| Audalis Credits: Credits for all of those who have officially contributed to Audalis. |
| Audalis Pronunciation Guide: A much-needed audio file where the webmaster/editor demonstrates how to say some key Audalis names. |
| A Brief Timeline of Audalis: The barebones history of the fantasy setting Audalis. |
| Introduction to Audalis: An introduction to the unique, community-created fantasy setting of Audalis. |
Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Cast - Magical Adventurers of Audalis |
Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach: Red Dragon Inn - Leema Krags - Treacherous Krags of the Artarian Reach |
Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers: Red Dragon Inn - Those Who Pray - Faithful Acolytes of Audalis Powers |
Ceredon: Red Dragon Inn - Heroes and Villians - Ceredon |
Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal: Red Dragon Inn - Halfling and Companion - A Female Cidal |
Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman: Red Dragon Inn - Female Slaa'kar - Lizard woman |
Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man: Red Dragon Inn - Slaa'kar Warrior - Lizard man |
Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn: Red Dragon Inn - Gilskalo Warrior - Isle of Tiborn |
Cardista - Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Telamor - God of Artistry: Telamor, god of artistry and creativity - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Vilathera - Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, goddess of the hunt - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Yanamari: Red Dragon Inn - Yanamari - Imperial Cartographer, bard, and artist |
Amcardome: Red Dragon Inn - Artwork - Amcardome |
Jusarin - God of Knowledge: Jusarin, god of knowledge and magic -- the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Tyrannis - Goddess of Evil and Trechery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery, for the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Kith-Jora - God of Nature: Kith-jora, god of nature and of the Sylvari, for the Audalis campaign setting |
Shinara - Goddess Of Luck: Shinara, goddess of luck in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
Lysora - Goddess of Healing: Lysroa, goddess of healing in the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| The Khordal Kingdom: A description of life in, and the creation of, the city of Khordal, the kingdom of Khordaldrum in Audalis. |
| The City of Felarin: The City of Felarin for the Audalis Fantasy Setting |
| The Chindari Plains: The Chindari Plains of the Audalis Fantasy Setting |
| The City State of Bayris: The City State of Bayris for the Audalis fantasy setting |
| The Artarian Reach: The Artarian Reach is home to the Vidarak, a race of fierce, seagoing humans. Learn of the Vidarak culture, history, and religion in this article dedicated to the Audalis campaign setting for D&D. |
| The Empire of Drannon: The Empire of Drannon in the Audalis fantasy world setting |
| The Kingdom of Coria: The Kingdom of Coria for the Audalis Fantasy World Setting |
| The Kingdom of Pardinal: The Kingdom of Pardinal from the Audalis Fantasy World Setting |
| The Titan's Walk Reefs: The Titan's Walk Reefs - a perilous region of the oceans south of Antaron. Home to the serpentlike, sea dwelling dagots. |
| Gaela and Lleua, Goddesses of the Moons: The origin story of Gaela and Lleua, the goddesses of the moons. A tale of lust, deceit, and independence. |
| Lona's Heir: The story of Lona's Heir, from the Legends of Audalis contest |
| The Ascension of Coiawen, Or The Fall of Nyssa: The Sylvari legend of the redemption and ascension of Coiawen, The Daughter of Healing. |
| Of the Third Race of Man; the Origins of Coria, Ertain, and Pardinal: legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Al'Anathar (The Anathari): |
| The Legend of Starfire: The legend of Elen'nuar - the peerless blade knows as Starfire in human tounges. |
| Lord Ramac - Death Knight of Dranith Keep: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy game setting |
| The Box of Wonders: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Kith-jora's Fury: Legends of the Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Aranthea's Heart: Legends of Audalis fantasy Game Setting |
| War of Serpents, The Legend of Arandil Eldros: Legends of Audalis fantasy Game Setting |
| Amerak and the Ogre Raid: Legends of Audalis Fantasy geame Setting |
| Dozip-aurij Caurak (Water-serpent Cavern): |
| Borodan Hardfest and the Spidered Valleys: Legends of Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| The Caves of Madness: legends of Audalis Fantasy Game setting - Khords |
| The First Snowfall of Audalis: legends of the Audalis fantasy setting |
| The Seed of Life: Legends of Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Laughter Among Trees: Legends of Audalis setting |
| The Division of Darkness and Light: More origins stories for Audalis |
| Light of the First Ones: The Legends of the First ones to Audalis |
| Sybastion's Solar Flare: Spell of Audalis |
| The Tides of Magic: magic in audalis |
| Khordal - The Khordaldrum Kingdom: Khordal - The Khordaldrum Kingdom, Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari Kingdom: Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari - Audalis Fantasy game setting |
| Londelirinen - Central Sylvari Kingdom: Londelirinen - Central Sylvari Kingdom, Audalis Fantasy Game Setting |
| Alloryen, Northern Sylvari Kingdom: Alloryen, Northern Sylvari Kingdom - Audalis game Setting |
| Pardinal: Map of Pardinal, Audalis World Setting |
| Empire of Drannon: Map of Drannon, Audalis Fantasy Setting |
| City of Davnor: City of Davnor, Audalis fantasy Game setting |
| Trade City of Calestra: |
| Sendria: Map of Sendria, Audalis Fantasy setting |
| Coria: A brief description of the kingdom of Coria, in the world of Audalis |
| Kingdom of Ertain: A description of the kingdom of Ertain, in the world of Audalis! |
| Port City of Bayris: |
| Trade Routes in Antaron: |
| Continent of Antaron: A map and description of the continent of Antaron, and it's exotic, lands. |
| Cliaraí Character Class (2e): The Cliaraí are Telamor's special servants - these variant clerics use music to cast spells for the god of artistry. |
| The Gilskalos Connection: A look into the world of Gilskalos Astrology, including a calendar, timeline, and the ancient method of predicting the future. |
| The Gemhound Paragon Path (4e): A Paragon Path for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting. |
| The Gemhound Prest Class (3.5e): A prestige class for the Khordaldrum race in the Audalis setting. |
| Currency in Antaron: This article deals with the various types of currency seen in circulation across Antaron, the major continent of Audalis. |
| Languages of Antaron: A guide to the various languages spoken in Antaton, the main continent of the Audalis campaign world. |
| The Bridge: A slow song sung by men before a battle or after to honour the dead. |
| The History of Coria: The complete history of the great Audalis Kingdom of Coria. Not for the fair-weather RPer! |
| The Ethrynian Calendar: The calender for the Audalis campaign setting |
| Prayer to Therassor: A traditional prayer to the Audalis god of just battles, Therassor |
| Kelvar'heru (Animal Lord): A kit for the Ranger class in second edition dungeons and dragons. A great option for animal lovers :) |
| Sylvari Funeral Song: An old folk song sung at Syvari (elven) funerals. |
| Runemaster Character Class (2e): A new class for the Audalis campaign setting which focuses on dwarven runes to grant power. Compatible with second edition dungeons and dragons. |
| Bladesinger Character Class (2e): An Audalis version of the Elven Bladesinger character class, compatible with second edition Dungeons and Dragons. |
| Beers of Antaron: Descriptions of a few beers for the Fantasy (D&D) gaming world of Audalis. |
| The Spiderguard: The spiderguard are an elite group of khordaldum soldiers who specialize in defending their kingdom from subterranean monsters. |
| The Seekers of Sendria: The Seekers of Sendria are a small, elite branch of the Sendrian military. Read about this units whose sole purpose is to seek (and kill) selected individuals for their country. |
| The Mercenary Guild: A description of the mercenary guild, an organization that offers some of the best-trained and most qualified soldiers to the lords of Antaron. |
| The Mark of the Jaik: World of Audalis - Mark of The Jaik |
| The Order of The Cloak: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - Coria - the Order of the Cloak |
| The Military of Coria: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - The Corian Military |
| The Guttersnipes: The Red Dragon Inn - the World of Audalis - Guttersnipes |
| The Hart-La-Nen (Aquatic Knights): The World of Audalis - Aquatic Knights of the Lendoreans |
| Il'ele'draugio - (the Unseen Wolves): Secret Society in Bayris, Audalis |
| Riders of the Storm: Riders of the Storm. An elite military organization of aerial (griffon) cavalry. |
| Government of the Sylvari: Government of the Sylvari in the audalis game setting |
| The Circle of Arcane Enlightenment: The Circle of Arcane Enlightenment is an elite magical society in the campaign world of Audalis. Learn its secrets and organizaion from this article. |
| Bófir: The bófir are a race of powerful, bovine-esque people. |
| NPC of Note: Tharandul Graystave: NPC of Note: Tharandul Graystave |
| NPC of Note: Rolanti Stormseeker: NPC of Note: Rolanti Stormseeker |
| NPC of Note: Belgerath Ninefingers: NPC of Note: Belgerath Ninefingers |
| NPC of Note: Lycon Aspenbough: NPC of Note: Lycon Aspenbough |
| The Yanathera: The Yanathera are a matriarchal society in the campaign setting of Audalis. This article speaks of their cultural, religion, and social values. |
| The Ungoulid: Ungoulid for the Audalis Fantasy Setting |
| The Cidals: Cidals are the halflings of Audalis. There are three distinct subraces - Stumps, Picks, and Loavens. |
| The Brathunspar: gnomes, ad&d, fantasy, audalis |
| The Slaa'kar: Slaa'kar, fantasy, ad&d, lizard men, audalis |
| The Kazari: kazari, ad&d, races, audalis, fantasy |
| The Kelden: keldren, ad&d, audalis, fantasy, races |
| Chakrandrum: Chakrandrum, dwarves, audalis, ad&d, fantasy, rpg |
| The Khordaldrum: dwarves, audalis, fantasy, khords, khordaldrum, ad&D |
| Races in Audalis: audalis, AD&D, worlds, fantasy |
| Raven: |
| Isles of Tiborn: Gilskalos, ad&d, fantasy, worlds, audalis |
| The Kachiri Isles (Len-Dore): D&D, fantasy, worlds, Island, audalis |
| Religion in Audalis: A summary for how religion works in the Audalis campaign setting. |
| Good Deities
| Rydor - Greater God of Order, Justice, and Truth: The lord of the good deities and the father of the gods of Audalis. |
| Lysora, Greater Goddess of Health, Healing, and Kindness: The blue lady, who sees to the health and hearts of the people of Audalis. |
| Solanis, Greater God of Light, Life, and the Sun: This shining god is extremely popular across Audalis, where he brings the light of the sun to shine against any darkness. |
| Oriana, Greater Goddess of Love and Passion: The Lady of Hearts holds domain over love, passion, and lust among the people of Audalis. |
| Miellyah, Lesser Goddess of Fertility and Growth: One of the most commonly revered deities in Audalis, one can find followers of this goddess of fertility and growth almost anywhere. |
| Therassor, Lesser God of Righteous Battle: The Honored General has a smaller following than many, but his servants are respected for their efforts to protect the weak from the horrors of war. |
| Falloes, Lesser God of the Hopeless, Lost, and Needy: The Helping Hand of Audalis, Falloes provides hope to the hopeless, help to those who are beyond help. |
| Merca, Lesser Goddess of Duty and Honor: This trusted servant of Rydor is tireless in the discharge of her duties, and resolute in their vows. |
| Erna, Lesser Goddess of Hope: No matter how grim the situation, servants of this resilient goddess stand against the darkness as beacons of light among the despair. |
| Satta, Lesser Goddess of Peace: This servant of Oriana seeks to end conflict everywhere. |
| Armon, Lesser God of Mercy and Second Chances: Those who seek redemption, who wish to make things right, who embrace mercy instead of vengeance seek the face of this god. |
| Neutral Deities
| Jusarin, Greater God of Knowledge and Magic: All of those who treasure learning or seek knowledge - both divine and mundane - pay homage to Jusarin. |
| Shinara, Greater Goddess of Luck, Chance, and Fortune: The Scarlet Mistress is one of the most popular deities in Audalis; there are very few who do not seek her blessing from time to time. |
| Kith-jora, Greater of Nature, Patron of the Sylvari: The Father of the Golden Leaf is the lord of all nature. While he is worshipped in many places, he does view the sylvari as his special children. |
| Kharox, God of Crafting: Kharox, God of Crafting - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |
| Alvareon, Goddess of Prophecy and Fate: Alvareon, goddess of prophecy and fate - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D. |
| Telamor, God of Artistry: Telamor, God of Artistry - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |
| Cardista, Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D. |
| Valdorn, God of Dreams and Dreaming: Valdorn, god of dreams and dreaming - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| Khamaruz - God of Winter: Khamaruz, God of Winter - The Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |
| Evil Deities
| Tyrannis, Goddess of Evil and Treachery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| D'hurgen, God of Death: D'hurgen, god of death and decay - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| Garghas, God of Disease: Garghas, God of Disease - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| Sharlys, Goddess of Fear: Sharlys, Goddess of Fear - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |
| Bakloran, God of War: Bakloran, the God of War - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D |
| Anskar, God of Storms & Pride: Thadril Anskar, God of Storms & Pride - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |
| Alanus, God of Greed: Alanus, God of Greed - the Audalis Campaign Setting for D&D. |
| Salerna, Goddess of Pain: Salerna, Goddess of Pain - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D. |
| Thirkell, God of Trickery: Thirkell, God of Trickery - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D. |