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Taken from the sparkle of Shinara's eye, so is the tale of Coria's past and future. - Jusarin, Books of the Ages


Coria is a land of lawful ambassadors of men and elves as well as ruffians and merchants always seeking the greater deal just around the corner. Myths and legends tell of Shinara's love of the lands of elves and her attraction to the fire of men's hearts. And from that love of two that many peoples never thought would work together, she created Coria. Far to the north lies Aeroch Nor, a ruin from the olden times that none have seen since the age of its fall. What it is, and where, truly none but Jusarin are believed to know. Not too far south of this place is the Lake of Heroes. Here the rising and falling stars of heroes' lives come. Long ago, pilgrimmages were made to this lake to bless children and warriors from its waters. Now a sect of monks watch over the serene place in a monestary of gnarled oaks. To the south of the lake resides the jewel of all Antaron, the largest and greatest city of men. Calestra. All trade begins and ends here. Merchants, mercenaries, artisans, blacksmiths, priests, wizards, and nobles all visit the great tiered city in their lifetime. The city is a maze of styles, old and new buildings, waterways, homes, and businesses. The city is tiered, some rising above others, others sinking below the rest. There seems no reason behind the madness of its streets and waterways. But above every gate or next to every road is a green and silver star of Shinara's blessing. Near Calestra, are two sites of major importance. The first is Mycen Castle, home of a gentle family of kings and queens who watch out for the welfare of Coria. And to the east is Quevin. Here elves and men meet to discuss treaties, disputes, and celebrations. It is the ambassadorial center for all races, and it is the home of the Knights of Aina'rutha. To the center of the nation lies the Klais Chasom. It is a place devoid of plantlife, prowled by strange dogs called coyotes and lizards. It is a dry place, but majestic and beautiful in its colors of orange, yellow, rust, and turquiose. And as the sun sets, it comes to a fiery life. To the west of Klais, is Elanfalee. This solumn city carries with it the last vestiages of the elves who once ruled all of the lands. Stone and tree rise into graceful shapes, wrapping and living around the homes men have built. At night, soft songs in ancient elven drift the inhabitants to rest. The Path of Adepts of Jusarin call this mystical city their home. South of the Indigo river lies Coria, the capital of this nation. Here lives the long line of kings. Unlike most nations, the king or queen of Coria does not arise from the local aristocracy, but from the warriors, priests, mages, bards, rogues, and peasants of the entire nation. Once a lifetime, one is born bearing the mark of the ancient oak, the symbol of Coria. When they come of age, they seek the walls of the great city. And as they enter the throne room, the current ruler accepts the peace of the afterlife, dying. The remaining cities, townships, and keeps are those of a land touched by the elves yet built by the desires of man. Few castles are large and tall. Few keeps consume the land around them. Most are small with large villages and towns about their walls. But of all places in Coria, only one shakes the soul of those who draw near...the Tower of Veldran. It is said a mage of incredible power built this as his home, went mad, and destroyed himself. Rumors speak of his ghost walking its halls and watching from its windows.

Thanks to Yanamari for this contribution!


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