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Red Dragon Inn's Hall of Remembrance

The Red Dragon Inn is proud of its community. Many of us have met in real life, even across country and continental borders.

Many of us count many of the members here among our personal friends even though we have never spoken face to face. Many Innmates have joined the Facebook group which only serves to solidify our community as something more than a simple gaming website.

This is a place to toss aside our fantasy, our characters, our escapism, and remember our friends and fellow Innmates that have passed away.

In the coming weeks the staff will be putting together small tributes and eulogies about our friends and fellow Innmates that have passed. If you have any information on an Innmate that has passed away, please feel free to send a PM to a staff member.

YeOlde September 24th 2011

Jake Myers better know as YeOlde passed away this morning Saturday September 24th 2011 at 4am central time from cancer after having slipped into a coma Friday afternoon. As some of you may have already known YeOlde had gone to see his doctors last Friday for some tests which came back negatively and he was immediately hospitalized. During the course of this week he progressively got worse and knew his time was short and with the help of his wife was able to get out a few messages to myself and the rest of the Staff including this last one below hours before he fell into the coma.

YeOlde's Message to the Inn.....
{ I wanted to write something short for my friends at RDI… I would write more but trying to type anything is tedious and I cant think too straight anyway… I just want to say that I have enjoyed the times I have spent at RDI… the adventures I have had here were some of the best of my life … I treasure the friendships I have made and will always carry them with me … RDI is a wondrous place filled with great people…carry on the adventures and Game On! }

As you all can see even knowing he was slipping away, he still had time to say goodbye to all of us, a true member of the Inn if ever there was one. For those of you who knew him as well as I and some of the Staff did, at least as much as he allowed, I know this will be a hard hit. However like his wife told us, after 8 long years of pain from his cancer he is now pain free and in a better place, the memories of the Inn with him always.

So whether you believe in Heaven and God or not, still please say a prayer for him tonight before you go to bed or tomorrow if you go to church. For if there truly is a Heaven, I know YeOlde is watching us from a comfortable seat above us, as we roll those Gamer dice.

YeOlde if your listening may your soul now rest in peace and your pain fade away, it was an honor to know you and call myself your friend. You helped me get through a lot of turmoil and frustration in my life here at the Inn and in real life both recently and in the past and for that I will always be in your debt. By just being someone to talk to without being judgmental and condescending you were a rare person that you don‘t find everyday. If your remembered by the majority of the Inn for nothing else, let it be this, that you were one of the best Role Players I have come across in many years both in real life and here at the Inn and with you goes the honor of having gamed alongside you, even if only on a computer screen.

Via con Dios, Geh Mit Gott, and Tenna’ ento lye omenta my friend, you will never be forgotten.............. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to The Red Dragon Inn Staff for this contribution!


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