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Top Ten Signs that you Game too Much!

10. Countless hours of your life have been absorbed by conversations with NPCs.

9. You always carry dice in your pocket, just in case.

8. You roll a will save before agreeing to a task you don't want to do.

7. You can testify to the fact that Crown Royal bags make superior dice bags.

6. You can recite, verbatim, every single rule from the DMG, but you can't remember how many kids you have.

5. You sign personal correspondences with your character's name.

4. Whenever you accidentally drop something, you state that you missed your dexterity check.

3. You've been surviving so long on chips, soft drinks, and pizza that your body now contains more plastic than your dice.

2. After months of work, you have made up the entire dwarven language - words, rules of vocabulary, the whole lot.  You are bilingual, and can now speak fluid dwarven.

1. You write down the stats of movie characters, including their level, class, and physical abilities. This symptom includes wondering how many spells Harry Potter has left, or where Frodo allocates his points for thief abilities. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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