Im down for just about any style of game.

Posted on 2012-09-20 at 13:34:56.

Topic: Wanderlust Recruitment
Subject: ill play

Ill play, if its still open.

Posted on 2012-09-18 at 02:43:48.

Topic: Looking to join a game
Subject: Looking to join a game

I am new to this site, and was hoping to get in on a PBP game. I am most familier with aDnD 2Edition, but am willing to play almost anything. (If the rules are much different from 2Ed. DnD, i may need DM's help and patience)
I am active daily, and would love a somewhat quick paced game. I am also down for IRC gaming.

If anyone is starting a game, or has an open slot in their current game, please hook me up. I needz my Role Playing fix. lol

Posted on 2012-09-08 at 00:32:09.

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