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The Archives
Nyx on the Prowl:
Eyebiter: Tiamatt5774 brings us his personal creation, the Eyebiter.
Shadowblade: A half-elven fighter/thief from the Return of the Prodigal Son game
Halfling Barbarian: Halfling Barbarian
Beowulf & Grendel: Beowulf approaches Grendel for a nice wrestling match.
Elandor: Kender thief in the woods, holding his hoopak
Demon of Wheels: a demon in a clockwork setting, done in pencil
Rynada the Ragged: A winged elf rogue.
Alacrity's Crew: Alacrity's Crew, a portrait of characters from Alacrity's long running table top game
Beams of Light: An underwater image.
Tiao: A clawed sorceress.
Thorin: The King of the Dwarves.
Anticipation: Lizardmen in the jungle.
Farseer: A ranger in the wild.
Elven Druid: An elven druid.
Demon-Fight: A battle with a demon.
Salerna: A sorceress.
The Cleanest Cut: A decisive blow.
The Earth Golem: A powerful earth golem.
Monarch Fairy: A petite fairy,
The Kindergarten of a Warrior: Learning to be a warrior.
Blue Wizard: A wizard and a dragon.
J'Chef: J'Chef
HrrGrrGrr: HrrGrrGrr
Lizard Woman: A lizard woman.
Ghast: A terrifying ghast.
Ghoul: A cannibal ghoul
Carmen as a Were-Rat: A were-rat in hybrid form.
Queen Caeline Alaris, Queen of Coria: The Queen of Coria.
Allegiance: War of Factions: Allegiance: War of Factions
Allegiance: War of Factions: Allegiance: War of Factions
Allegiance: War of Factions Art: Alliance: War of Factions
Aavali: Aavali
Bromern Sal: Bromern Sal
Char: Char, Human Ranger
The Golden City: The party descends into a golden city in the Forgotten Realms land of Maztica. Clockwise, from top left: Aranthal the psionicist, Revith, an elven druid/bard, Selena the nature knight (and Shadow, her wolf), Caineth, a half-elf ranger/psionicist/sorcerer.
Elkentar: Elkentar
Dwarven Worshipper: Dwarven Worshipper of Kelemvor
A Desert Scene: Brom's image of a desert.
Layne: Keeper of law. Divider of lightness and dark.
Oshima Sen: This character is a Planescape Monk.
Leiilu: An image by Yanamari.
Yanamari: Image of Yanamari the PC
Fireknot: An image by Yanamari.
Justinarius: An image by Yanamari.
Elvaleryn Kitathas: An image by Yanamari.
Jocaste: Lady of the Planes, walker of the stars..
Witchling: Settled in darkened halls and surrounded by fading murals, the witch holds her own counsel. Admist the rubble of ancients prophesies, she seeks views to new times and ages for the would-be client. Although the orb shows her much, it is the eyes that tel
Elven Lady: An Elven Lady.
Shadowflame: Wicked wielder of strange flames, the wizardress of the shadowflame considers if you shall live or die.
Necromancer: Wielding the power of bone and blood, the necromancer controls the realms of death.
Amer'Loch: The Lich Queen of Sendria.
 Red Dragon Inn's Hall of Remembrance: A place to remember community members that have passed away in real life.
 So, You're New Here. . .Awesome! Read this.: Pit F(r)iend brings us a tour of the Inn, designed for newbies and lurkers to help get involved with the goings on that are worth going on.
 Creating Links and Formatting Text: A Tutorial: Scarab delivers a timeless article detailing how to make your posts at the Inn more professional and awesome.
 Top Ten Signs that you Game too Much!: A fun little top ten list of signs that show you play way too many roleplaying games (such as dungeons and dragons).
 Everything I know about Parenting I learned from being a DM: Funny Parenting tips gleaned from gaming
 The Top Ten Signs You Hang Out at the Red Dragon Inn Way too Much...:
Parody Songs
 Did It All For the XP: Tiamat5774 finally levels with us with this new Parody Song. He did it all for the ...
 It�s the End of The Game (Hand Me Dice): A song about a party facing every monster possible in a dungeon they can't win.
 Audalis Dreamin: A parody of the Mamas and the Papas hit, "California Dreamin", where the author wishes he was roleplaying in Audalis instead of going to work.
 Treasure: Parody song about a dragon and the troubles it has keeping adventurers away from its treasure. Set to the Amy Winehouse Tune, Rehab
 You're Gruesome, Dude: Parody song about a hapless warrior's encounter with an ogre. Set to the tune of James Blunt's 'You're Beautiful'
 Merron's Warning: Keyed to "The Christmas Song", a parody song by Mithrander
 Munchkin Paradise: To the Tune of �Gangsta's Paradise� by Coolio Lyrics by Brian 'Cevalic' Ostermeyer
 Summer of Sixteen Sixty Four: A d&d parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on Bryan Adams� �Summer of 69�
 The Evil Overlord Blues: A blues D&D parody from Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on many different blues songs.
 God Rest Ye Merry Gaming Fans: A christmas based parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant To the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
 Did I Save or Did I Die?: Another D&D parody song from Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on the original song Should I stay or Should I go? by The Clash
 Dungeon Romp: A D&D parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant Based on Ballroom Blitz by Sweet.
 Elvaleryn: A D&D parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant Based on Like a Prayer by Madonna.
 Fifty Ways To Slay a Player: A D&D Parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on Fifty Ways to leave your lover
 Runaway Slave (Shona's Song): A parody Song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant, based on the song Runaway train.
 Dungeon #5: A fun Parody from Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on Mamba #5.
 The DM Song: A parody song bout the difficulties of adult gamers getting together to play... set to the tune of the Fiveforfighting song, "Superman"
 The Naming Song: A song from Roger (Alacrity) Briant about the naming of a blade by dwarven smiths
 Hunting Troglodytes: Song about Troglodytes hunting, or an excuse to drink by Roger (Alacrity) Briant
 I love Lightning Bolts: A D&D parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant Based upon I love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
 Oh Runyacath: A D&D parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on Pretty Woman.
 We Will Still Be Gaming: A D&D song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on years of playing the game with friends.
 Hey Dragon: A D&D parody song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant, done to the tune of Hey Baby
 The DM's Dice: A D&D Parody Song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant based on Queen of Hearts
 Addicted to Dice: A D&D Parody Song from Roger (Alacrity) Briant
 Dont Scry: A wizard who scrys to much
 Girl all the DM's Want: Dedicated to Vanadia
 Run for Your Dice: For those who had to hide from overzealous parents.
 Hey Olan: A song formed into parody to urge our webmaster to update the site.
 I Drove All Night: Parody to the song "I Drove all Night", by Cyndi Lauper.
 Unlikely Friends: A Thief Questions a Cavalier about Tactics: A poem about honour, friendship and tactics.
 A DM on the Edge:
 A Summoning in Song:
 The Dwarven King:
 Riddle of the Hills:
 Githelien's Song:
 Dragon Memories:
 The Sentinel:
 A Storyteller Speaks:
 Witching Hour:
 The Yellow Rose:
 The Laughing Reaper:
 The Pain of Being a Dwarf:
 The Quams of a DM:
 Everything the DM Says is Magic:
 Have a Seat Upon a Cloud:
 An Artists Journey to a Species:
 Tabletop Dragon:
 Lucky Three:
 A Dwarven Poem:
 The Shadow:
 The Oldest:
 Cast Away:
 Mage Rage:
 Hatching Song:
 Life and Death and Time:
 The Maiden and the Raven:
 The Battle Dance:
 Thanks, Red Dragon Inn:
 My Paladin:
 Of Heavan's Wrath:
 The Crying:
 On This Morn:
 Hear Us Ride:
 Days Long Past: A poem by Vates Tenebrae about the long gone days
 Now I Fight: A poem by Vates Tenebrae about when it is time to stop running and fight.
 The Dragon Rider: A poem by Rune about a rider of Dragon and their fates
 Crystal Song: A poem by Rune about the perils of being distracted around dragons
 Soul of the Dragon: A poem by Rune about where the dragons truly lie
 Law of the Hunter: A poem by Rune about the hunted and the Hunter
 Of Polymorph: A poem by Rune, about being a victim of polymorph
 Dragon's Code: By Rune, The Code of the Dragon
 Of Claw and Fang: A haiku for a dragon by Rune
 A Mother's Fury: A poem by Rune about the Dragon Mother and her wrath.
 Escape into the Dark Night: A poem by Rune about the Hunted Dragon
 Dragon Tear: A poem by Rune about Dragons and their tears.
 A Dragon's Song: A poem by Rune abou the call of the Dragons
 Immortal: Poem from Rune on his favourite topic - dragons. Or is it? Where do the dragons lie?
 The Power of Faith: a poem from Rune about time and dragons passing
 Heroes of the Past: A poem about the noble dragon by Rune
 The Wedding: A poem from Rune about dragons
 Wyrmling: a poem by Rune about a newborn dragon
 Ancient Bones: a poem by Rune.
 Rune's Travel Log: A poem by Rune, part three in a series
 Rune's Travel Log: A poem by Rune. Part one of a series
 Grey: A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about a warrior questioning the deeds he's done and his reasons for doing them.
 The Last Stand: A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about a group of adventurers facing the possibility of a last stand.
 Duty: A poem/song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about a man bound by duty and regretting his absence from his wife.
 The Die is Cast: A gaming poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant. When the party gets into a rough spot, they call upon the lucky die.
 Back Again: An amusing tale of battling the undead, over and over again. A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant
 I Stand Alone: A poem/song by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about the survivor of a great battle.
 A Dark Knight: A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about a knight on the edge, about to make a choice.
 Warrior's Love: A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant, about a warrior fumbling to express his love.
 Lost: One Sword: A poem by Roger (Alacrity) Briant about the extent a Paladin will go to find his stolen holy avenger
 The Inn of Splendor: A poem about the Red Dragon Inn.
 Musings on Godhood: A Poem on Gods, Mortals and envy by Vanadia
Short Stories
 The Guardsman:
 Freedom: The second part to the Watching story. You really should read it before reading this one.
 Watching, Waiting: This story is written from the unique perspective of the guardian monster that is so often carelessly dispached in fantasy/RPG stories.
 What Vows We Speak: This story is about an elven female paladin, and how she must weigh her feelings of revenge against her vows of justice.
 Merlin and the Dragons: A Classic Arthurian tale or Merlin and the Dragons
 Geometry Class: A normal boy in an every day high school undergoes a very abnormal change...
 In the Grasp of Death: A mortally wounded elf and his companion face the uncertainty of death
 Dungeons and Drag-ons Once More: The superb sequal to Dungeons and Drag-ons
 The Grove of Reversion: Two Gnomes explore a grove with strange properties...
 The Silver Evolution:
 The Inevitable Herd: A dungeons and dragons story that ends with a sadistic twist by the party's DM
The Ragged Man: The Village Idiot, pitied by everyone, hides a Heroic secret within..
 Day in the Life of A Fire Lizard:
 Into the Darkness: Horror/Dark Fantasy tale in which a doomed adventure writes a letter, recounting his last moments.
 Dungeons and Drag-ons: A hilarious short story that every single DnD player has seen before!
 Prologue: The beginning of a much longer project by our beloved Webmaster. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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