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NPC of Note: Tharandul Graystave

Tharandul Graystave
Male Human Mage (level 12)
True Neutral

Age: 85
Str: 7
Dex: 13
Con: 15
Int: 18
Wis: 14
Cha: 13
HP: 38/38

    A powerful mage known most for his vision - the city of Felarin. Tired of the distrust and persecution that magic users often face, Tharandul invested all of his wealth into a tower, and opened that tower as a haven for users of the arcane arts.
    His dream became wildly sucessful, and practicioners of both arcane and divine magic
began to settle around that original tower. Now, Felarin is the largest concentration of magical knowledge anywhere in Audalis. An actual school of magic exists there, along with shops peddling magical components of all sorts... coexisting with temples devoted to several different faiths. Additionally, Tharandul founded the library there, as a place for the exchanging of arcane knowledge.
    Tharandul has mellowed quite a bit in his age; once a fiery young man, his major interests now lie in furthering his own knowledge (not necessarily power, though the two often go hand in hand), and looking after an old cat. He almost never leaves the city of Felarin anymore, and seems to be quite content to live out the remainder of his days in the city he founded.
    Tharandul holds an important place in society, but will still interact with the common folk. It is doubtful, however, that he would directly aid a group of adventurers. He is very generous with magical knowledge toward weaker mages, feeling that it furthers the purpose of magic in Audalis.
    His tower contains quite a trove of magical items; following is a typical list you might find on his person.


Staff of lightning
Gray robes of the Archmage
Rod of summoning
Bag of holding
Potion of invulnerability

Wand of fireballs
Potion of restoration
Ring of improved invisibility
Potion of mist form

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Thanks to Olan Suddeth for this contribution!


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