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Death of an Innmate and a Friend

To all Members and Staff of the Red Dragon Inn I bring to you today the very sad news of the loss of one of us.

Jake Myers better know as YeOlde passed away this morning Saturday September 24th 2011 at 4am central time from cancer after having slipped into a coma Friday afternoon. As some of you may have already known YeOlde had gone to see his doctors last Friday for some tests which came back negatively and he was immediately hospitalized. During the course of this week he progressively got worse and knew his time was short and with the help of his wife was able to get out a few messages to myself and the rest of the Staff including this last one below hours before he fell into the coma.

YeOlde's Message to the Inn.....
{ I wanted to write something short for my friends at RDI… I would write more but trying to type anything is tedious and I cant think too straight anyway… I just want to say that I have enjoyed the times I have spent at RDI… the adventures I have had here were some of the best of my life … I treasure the friendships I have made and will always carry them with me … RDI is a wondrous place filled with great people…carry on the adventures and Game On! } 

As you all can see even knowing he was slipping away, he still had time to say goodbye to all of us, a true member of the Inn if ever there was one. For those of you who knew him as well as I and some of the Staff did, at least as much as he allowed, I know this will be a hard hit. However like his wife told us, after 8 long years of pain from his cancer he is now pain free and in a better place, the memories of the Inn with him always.

So whether you believe in Heaven and God or not, still please say a prayer for him tonight before you go to bed or tomorrow if you go to church. For if there truly is a Heaven, I know YeOlde is watching us from a comfortable seat above us, as we roll those Gamer dice.

YeOlde if your listening may your soul now rest in peace and your pain fade away, it was an honor to know you and call myself your friend. You helped me get through a lot of turmoil and frustration in my life here at the Inn and in real life both recently and in the past and for that I will always be in your debt. By just being someone to talk to without being judgmental and condescending you were a rare person that you don‘t find everyday. If your remembered by the majority of the Inn for nothing else, let it be this, that you were one of the best Role Players I have come across in many years both in real life and here at the Inn and with you goes the honor of having gamed alongside you, even if only on a computer screen.

Via con Dios, Geh Mit Gott, and Tenna’ ento lye omenta my friend, you will never be forgotten..............

posted by TannTalas on 1/20/2025 at 07:27:57 AM Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


*fades in*

I didn't know YeOlde very well, being fairly new to the Inn, but from the few itneractions I had with him, I gained a good amount of respect for him.

YeOlde, Rest in Peace.


posted by Chessicfayth on 9/24/2011 at 09:11:16 PM

This news breaks my heart, because I had a lot of fun with him everytime I came to the Inn. He was an incredible roleplayer, and had a sparkling wit that never failed to make me smile. He was kind, encouraging, and a good friend. To say he will be missed would be an understatement - his loss will be felt dearly. My deepest condolences go out to his family out in the realworld, as well as his family here at the Inn. Rest well, Ye Olde. You earned your peace.

posted by Glory of Gallifrey on 9/24/2011 at 11:48:21 PM

YeOlde was a fellow roleplayer who brightened my day every time we talked. He was full of positive energy despite his real life trials and I am a better person for having known him. He was a fantastic role player and he was both a friend, and he was part of our family. You will be greatly missed YeOlde, but you are always present in our hearts.

posted by cdnflirt on 9/24/2011 at 11:59:27 PM

I regret that I never had the chance to know him as more than I did, but I saw him as a strong, intelligent and fair person. A respected Innmate.

Rest well, YeOlde. We'll all miss you. Rest well.

posted by Celtia on 9/25/2011 at 12:24:31 AM

I was just getting to know him, as a fair DM and a friend to chat with. Judging by the people that called him friend and were lucky enough to be counted among those he called friend, he was an exceptional person. Im grateful for the time, friendship, and company he's given me. Rest In Peace, Friend!

posted by Tiamat5774 on 9/25/2011 at 01:28:38 AM

I don't know what to say. I have sat here the past while trying to think of what to say, and nothing seems adequate enough. I am deeply saddened by this. I am sorry that the proper words allude me at this time....

posted by DarkAutumn on 9/25/2011 at 02:05:29 AM

Alacrity and I were just saying that Ye Olde was in each of Alacrity's games, and how glad we were of it because his strength and versatility as a player, only to hear of his relapse and death.

I know I will miss him greatly for his wit and prose, his ability to slip into character with ease, and that unfailing courtesy and integrity that is the hallmark of a gentleman.

Ye Olde faced his challenges head on, and the Inn was a refuge during those struggles. I hope we can always be as welcoming, and always as much a virtual home for others.

posted by Vanadia on 9/25/2011 at 05:42:58 AM

I will dearly miss YeOlde as I counted him as a friend as well as a fellow gamer. When I think about him I realize he was very private about his RL, but that is the great thing about the inn is that you can be close to people, enjoy their company and their friendship and our "online name" becomes who they are. Jake will always be YeOlde to me.

As a player I had a great deal of respect for him. He could take on any role and do a great job of it and was willing to help friends. He took over Ken for me in Destiny without trying to do a huge change. I loved his humour, even when he made fun of my maps and enjoyed his writing.

I believe that death, although sad, should lead to a celebration of the departed's life. To have spend some of his last moments to write taht message to us, well that speaks of his love for the inn, gaming and all of members.

So raise a glass to toast his memory and remember all the good times.

posted by Alacrity on 9/25/2011 at 08:02:51 AM

It’s truly unfortunate that I didn’t get a chance to know YeOlde better. Not that we haven’t gamed in several games since I joined early this year, but I have that disappointed feeling of not having enough time to get to know him. What I can say is that sometimes passing is a blessing, especially when someone has been suffering for a while.

YeOlde’s imagination and writings will leave some pretty big holes here at the Inn. I find it amazing how it was in full swing even though he was coming to the end of his battle. I loved his characters in two of my games, and his flair and style with them were wonderful. I had no inclination as to what was going on in his personal life; I’m glad that the Red Dragon Inn could be a place to escape his regular life, even for a little while.

~Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.~

Tenna’ ento lye omenta , Heruamin, quel esta.

posted by Celeste on 9/25/2011 at 09:40:36 AM

Wow, just wow. This is completely unexpected and for some reason I'm upset about this more than I thought I would be. I think it's the suddenness of it, or how he kept it on the down low (at least the way I saw it). I'm sorry Ye Olde we couldn't RP more in MHC, I was really looking forward to it...

posted by Jozan1 on 9/25/2011 at 11:01:29 AM

I didn’t know Yeolde, I never talked to him or played with him, but I have read through some of his posts having read a lot of the games going on here as I try to learn how to play.

He seemed a great Rper and I can tell from peoples responses that he was a well respected and kind person. I am saddened that I never got a chance to interact with him.

posted by RP Noob on 9/25/2011 at 11:56:42 AM

Rest in peace, dear friend. I will miss you, your compassion, intellect and humour, the moments we enjoyed playing together and the discussions we shared in email and the chat.

I hope you have now found a better place without sorrow and pain - a place of happiness and joy. Wait for us, my friend. We will all join you one day.

posted by Raven on 9/25/2011 at 12:24:48 PM

I can only echo what has been said. I knew the man for years, but he was so private (which I can respect) that I didn't even know his gender until recently! He never really posted much outside of games, but was (at least once upon a time) a strong presence in chat.

And for that, he will be missed. This makes the fourth Innmate death that I've experienced in my tenure here. It never gets easier.

The silver lining in all of this is that we were able to provide him an outlet to escape his physical pain, as well as fortunate enough to have him as a member of our small albeit extremely close website family.

posted by Admiral on 9/25/2011 at 01:04:18 PM

I am at a loss for words.

May the memory of our friend and innmate live on; missed but never forgotten.

Rest in peace YeOlde.

posted by Tuned_Out on 9/25/2011 at 01:09:02 PM

I’ve only been part of the Inn for year and half and I’m still building relationships. I never got to know Jake Myers, I got to know YeOlde. He made it easy to be an Innmate. I had never tried to write on a regular basis, I never felt I was very good. But when I wrote in story that Yeolde was in it seemed easier. I wish I could have gotten a message to Jake to thank him and let him know he was in my thoughts.

I found out a little about Jake’s condition this week and I tried to say goodbye in my “Castle” post.

Help and strength from beyond..........
As Doc sat there watching, he scanned his crew members. They had pulled together to get this far and they will stay together to end.

Doc saw Brutal position himself once again to protect the team and words of Doc's youth prompted him to give thanks for these friends. As he sat in the chair and with his head lowered Doc silently asked for help from beyond his power to protect and watch over Jake and the others.

"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."

As Doc Reid finished his prayer and raised his head he thought he caught a glimpse of Jake; he nodded his way with that familiar smirk on his face.
Be at Peace my friend.

Steve Gallo

posted by Odyson on 9/25/2011 at 02:36:44 PM

I have read this blog now almost 50+ times and yet as the writer of it I still feel like I missed something. I am so honored that out of all the Innmates, DM ‘s and Staff that in his last days he told his wife to contact me about his situation. To have me be the bearer of his last words to the Inn, to trust in me to do the right thing, to honor his memory when he was gone, just blows me away and leaves me somewhat speechless and almost makes me want to cry.

Yeah you heard it right a 45 year old man crying, not supposed to be like that huh. When Dragon Mistress died it was hard for me, her being another close friend but with YeOlde it was different in a guy kinda way. We laughed and teased each other about our characters, me as his DM and our favorite football teams. We even had a bet on next weeks Cowboys-Lions game that I guess won’t happen now. I look at the post above and hope it does him justice if in heaven he be and I hope he knows I did my best to get the point across.
Rest in Peace my friend I will miss you..............

posted by TannTalas on 9/25/2011 at 03:13:20 PM

Tann, don't be afraid to cry. I hardly RPed with him or talked to him, but we can still learn from what he did, for the new peoples here- look at his writings and learn from them, here before this year-continue learning how to write from him.

posted by Takley on 9/25/2011 at 03:53:18 PM

I think the egyptian believed as long as your name was written somewhere, you had eternal life. If so, YeOlde and all the passed members will live on in eternity.

On that note, I think I will back up the website - just in case.

posted by Alacrity on 9/26/2011 at 09:07:33 AM

Damnit... I'm gonna miss that characteristic overuse of suspension marks in his OOC posts...

First truly GMed game I played in... Although I didn't stay long... thanks mate...

Let's break out the Froth 'n' Slosh.

posted by Darren on 9/26/2011 at 05:01:05 PM

*doffs hat... hangs head*

I'll miss you, my friend... See you on the other side, I hope.

posted by Eol Fefalas on 9/26/2011 at 09:16:46 PM

I raise a Hammer and a Sword in salute to our fallen InnMate!

*Blinking Tears from My Eyes!*

YeOlde always made me feel welcome here!

Rest In Peace


posted by Hammer on 9/27/2011 at 04:32:35 PM

Being new to the Inn I didn't know YeOlde that well, but the times I talked with him were always fun. I wish I could've know him better. R.I.P. and may your legacy live on!

posted by SlenderNinja on 10/03/2011 at 12:30:11 AM


You and I have walked the realms of the Inn together for sometime, January 2008 If I recall correctly. During the good times and during the bad I knew you as a friend and a traveling companion, in real life and in these realms.
Jake Myers, you will be missed but never forgotten.
Thank you for being my friend.

posted by Kyle on 10/04/2011 at 08:35:37 AM

I'm slow to post not out of disrespect for I truly enjoyed my friendship with Jake, but at a loss for words. YeOlde, Jake, will always be missed, but never forgotten.

I have, and will continue to, pray for his family as I know he's in good hands now and no longer needs our prayers.

I'll see you in the Afterlife Jake!

posted by Bromern Sal on 10/08/2011 at 12:18:06 AM

I, too, have been terribly slow to post - but that is a reflection on me, not Jake.

Jake was always a positive, creative contributor to our community, and we are all the better for having known him. I enjoyed his wit and his warmth, and feel poorer for his loss.

posted by t_catt11 on 10/13/2011 at 02:10:56 PM

Wow. I didn't know. Rest in peace.

I came to this site awhile ago with a group looking for a place to run a game. That group fell apart, but I decided to stay on at the Inn. I think this blog shows why. First, YeOlde was a great gamer like many of those here. Second, The support this community shows for each other is impressive. Clearly YeOlde had friends here. The comments posted here reflect admirably on YeOlde and all of you - it is quite a community and he was quite a member.

I did get to rp with him a little and it was a good time. He was one of the names I always associated with the Inn and he will be missed.

posted by Nomad D2 on 10/29/2011 at 12:45:45 AM

I've only been an occasional visitor to the Inn for the past couple of years, but I do dearly remember Jake/YeOlde.

It's desperately sad to hear of his passing.

posted by Ginafae on 11/18/2011 at 08:14:21 AM

I didn't know YeOlde, but I always notice an empty chair at the table.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

posted by Miko_Ayune-sama on 11/18/2011 at 03:24:59 PM

I am sorry for the passing of YeOlde and although I hardly knew him, I still feel for his passing and those who were close to him. It is strange that on the night I decided to check in again on the inn after a long time, that this was posted. I think God perhaps led me to come here so that YeOlde may be in my prayers tonight when I go to bed. May he rest in peace.

posted by sunow4 on 11/26/2011 at 11:52:53 PM

*leaves some dnd gameing gear*

i never got to join you on any adventures and this may be a little late, but i hope the afterlife is all that you hoped for and more.

rest in peace YeOlde......

posted by Riaucard on 2/01/2012 at 08:11:43 PM

I just returned to the Inn after a bit of an absence, and am saddened by this news.

I never personally played with YeOlde, but I was greatly influenced by him. He gave me some great advice and helped me along when I was new here.

We are all better for having know him, may he rest in peace.

posted by Dakarta on 7/25/2012 at 04:00:42 AM

Shame it's been so long. Goodbye old friend...

posted by Philosopher on 8/28/2012 at 12:31:32 PM

heart goes out to you and family...

posted by Ebon Darr on 5/13/2013 at 06:46:26 PM

I just saw this on the Main Page sidebar and had to comment. I hope it is not inappropriate.

I recently lost my husband around Christmas time so losing someone is still fresh in my mind and my heart.

I see this tribute from over 5 years ago and see the type of people that inhabit this Inn and it makes me smile. That the people here can be so close to someone and not really know the person in RL. It shows a comradeship that you don't find everywhere on the web.

I am new here and I am finding that the people here are nice and very helpful for someone new to this type of posting Roleplaying.

I hope that I can make the kind of friends here that Yeolde did during his time here. I cherish relationships whether they are IRL or Online. You people seems great and I look forward to gaming with people who care so deeply for their Innmates.

I am sure that Yeolde is looking down on this Inn and smiling with all the great people and games that he enjoyed while he was here.

posted by Boo Boo on 3/24/2016 at 05:57:51 PM

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posted by hoxyhec on 11/29/2019 at 05:54:13 AM

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