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City of Davnor

City of Davnor

Davnor, City of Tempation, Captial of Sendria Davnor is a city of death and life. Ruled by a council called the Inner Circle and an unknown rulership on the isle of Amer'Loc, the city is a thriving commerce of trade (2nd only to Calestra), politics, information, and all things illegal. It is said, one could find a good meal, comfortable bed, affordable whore, and informative tales of the kings of Sendria all on one city block.

  1. Lord Dedrix Keth, Master mage of necromancy, works for Lady Constance Sibbet, the Lady's Lament. He is a rotund man with a penchant for the undead.
  2. Piers Aelfgar, Lord of Davnor, Hand of Amer'Loc. Not much is known about this powerful man, but it is well known he answers only to the call of Amer'Loc. Even Cole has yet to learn of his vices. He is the safest man in all of Sendria, for none would dare harm or impede the hand of Amer'Loc.
  3. Church of D'hurgen and home of High Priestess Amcardome, Priestess of D'hurgen, who works for Piers Aelfgar, Hand of Amer'Loc. She is an elven lady who carries out the will of the god of death. She has also been seen in the "intimate" company of Piers Aelfgar.
  4. Courthouse of Davnor and home to the Beautific Vices thieves guild. Cole Jamesson, The Saint of Davnor, Lord of Shinara's Horde, Guildmaster of the Beautific Vices. Cole is a master thief and merchant who began on the streets, moved up through drug production and selling, and now owns a great deal of Davnor and its patrons. He is the man behind one of Antaron's strongest thieves guilds. It is said, he can tell you what the Lord of Bayris had for breakfast by lunchtime. Abban the White, guildmaster of the Holy Avengers (assassin guild), works for The Saint. Abban is a short but lively man of the arts of stage and song. But he is also well known for his precision as master assassin.
  5. Church of Bakloran and home of Priest Calx and the Blood Guard. Priest Calx is a private man unless a war errupts. At those times, he leads the troups to battle, calling upon the unholy power of Bakloran.
  6. Magnus Kyrre, Bloodied Blade of the Blood Guard, works for Raeburn Tebald of the Blood Guard of Bakloran. Magus is a elder gentleman still quite strong of body and sharp of mind. He is one of the most outstanding strategists in Davnor.
  7. Church of Tyrannis and home of Archbishop Noah Bormir, Order of the Serpentine Song. Many orders of Tyrannis exist in Sendria, but none as powerful as this order. Unlike many orders, Noah seeks out followers of Tyrannis, by force if need be. He has been seen in the company of The Saint, guildmaster and master thief of Davnor.
  8. Osborn Rosoman, Duke of Cainse, Order of the Obsidian Dragons - This order is of the black guard in Sendria. Osburn is rarely in Davnor, staying always in the field of battle or in Starfall Keep. His order follows the command of the Hand of Amer'Loc.
  9. Constance Sibbet, Dark Siren of Davnor, Mastermage of the Darkling Angel, the Lady's Lament, D'hurgen's Consort. Always hidden behind a mask of pure white, the mastermage of Davnor teaches her students in the craft of magic, advises the rulership of Amer'Loc, and seeks her own control over the city. She is followed at all times by a black winged angel of unsurpassing beauty and strength, held by a chain of the thinnest silver. And that chain is held only by the Lady's Lament.
  10. Evard Tevo, Merchant Guildmaster of Davnor, works for Lady Caislin Chase and The Saint. He is a silk and caravan merchant of Davnor. Patron of Gildor and Valkoth.
  11. Whiskey Maiden, inn and tavern. Affordable and near the scholar district.
  12. Pious Devil, everything an adventurer could want in one place--girls, ale, drugs, and fighting pits!
  13. Dwarven Masters, armors and weaponry.
  14. The Collegium, Bardic School and home of Joscelin Martain, Lady of Loval, Torment of Shaulot, Dancer of the Umbral Spiril - This lady is one of the most beautiful and powerful...not to mention the entire land of Sendria. She is a singer, dancer, and prophetess. Her order has aided the rulers in Amer'Loc for foreseeing disaster and giving advance information for wars. But her aid comes at a high price.
  15. Raeburn Sebastian, King of Sauron Castle, Grandmaster of the Blood Guard of Bakloran. This is an order of warriors, sorcerers, and rogues who partake in bloody rituals for their power. Many step out of the way of this order, mainly not to become their next victim. Some say vampires support its work.
  16. Water Gardens of Shiren, , a druidic mystic and architect enlisted by Amer'Loc to plan and design the city.
  17. Prince Corso, heir apparent of Darkstone Castle.
  18. House Illuminos, old aristocratic family whose daughters become handmaidens of Amer'Loc.
  19. Almeril Gallery, center of high society featuring ball rooms, catering, and galleries.
  20. Home of Heroes, Warden of the City and public works.

Thanks to Yanamari and Olan for this contribution!


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