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A Brief Timeline of Audalis

The world of Audalis is perhaps seven thousand years old. It was created (see the history of the gods for one account); evolution, at least of the sort that "science" speaks of today, does not exist. The Sylvari are probably the oldest people in Antaron, though the Khords dispute this. However, the Sylvari histories are by far the most intact. Humans are relative newcomers, having only been around in numbers for less than a thousand years, if that.

Current year: 452, Ethrynian Reckoning.
Historical events (note: until exact dates are used, these are rough approximations):


4600 BER

Arandil Eldros, along with several other Sylvari who would be forgotten, fight and drive Tyrannis out of the world. Eldros would achieve immortal status for the act, and his weapons are considered to be artifacts. While most Sylvari now consider him to be an embellished story, he still watches over the children of Kith-Jora.
1800-1720 BER The Khordaldrum and Sylvari fight a major war (lasting eighty years), incurring heavy losses on both sides. Neither has ever forgotten... nor completely forgiven.
1600 BER Arrival of Anathari on Antaron.
1515-1510 BER Anathari-Sylvarian War.
1200 BER Collapse of the Anathari civilization.
1100 BER Chakrandrum fight the First Ogre war.

750 BER

Chakrandrum are exterminated in the Second Ogre war.
700 BER First Apanonar (modern humans) land in Antaron.
650-630 BER Coria, Ertain, Pardinal are founded.

532 BER

Confederation of Drannon formed as the existing Drannese Empire forms an alliance with the three fledgling kingdoms.
350 BER Second Khordaldrum-Sylvari war is fought, lasting a short nine years. Both sides vow to never again war, and sign a treaty to last for eternity. Neither side fully forgives the other.
198 BER Bayris is founded.

175 BER

Height of Drannon's might; the other human kingdoms are ruled by the empire.
48 BER Ertain, Coria, and Pardinal secede from Drannon.

48-37 BER

Civil war racks the Empire of Drannon.

37 BER

Cilannin ousted as Emperor of Drannon, but takes a large slice of the country with him. Sendria founded.

1 ER

Ethryn, capital city of Ertain, is founded. E.R. time comes into use.
220-223 ER Goblin War (name?). Sir Alon Ramac emerges as the Hero of Ertain, having saved the king's life in battle. Ramac becomes an icon for all that is good and brave.

226 ER

Lord Ramac betrays his wife, family, country, and king out of his lust for a sorceress. The gods strike him and his fortress down for his treachery, and he is cursed to continue in unlife as the death knight of Dranith Keep.
393 ER Tharandul Graystave founds Felarin as a center of magical learning.
431 ER Kyndril Illanian, paladin of Rydor, sacrifices herself to close a dimensional gate and prevent D'Hurgen and Tyrannis from entering Audalis.

452 ER

Conventional "present year" for campaigns. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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