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 Audalis Credits: Credits for all of those who have officially contributed to Audalis.
 Audalis Pronunciation Guide: A much-needed audio file where the webmaster/editor demonstrates how to say some key Audalis names.
 A Brief Timeline of Audalis: The barebones history of the fantasy setting Audalis.
 Introduction to Audalis: An introduction to the unique, community-created fantasy setting of Audalis.
Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis
Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach: Red Dragon Inn - Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach
Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers
Ceredon: Red Dragon Inn - Heroes and Villians - Ceredon
Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal: Red Dragon Inn - Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal
Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman: Red Dragon Inn - Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman
Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man: Red Dragon Inn - Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man
Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn: Red Dragon Inn - Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn
Cardista - Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Telamor - God of Artistry: Telamor, god of artistry and creativity - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Vilathera - Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, goddess of the hunt - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Yanamari: Red Dragon Inn - Yanamari - Imperial Cartographer, bard, and artist
Amcardome: Red Dragon Inn - Artwork - Amcardome
Jusarin - God of Knowledge: Jusarin, god of knowledge and magic -- the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Tyrannis - Goddess of Evil and Trechery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery, for the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Kith-Jora - God of Nature: Kith-jora, god of nature and of the Sylvari, for the Audalis campaign setting
Shinara - Goddess Of Luck: Shinara, goddess of luck in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
Lysora - Goddess of Healing: Lysroa, goddess of healing in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 The Khordal Kingdom: A description of life in, and the creation of, the city of Khordal, the kingdom of Khordaldrum in Audalis.
 The City of Felarin: The City of Felarin for the Audalis Fantasy Setting
 The Chindari Plains: The Chindari Plains of the Audalis Fantasy Setting
 The City State of Bayris: The City State of Bayris for the Audalis fantasy setting
 The Artarian Reach: The Artarian Reach is home to the Vidarak, a race of fierce, seagoing humans. Learn of the Vidarak culture, history, and religion in this article dedicated to the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 The Empire of Drannon: The Empire of Drannon in the Audalis fantasy world setting
 The Kingdom of Coria: The Kingdom of Coria for the Audalis Fantasy World Setting
 The Kingdom of Pardinal: The Kingdom of Pardinal from the Audalis Fantasy World Setting
 The Titan's Walk Reefs: The Titan's Walk Reefs - a perilous region of the oceans south of Antaron. Home to the serpentlike, sea dwelling dagots.
 Gaela and Lleua, Goddesses of the Moons: The origin story of Gaela and Lleua, the goddesses of the moons. A tale of lust, deceit, and independence.
 Lona's Heir: The story of Lona's Heir, from the Legends of Audalis contest
 The Ascension of Coiawen, Or The Fall of Nyssa: The Sylvari legend of the redemption and ascension of Coiawen, The Daughter of Healing.
 Of the Third Race of Man; the Origins of Coria, Ertain, and Pardinal: legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Al'Anathar (The Anathari):
 The Legend of Starfire: The legend of Elen'nuar - the peerless blade knows as Starfire in human tounges.
 Lord Ramac - Death Knight of Dranith Keep: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy game setting
 The Box of Wonders: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Kith-jora's Fury: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Aranthea's Heart: Legends of Audalis fantasy Game Setting
 War of Serpents, The Legend of Arandil Eldros: Legends of Audalis fantasy Game Setting
 Amerak and the Ogre Raid: Legends of Audalis Fantasy geame Setting
 Dozip-aurij Caurak (Water-serpent Cavern):
 Borodan Hardfest and the Spidered Valleys: Legends of Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 The Caves of Madness: legends of Audalis Fantasy Game setting - Khords
 The First Snowfall of Audalis: legends of the Audalis fantasy setting
 The Seed of Life: Legends of Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Laughter Among Trees: Legends of Audalis setting
 The Division of Darkness and Light: More origins stories for Audalis
 Light of the First Ones: The Legends of the First ones to Audalis
 Sybastion's Solar Flare: Spell of Audalis
 The Tides of Magic: magic in audalis
 Khordal - The Khordaldrum Kingdom: Khordal - The Khordaldrum Kingdom, Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari Kingdom: Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari - Audalis Fantasy game setting
 Londelirinen - Central Sylvari Kingdom: Londelirinen - Central Sylvari Kingdom, Audalis Fantasy Game Setting
 Alloryen, Northern Sylvari Kingdom: Alloryen, Northern Sylvari Kingdom - Audalis game Setting
 Pardinal: Map of Pardinal, Audalis World Setting
 Empire of Drannon: Map of Drannon, Audalis Fantasy Setting
 City of Davnor: City of Davnor, Audalis fantasy Game setting
 Trade City of Calestra:
 Sendria: Map of Sendria, Audalis Fantasy setting
 Coria: A brief description of the kingdom of Coria, in the world of Audalis
 Kingdom of Ertain: A description of the kingdom of Ertain, in the world of Audalis!
 Port City of Bayris:
 Trade Routes in Antaron:
 Continent of Antaron: A map and description of the continent of Antaron, and it's exotic, lands.
 Cliaraí Character Class (2e): The Cliaraí are Telamor's special servants - these variant clerics use music to cast spells for the god of artistry.
 The Gilskalos Connection: A look into the world of Gilskalos Astrology, including a calendar, timeline, and the ancient method of predicting the future.
 The Gemhound Paragon Path (4e): A Paragon Path for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting.
 The Gemhound Prest Class (3.5e): A prestige class for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting.
 Currency in Antaron: This article deals with the various types of currency seen in circulation across Antaron, the major continent of Audalis.
 Languages of Antaron: A guide to the various languages spoken in Antaton, the main continent of the Audalis campaign world.
 The Bridge: A slow song sung by men before a battle or after to honour the dead.
 The History of Coria: The complete history of the great Audalis Kingdom of Coria. Not for the fair-weather RPer!
 The Ethrynian Calendar: The calender for the Audalis campaign setting
 Prayer to Therassor: A traditional prayer to the Audalis god of just battles, Therassor
 Kelvar'heru (Animal Lord): A kit for the Ranger class in second edition dungeons and dragons. A great option for animal lovers :)
 Sylvari Funeral Song: An old folk song sung at Syvari (elven) funerals.
 Runemaster Character Class (2e): A new class for the Audalis campaign setting which focuses on dwarven runes to grant power. Compatible with second edition dungeons and dragons.
 Bladesinger Character Class (2e): An Audalis version of the Elven Bladesinger character class, compatible with second edition Dungeons and Dragons.
 Beers of Antaron: Descriptions of a few beers for the Fantasy (D&D) gaming world of Audalis.
 The Spiderguard: The spiderguard are an elite group of khordaldum soldiers who specialize in defending their kingdom from subterranean monsters.
 The Seekers of Sendria: The Seekers of Sendria are a small, elite branch of the Sendrian military. Read about this units whose sole purpose is to seek (and kill) selected individuals for their country.
 The Mercenary Guild: A description of the mercenary guild, an organization that offers some of the best-trained and most qualified soldiers to the lords of Antaron.
 The Mark of the Jaik: World of Audalis - Mark of The Jaik
 The Order of The Cloak: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - Coria - the Order of the Cloak
 The Military of Coria: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - The Corian Military
 The Guttersnipes: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - Guttersnipes
 The Hart-La-Nen (Aquatic Knights): The World of Audalis - Aquatic Knights of the Lendoreans
 Il'ele'draugio - (the Unseen Wolves): Secret Society in Bayris, Audalis
 Riders of the Storm: Riders of the Storm. An elite military organization of aerial (griffon) cavalry.
 Government of the Sylvari: Government of the Sylvari in the audalis game setting
 The Circle of Arcane Enlightenment: The Circle of Arcane Enlightenment is an elite magical society in the campaign world of Audalis. Learn its secrets and organizaion from this article.
 Bófir: The bófir are a race of powerful, bovine-esque people.
 NPC of Note: Tharandul Graystave: NPC of Note: Tharandul Graystave
 NPC of Note: Rolanti Stormseeker: NPC of Note: Rolanti Stormseeker
 NPC of Note: Belgerath Ninefingers: NPC of Note: Belgerath Ninefingers
 NPC of Note: Lycon Aspenbough: NPC of Note: Lycon Aspenbough
 The Yanathera: The Yanathera are a matriarchal society in the campaign setting of Audalis. This article speaks of their cultural, religion, and social values.
 The Ungoulid: Ungoulid for the Audalis Fantasy Setting
 The Cidals: Cidals are the halflings of Audalis. There are three distinct subraces - Stumps, Picks, and Loavens.
 The Brathunspar: gnomes, ad&d, fantasy, audalis
 The Slaa'kar: Slaa'kar, fantasy, ad&d, lizard men, audalis
 The Kazari: kazari, ad&d, races, audalis, fantasy
 The Kelden: keldren, ad&d, audalis, fantasy, races
 Chakrandrum: Chakrandrum, dwarves, audalis, ad&d, fantasy, rpg
 The Khordaldrum: dwarves, audalis, fantasy, khords, khordaldrum, ad&D
 Races in Audalis: audalis, AD&D, worlds, fantasy
 Isles of Tiborn: Gilskalos, ad&d, fantasy, worlds, audalis
 The Kachiri Isles (Len-Dore): D&D, fantasy, worlds, Island, audalis
 Religion in Audalis: A summary for how religion works in the Audalis campaign setting.
Good Deities
 Rydor - Greater God of Order, Justice, and Truth: The lord of the good deities and the father of the gods of Audalis.
 Lysora, Greater Goddess of Health, Healing, and Kindness: The blue lady, who sees to the health and hearts of the people of Audalis.
 Solanis, Greater God of Light, Life, and the Sun: This shining god is extremely popular across Audalis, where he brings the light of the sun to shine against any darkness.
 Oriana, Greater Goddess of Love and Passion: The Lady of Hearts holds domain over love, passion, and lust among the people of Audalis.
 Miellyah, Lesser Goddess of Fertility and Growth: One of the most commonly revered deities in Audalis, one can find followers of this goddess of fertility and growth almost anywhere.
 Therassor, Lesser God of Righteous Battle: The Honored General has a smaller following than many, but his servants are respected for their efforts to protect the weak from the horrors of war.
 Falloes, Lesser God of the Hopeless, Lost, and Needy: The Helping Hand of Audalis, Falloes provides hope to the hopeless, help to those who are beyond help.
 Merca, Lesser Goddess of Duty and Honor: This trusted servant of Rydor is tireless in the discharge of her duties, and resolute in their vows.
 Erna, Lesser Goddess of Hope: No matter how grim the situation, servants of this resilient goddess stand against the darkness as beacons of light among the despair.
 Satta, Lesser Goddess of Peace: This servant of Oriana seeks to end conflict everywhere.
 Armon, Lesser God of Mercy and Second Chances: Those who seek redemption, who wish to make things right, who embrace mercy instead of vengeance seek the face of this god.
Neutral Deities
 Jusarin, Greater God of Knowledge and Magic: All of those who treasure learning or seek knowledge - both divine and mundane - pay homage to Jusarin.
 Shinara, Greater Goddess of Luck, Chance, and Fortune: The Scarlet Mistress is one of the most popular deities in Audalis; there are very few who do not seek her blessing from time to time.
 Kith-jora, Greater of Nature, Patron of the Sylvari: The Father of the Golden Leaf is the lord of all nature. While he is worshipped in many places, he does view the sylvari as his special children.
 Kharox, God of Crafting: Kharox, God of Crafting - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alvareon, Goddess of Prophecy and Fate: Alvareon, goddess of prophecy and fate - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Telamor, God of Artistry: Telamor, God of Artistry - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Cardista, Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Valdorn, God of Dreams and Dreaming: Valdorn, god of dreams and dreaming - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Khamaruz - God of Winter: Khamaruz, God of Winter - The Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
Evil Deities
 Tyrannis, Goddess of Evil and Treachery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 D'hurgen, God of Death: D'hurgen, god of death and decay - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Garghas, God of Disease: Garghas, God of Disease - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Sharlys, Goddess of Fear: Sharlys, Goddess of Fear - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Bakloran, God of War: Bakloran, the God of War - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Anskar, God of Storms & Pride: Thadril Anskar, God of Storms & Pride - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alanus, God of Greed: Alanus, God of Greed - the Audalis Campaign Setting for D&D.
 Salerna, Goddess of Pain: Salerna, Goddess of Pain - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Thirkell, God of Trickery: Thirkell, God of Trickery - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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