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DragonBlog: the Red Dragon Inn's Musings on Gaming, Life, and Enlightenment

Revenge of the Drunken Dice - 2 comments
A group of old friends attempt to re-live their tabletop gaming days of old with the help of vitamin alcohol.

posted by Grugg on 2/13/2025 at 08:29:12 PM

Hosting a Game Night - 20 comments

posted by Merideth on 2/14/2025 at 08:53:12 AM

AoGM: A Quest for Panties - 3 comments
Geek Mom searches for the elusive pair of nerdy yet comfortable panties...

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:41 PM

Adventures of a Geek Mom - Star Wars Failure - 6 comments
When her three year old son calls R2-D2 a Dalek things seem bleak...

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:42 PM

More Than Just the Stats (Part 5) - 9 comments
Part 5 of More Than Just the Stats looks at the 4th level of a 7th level character build (3.5e) and explores the backstory rationale for things like swtiching classes (ranger to rogue, in this case) and focusing on new skills.

posted by Eol Fefalas on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:42 PM

More Than Just The Stats (Part 4) - 3 comments
Part 4 of the More Than Just the Stats series explores the 3rd level 'upgrades' of a character build for a 7th level Assassin character... and weaves in backstory for that character to show how it all should tie in with choosing those level up perks.

posted by Eol Fefalas on 2/14/2025 at 08:52:32 AM

More than just the stats. (Part 3) - 4 comments
Part 3 of the "More Than Just the Stats" series of blog posts that detail the tying together of a character's backstory and those cray little numbers on the Character Sheet.

posted by Eol Fefalas on 2/14/2025 at 09:15:21 AM

Adventures of a Geek Mom - Sept - 8 comments
Merideth gets a new van to fit her family and frets over being a 'Soccer Mom'

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:45 PM

Death of an Innmate and a Friend - 35 comments

posted by TannTalas on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:46 PM

The Best Part About Gaming - 4 comments
Why role-playing games are so great

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:47 PM

Another one down the drain. - 25 comments
why is it that online games don't live to see their conclusion. Spores of Itanlok fizzled and Almerin is more than annoyed at his latest failure.

posted by Almerin on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:48 PM

Sticking Around - 38 comments
Red Dragon Inn discussion on newbies

posted by Admiral on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:49 PM

Level Up! - 9 comments
A small note about growing up with a tabletop group and trying to keep it intact as life goes on.

posted by Admiral on 2/14/2025 at 09:17:16 AM

When Tabletop RPGs Come Together- - 4 comments
Some sage advice for turning a game around.

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:51 PM

The XX Factor - 7 comments
Merideth's take on the dynamics of being a female D&D player

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 07:21:52 PM

Next Gen - 22 comments
Translation of D&D material from the Audalis campaign world into 4th edition. Arguments in defense of 4th edition D&D. Musings on roleplaying and rollplaying.

posted by Admiral on 2/14/2025 at 04:13:31 AM

What are we playing for? - 18 comments
When did game mechanics overcome the adventure in an RPG?

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 02:28:13 PM

More than just stats... (Part 2) - 14 comments
Part 2 in the "More than just stats" series explores the first level of a character build and encourages players to actually consider the character's origins when doing so.

posted by Eol Fefalas on 2/13/2025 at 01:21:00 PM

More than just stats... (Part 1) - 5 comments
More than just stats, an exploration in character-building is a series of blog entries that is intended to explore what it takes to create a detailed and unique character (for RPGs, story telling, whatever) that goes far beyond just the stats that appear

posted by Eol Fefalas on 2/09/2025 at 01:11:58 PM

YOLC - The templates - 7 comments
Critical table templates are done.

posted by Alacrity on 2/13/2025 at 08:48:48 PM

Too Much Gaming? - 9 comments
When have you gamed too much?

posted by Merideth on 2/13/2025 at 02:24:18 PM

A Serious Lack... - 9 comments
There's a serious lack of quality prepackaged adventures in the world. Somebody change it please!

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/12/2025 at 04:32:33 PM

You Know What Bothers Me? - 6 comments
One of the things that annoys GMs.

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/13/2025 at 08:50:42 AM

Audalis Bound: The beginning - 5 comments
discussion of a game world

posted by Yanamari on 2/09/2025 at 09:40:07 AM

Too Long Between Gaming Sessions - 8 comments
An anecdote about realizing you're too long between games.

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/10/2025 at 08:56:59 AM

YOLC - Formats and Events - 5 comments
Year of Living Critically II - Charts and Formats

posted by Alacrity on 2/13/2025 at 09:24:21 AM

Gaming Helps...No, Really. It Does. - 7 comments
The values of a gaming lifestyle, as told by a lifelong gamer who was forced to defend his past time repeatedly over the years.

posted by Bromern Sal on 2/12/2025 at 07:23:41 PM

A Year of Living Critically - 9 comments
A project to re-write my critical charts with a deadline attached

posted by Alacrity on 2/13/2025 at 09:48:18 PM

The New Red Dragon Inn blog - 11 comments
A tiny entry to introduce the new RDI staff blog.

posted by t_catt11 on 2/10/2025 at 01:10:57 PM

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