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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Parody Songs

Merron's Warning

Keyed to "The Christmas Song"

Manthis roasting on an open fire
Cainin strung up by his toes
Yuletide threats dealt out by thugs for hire
A necromancer no one knows


Merron feels a crossbow and a good garrote
Help to make a journey bright
Wary men at one another's throats
Will find it hard to sleep tonight


They know if Merron had her merry way
No one would wake to see the light of day
So every mother's son is going to spy
In order to avoid being the first to die


And so I'm offering this morbid phrase
To men from Krynn to Timbucktoo
Although it's been done many times, many ways
Merron's plotting something new... Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Mithrandir for this contribution!


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