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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Legends

The First Snowfall of Audalis

When Kith-Jora shaped nature, he also created three seasons-spring, summer and fall. They were all very beautiful, but still, he thought something was missing. Kith-Jora wanted one more season, a time when plants and flowers withdraw, waiting to be reincarnated in spring. He pondered over this for a long time, but couldn't find any solution.

All until one day, when he, while traversing the lands of Audalis, saw a short and stocky dwarf on the top of the Khordal Mountains' highest peak. As Kith-Jora came closer, he noticed the man was trifling with small, white globes. Moreover, the same substance the orbs were made of seemed to cover the nearby ground in a soft, chalky coating.

The god walked up to the dwarf and stared in awe at the pale element all around him. "What is this magnificent matter?" the god of nature asked the muscular figure.

The dwarf looked up from his playthings, almost surprised that someone had come to visit him on this high mountaintop, and answered the elf, "This is my creation. I call it bedzurck."

Kith-Jora still gazed in admiration at what the man had conjured. It was cold, soft, and very beautiful, exactly what he needed for the fourth season. "It is lovely," the god said, his face shining with delight. He discerned great skill in the dwarf, and said to him, "I would be honored if you would share this wonderful creation with me, so that we can originate another season-the fourth and final of them. The season I will call 'winter' and this," he grasped a handful of the frigid, white substance coating the ground beneath his feet," which you call bedzurck, I will name snow, in common tongue. It will fall from the skies every night and day during winter, until spring finally arrives, and all plants and trees are born again."

The burly fellow was gladdened that the elf liked what he had devised, and reached his hand out for a handshake with Kith-Jora. "It is I who should be honored in creating such a season together with you." The two figures, a handsome elf and a brawny dwarf, shook hands, a handshake that would mean the completion of the circle of seasons.


Kith-Jora and the dwarf, whose name was Khamaruz, began crafting the new season. Khamaruz conjured gigantic heaps of snow that the elf spread out over entire Audalis, by dropping it from the sky, filling every crack and crevice. They froze all lakes to ice-another of the dwarf's creations, which he called isen, and also learned that the wind could invoke snowstorms, and that tremors in the ground sometimes started avalanches.

After several days of sweaty and tiring work, Kith-Jora and Khamaruz were finally finished in creating winter. All the snow had been dropped from the skies, covering the beautiful lands of Audalis, and both the elf and the dwarf thought it looked spectacular. In fact, Khamaruz liked the snow so much that he decided to stay on the snowcapped mountaintop.

Kith-Jora understood the dwarf's passion for winter, and made him the god of the fourth season. Meanwhile, the people of Audalis gazed in awe at the heavens, as they witnessed the first snowfall ever. And as for Khamaruz, he remained on the peak of the Khordal Mountain, and has commanded the beauty of winter together with Kith-Jora ever since. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Scarab for this contribution!


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