The Military of Coria
Army - The army of Coria act as police and military force and consist of many different unit types.
Type of Unit - Corian army forces consist of anything from Light Infantry to Heavy Cavalry and all that resides in between. They have longbow units, heavy crossbow units, light cavalry, and heavy infantry; all report ultimately to the Lord General.
Hierarchy/Naming Conventions - There is one individual in charge of the Corian military on a whole - the Lord General. The Lord General commands Field Colonels, who in turn command Field Captains. Field Captains command Captains, captains command Lieutenants, and lieutenants command Sergeants-at-Arms, who in turn command Corporals.
From least greatest to greatest the corporals command sub-sections, the sergeants-at-arms command sections, the lieutenants command bravos (which also consist of a priest of Therassor or Rydor and a war wizard), the captains command phalanxes, field captains command ranks, and field colonels command broad phalanxes. It matters not which type of unit these actually are, the names remain the same.
Sub-sections consist of ten people. Sections consist of thirty, or three sub-sections. Bravos consist of sixty people or two sections and phalanxes consist of one hundred and twenty people or two bravos. Ranks hold four phalanxes or four hundred and eighty people and broad phalanxes consist of four ranks, or one thousand nine hundred and twenty soldiers. At any given time the Lord General commands five broad phalanxes.
Emblems - The Corian military emblem is a white leaping stag on a green field.
Mottos - For the Crown! For the Kingdom!
Uniform - The armor for whichever unit is always cast in bright silver. If it is leather the armor is colored with white. The surcoat is forest green with silver trim and bears the silver-trimmed shield with the appropriate "x" splitting the field. The top field is the Tree of Life on a green backing. The right field is their personal sub-section insignia on a white background. The left is their section insignia on a white field, and on the bottom is the white stag of the military on a green backing. Those units who carry shields often present an additional "x" with the bottom three fields representing their higher affiliations (bravo insignia, phalanx insignia, and rank insignia). Their flag bears a split field of green and white showing the Tree of Life on the green and their broad phalanx insignia on the white. The uniform also requires dark green breeches, a white, bell-sleeved shirt, dark green mid-forearm length gloves with the Tree of Life embroidered onto the top of the cuff, knee-high black, hard-soled boots, a multi-layered half cape of forest green with silver trim and a silver, open-faced helmet with a green plume (and a white plume for officers) as well as a nose guard.
Armament - Standard infantry issue is a longsword, shield, and two daggers. This can vary, depending on the unit, to include a short spear, longspear, pike, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, composite shortbow, composite longbow, light lance, or heavy lance.
Responsibilities/Jurisdiction - The military is required year-round service with holidays. Their responsibilities in times of peace include patrolling the cities, towns, hamlets and villages, hunting down criminals, guarding forts and borders, patrolling the kingdom's holdings, protecting citizenry and nobility, and carrying out executions. During times of war they are, of course, the front line against enemies of Coria as well as maintaining the majority of their other duties, and sometimes while being strengthened by the militia.
Ceremonies - As with any solid organization the army of Coria is rife with ceremonies: promotions and recognitions being the prime elements for pomp and process, and they are not shy about presentation either. Often valiant behavior, or victorious campaigns are rewarded with holdings, wealth, parades, and public recognition.
Benefits - The military is paid a tight little salary. Infantry are paid between three and six gold per month depending on whether they are light, pikemen, or heavy. Cavalry are paid between six and twelve gold depending on their service, and archers are paid between two and four gold a month. Officers are paid a bit more, tacking on another five gold a month per rank per service is usually adequate.
In addition to the money, soldiers can stay in the barracks if they are single, and are offered residences at a lower price should they be married. Should they be killed in the line of duty (war withstanding), the family is well compensated, and all funeral costs are managed by the crown.
Dismissal - Honorable dismissal from the military is either voluntary (after an eight year stint) or through extended service and recommendation by a commanding officer (usually after years of exemplary service as a reward). Dishonorable discharge can result in anything from public humiliation to execution depending on the reason for the discharge.
Headcount - The Corian army consists of approximately ten thousand trained warriors at any given time.
Militia - The militia of Coria is derived from the willing men and women of the common class who don't wish to spend their lives in military service. These patriots receive minimal training consisting of four days a month for which they are paid a brissan a day.
Type of Unit - Light infantry
Hierarchy/Naming Conventions - The highest-ranking militiaman is a Bolster Sergeant. The Bolster Sergeant is in charge of a unit called none other than a Bolster consisting of fifteen people. Each bolster is broken down into three sub-bolsters commanded by Bolster Corporals and consisting of five individuals. Bolsters report to particular army Sergeant-at-Arms.
Emblems - A bolster's emblem is broken into four fields in an "x" pattern on their surcoats. The top field shows the Corian Tree of Life on a green background. The right field is a representation of the Section to which they are assigned on a white background. The left field is their personal insignia on a white background and the bottom field is the white stag of the Corian military on a green background.
Mottos - Each Bolster often comes up with their own motto, though being rather non-military they don't do this often, and are more likely to adopt their Section's motto.
Uniform - The Bolstermen and women often have nothing more than their surcoat to act as a uniform. The surcoat consists of a forest green draping with arm and head holes bearing the their emblems on the front and back in a silver-trimmed shield decoration.
Armament - The militia are often armed with longswords, a dagger, and a short spear.
Responsibilities/Jurisdiction - The militia isn't called upon except in times of war or duress to the point where the Lord General deems it necessary to bolster his numbers. Once they are called upon they serve in whatever capacity the Lord General finds fitting for the moment.
Ceremonies - There are no ceremonies of official capacity for the militia.
Benefits - Aside from the four brissan a month and the right to brag about their position, there really aren't any benefits to serving in the militia.
Dismissal - A militiaman may leave the militia after four years service. If they are booted from the militia for any reason, it is done in a public display of disdain - the individual's surcoat and weapons are taken from them, and their name publicly dragged through the mud.
Headcount - Militia throughout Coria can triple the size of the standing military.
Navy - While Coria isn't a huge force to be reckoned with at sea, their large, slow ships can cause significant damage, and are hard to sink. So though they have a small navy, they do manage to defend their waters with some competence.
Type of Unit - There are two types of ships within the Corian navy.
The first is the Galleon Warship. This ship carries with it the following statistics: a colossal vehicle, Profession (Sailor +2), speed under wind (wind speed x 15-ft., nautical average), oars (20-ft. nautical good), overall AC -3, section hp 100 (hardness 5), section AC 3; rigging 80 hp (hardness 0), AC 1, ram 15d6; face 100-ft. by 20-ft.; height 30-ft. (draft 15-ft.), Special Attack: ramming prow, 2 heavy catapults or four ballista or light catapults. Crew: 260 (80 rowers, 158 marines and also a priest of Therassor or Rydor and a war wizard). Four launches are used as life boats or troop transport.
The second is a Breacher. This ship carries with it the following statistics: a colossal vehicle; profession (sailor +4); speed under wind (wind speed x 20-ft., nautical average), overall AC -3, section hp 50 (hardness 5), section AC 3; rigging 80 hp (hardness 0), AC 1, ram 12d6; face 80-ft. by 20-ft.; height 10-ft. (draft 10-ft.), Special Attack: ramming prow, 2 light catapults or ballista. Crew: 40 (20 sailors, 18 marines also a priest of Therassor or Rydor and a war wizard). One launch is used as a life boat or troop transport. The breacher is a low-running ship with two masts and four sails.
Hierarchy/Naming Conventions - The Lord Admiral stands as the highest ranking naval officer. While the Admiral can take command of any ship, his pride and joy is the Queen's Heart, a Galleon Warship of great beauty. Under his command are the Captains, each in charge of their own ship. The captains are subordinated by Mates who are in turn in charge of Boatswains (two mates per ship - one for day watch and one for night, and two Boatswains per ship). The marines aboard any ship are commanded by the Admiral or Captain, but then once they leave the ship they are officered by Launch Captains, then Launch Mates, and finally Launch Swains.
Emblems - Each ship flies two flags at any given time (this does not include the signal flags prominent throughout the naval community). The first is the Corian flag and the second is their ship's standard. An example would be the Queen's Heart which flies a silver crown on a green field.
Mottos - As fierce as the Sea! Courage for Coria!
Uniform - Out of all of the sea-going military folk, only marines ever deign to wear armor, and that is only if they are going to be disembarking their respective ships. Even then, they wear only the white-colored leather common among light infantry. All of the sailors wear the standard military surcoat, except that their chest and back insignias are only split in twain, showing the Tree of Life on the green field and their ship's insignia on the white. The dark green breeches and white shirts are also required, though on ship some captains allow their men to strip to the waist, even shedding their surcoats as the heat can sometimes become rather uncomfortable. They wear low, soft-soled boots (unless their captain allows them to go barefoot) with the cuff turned down so that it nearly scrapes the deck. Often, these soldiers also sport wide-brimmed green hats with sweeping white plumes.
Armament - The Corian sailor is armed with longsword and dagger as well as light crossbow (or heavy if the Boatswain has enough time to outfit them). Each ship is also armed with its fair share of grappling hooks and rope (which the sailors - especially the marines - are adept at using).
Responsibilities/Jurisdiction - As there are no major inland seas within Coria the navy primarily stays along the coastline, handling all waterborne issues from pirates to collecting waterfees from passing merchants, seamonsters to rescues.
Ceremonies - As with the army, ceremonies are ripe within the ranks of the navy. Attaining the seat of captain is an especially austere ceremony, as is the birthing of a new ship, and the christening voyage.
Benefits - The navy is paid a nice salary. Marines are paid five gold per month. Sailors are paid three gold and officers are paid a bit more, tacking on another five gold a month per rank is usually adequate.
In addition to the money, sailors can stay in the barracks if they are single, and are offered residences at a lower price should they be married. Should they be killed in the line of duty (war withstanding), the family is well compensated, and all funeral costs are managed by the crown.
Dismissal - Honorable dismissal from the military is either voluntary (after an eight year stint) or through extended service and recommendation by a commanding officer (usually after years of exemplary service as a reward). Dishonorable discharge can result in anything from public humiliation to execution, depending on the reason for the discharge.
Headcount - The Corian navy currently consists of ten galleons and twenty breachers, as well as the crew to man each vessel to its maximum capacity.
  Thanks to Bromern Sal for this contribution!