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YOLC - The templates

I am a 1e/2e Dungeon and Dragons gamer. Die hard, Die in the wool, you’ll get my old rulebooks from me when you pry them from my cold undead fingers – however you put it, I am pretty set in my gaming ways. I have taught my daughter and god-daughter to play that edition of game and they seem to enjoy it.
But am I doing them a disservice? I remember the days of the “Games Club” in high school, an institution my daughter is entering next year, and the joy of playing and finding players who enjoyed the game with me. But for my daughter, she is 20 years out of date and she’s only 13. If there is a “games Club” in her school (not that I think there will be in an all-girl school, but I have been wrong before) then the gamers there will be of the 3.5 or 4e variety. Will she find a way to fit in? What if she goes over to the dark side and prefers 4e? The generation gap widens on the account of power levels and Thac0.
I have created the template for the critical tables using excel. The types of critical hits I have right now are Slash, Puncture, Crush, MA Strikes and MA Throws. Does that cover everything? Let me know what you think. I have also decided to keep the old format of A-E type Critical.
Now it comes down to filling in the blanks and making the effect “fit”. I will need input from you readers when that comes about – I will have to post images of the charts on the site.
Fumbles – I like the simple one roll method to a fumble with the categories being:  One hand, Two Hand, Mounted, Thrown and Bow. Once again, I am open to feedback here if you think they need expanding. Maybe a Claw/bite for the monsters?

posted by Alacrity on 1/17/2025 at 10:11:09 PM Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


Yay for an update on YOLC!

I think that your categories work, but I can see the benefit of a monster/natural weapons chart, as well. What about fumbles when fighting unarmed?

posted by t_catt11 on 11/20/2009 at 09:31:08 AM

Yep, add a 'natural' or something like that to te fumbles. Otherwise, good work.

Now about your daughter. I'm sure she'll be able to fit in should she fit a group that plays above 2nd edition. She's young and (should be) still capable of adapting to newer versions of the same game. In the end, it's about the roleplaying, and if you say 'I attack' the DM will know what to do.

posted by Almerin on 11/20/2009 at 11:32:59 AM

I have to agree with Almerin about fitting in. In my experience gamers aren't shy about teaching their version of the game. Knowing 2nd edition is an advantage for your daughter because it means she can play with you, and if she prefers 4e she'll still like playing with you and will simply have to play 2e to do so. Though in my opinion 4e sounds an awful lot like a mmo.

posted by Ion Kired on 11/20/2009 at 02:56:22 PM

Needs more "Exploded" critical tables.

I want to critical hit with something that explodes.

My brain. It is tired.

posted by Grugg on 11/20/2009 at 07:36:54 PM

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