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Continent of Antaron

By the grace of light and dark, wind and water, earth and sky lies the land blessed and cursed of man, elf, lay folk, and beasts. Antaron of Audalis. Here begins the tale of the people, their lives and loves, hatreds and fears. Adventurers one and all... - Jusarin, Books of the First Age

Several places on the map are linked to more detailed areas: the city of Bayris, the countries of Ertain, Coria, Sendria, Drannon, Pardinal, the three kingdoms of Sylvaria, the elven Empire, and the underground capital of Khordal, kingdom of the dwarves. Click on any for a detailed view of the appropriate region.

Continent of Antaron

Bayris Land of lumberjacks and farmers, Bayris is the port city where all of the peoples of the plains and forests go to taste civilization. Bayris is the stopping point for honest men, braggarts, pirates, and traders. Merchants own and rule this land, no king has ever flown their coat of arms here.

Ertain Peoples of Ertain include those of paladins, mages, and rangers. The country has a long, prestious history of holy warriors and kings. To the far north, in a magical wood, mages have congregated in the only mageacracy in Antaron, in the hidden city of Felarin. But it is a land that is at constant war, with Sendria and its haunted past. Fear ye the terrors of Dranith and its death knight and the Tower of Veldran.

Coria Traders and ambassdors live in a strange harmony in this land of Coria. It holds in its borders the only city of common control between man and elves, Quevin. Here, kingdoms discuss problems and start treaties. To the north, the largest city of all Antaron resides, the pearl of man, Calestra. All things made or found can be purchased or sought in this city of endless opportunity. To the south are the orchards and vineyards that create some of the greatest wines of man. Yet, like all lands, darkness roams.

Pardinal Nation of sailors and simple folk, Pardinal is a place many seek to build families, retire to, or seek the olden ways. Those of the druids and rangers seek the peace and beauty of this land. So to do knights and ladies fair look to the verdant meadows, gleaming castles, and courts of love, dance, merryment, and tournaments. Drannon Ancient in history yet failing through the ages, the first true kingdom of Antaron is Drannon. Bespeaking of mysteries, the gentle people of this land have turned to war and protection. Theirs are the horse breeders and architects. But few are enjoyed as visitors in these lands, as wars with Sendria and Ertain continue to flare.

Sendria Dark and foreboding, all evil is believed to live in the heart of Sendria. Thieves, cowards, beserkers, and mages driven mad all seek the power and seduction of this land. To the east lie skeletal hordes. To the west reside ghosts. And in the center is the diamond in the tiara of tyranny, Davnor, and the home of Amer'Loc.

Khordal Deep in the stony cliffs and mountains of the borth lives the dwarven nation of Khordal. Secret and stern, the men and women of the earth remain hidden in their great carved halls and ancient ways of stone working, war, and strength.

Kachiri Islands To the south of the Blood plains rests the isles and peoples of the Len Dore. They are a people of the sea, filled with the song of the whale, heart of the dolphin, and spirit of the shark. The kingdoms call these the Kachiri Islands.

Blood Plains The land north of the Kachiri Islands is a land bathed in blood and tradition. The Blood Plains, ruled by the barbarian tribes of the Arvox Collyra, who treasure their horses and their women as prized possessions. They are an extremely warlike people, constantly at war between their own tribes. Once in a few seasons, a warrior will name himself Na'touk of the tribes and wage war on neighbors, in particular the people of the Chindari Plains. Because of this fighting and the lifestyle of the Kachiri Islands, trade is only conducted via boats to trade routes around the Kachiri's and up to Bayris. Travel across Antaron would require tempting the tempests of anger that are the Arvox Collyra.

Titan's Walk Reefs Beautiful but deadly, few captains travel near these pillars and reefs. Natural coral of rainbow hues fill these waters of greens and purple-blues. Admist the reefs, the width of 3 galleons, stand broken marble columns. These columns could have been the archways and roads of the gods. None are quite sure. And none dare get close enough to investigate...

Capasha A northern set of islands of a long set of islands surrounded by the Titan's Walk. None have reached these islands, and a very few even know they exist. The Kazari live here; a catlike people who enjoy pranks as much as war. South of these islands is set of volcano islands with angry black clouds above them. These are the lands once believed to be the battle grounds between Tyrannis and Arandil Eldros.

Brathnaii Hallows An isolated people live in these hollowed out hills. Sheering winds from the sea scour the land, leaving bushes, grasslands, and flowers. Few visitors travel here due to the winds, reefs, and fear of upsetting the elves who control all of the land routes there.

Artarian Reach Home to the seafaring peoples called the Vidar. These strong men and women travel great distances by ship, bringing back amazing treasures and stranges languages. They have few settlements, but call Dun Kav'r their home, near the Leema Krags.

Hidden Isles of Cal'ele'miur Throughout the history of Antaron, war has errupted between men, dwarves, elves, and other races and creatures. During these ages, magical races, creatures, and peoples left Antaron. Seeking safety from the horrors of war, they found a set of northern isles. They settled here and called them Cal'ele'miur. To safeguard themselves, they called upon Cardista to aid them. Some of these races and creatures were taken into service by the goddess as guardians. They became mist and the seafolk. The isles have been protected for ages by the sparkling mists and guardians hidden in the depths of the seas.

Thanks to Yanamari for this contribution!


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