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The Spiderguard

Centuries ago, the khords first broke into the region referred to as the Spidered Valleys. Until that point, the lion's share of dangers in the tunnels were those directly related to mining - noxious gasses, cave-ins, and the like. However, that particular tunnel changed things.

The worst fears of Borodan Hardfest were realized as many khords fell victim to the giant spiders that roamed the deep places under Khordal. Sometimes, single khords would dissapear, never to return; other times, entire mining parties were wiped out. It became clear that the khordaldrum miners would have to either change the way that they handled their operations, or abandon mining altogether. Obviously, the latter choice wasn't even considered.

Thus, the Wirlis-novma, or Spiderguard, were formed. Borodan, having himself felt the pain of loss inflicted by the spiders, took up the cause, and became the first Spiderguard. Soon, other khords began training to handle the subterranean beasts. These days, the Spiderguard, though small in number, are a well-organized, highly respected group of khords, and no mining party works the deep tunnels without one in attendance.

Spiderguard, who are known for their agility and tenacity in combat, typically work alone or in pairs. Only in instances when they are forced to deal with a known nest of giant arachnids will they mass their numbers.

In combat, Spiderguard are ferocious in defense of their charges. They are virtually fearless, and will throw themselves between their miners and any marauding monsters without hesitation. Their specialized training grants them a +2 bonus to hit spiders, and the beasts suffer a -1 penalty when attmpting to strike a Spiderguard. In addition, these khords gain a +2 to saving throw checks vs. spider venom.

Each Spiderguard wears a set of thick, black khordaldrum chainmail, which ensures adequate protection against spider venom while allowing the freedom of motion necessary for tight tunnel combat quarters. Large axes are normally not carried, as new tunnels typically do not allow adequate room to swing; instead, Spiderguard normally wield short spears and carry a hand axe or hatchet for chopping. Shields are usually used.


HD: 3
THACO: 17 (15 vs. spiders)
# Attacks: 1
Damage per weapon
AC: 4
Morale: Elite (14) Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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