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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Parody Songs

Runaway Slave (Shona's Song)

Original Song by Soul Asylum Runaway Train

Stabbed the guard in the darkness of my cell,
Without sound, so fast the body fell,
I took his knife, drove it through his heart,
Please don't think me evil if I enjoyed that part.


So weak that I couldn't stand,
So angry with Gladius in hand,
You want to dance with me? Here I am,
When I'm done you won't be a man.


I'm alone as I run from here,
Gladiator, not death I fear,
Freedom, I feel like it really part of me.


Runway Slave, never going back,
Catch me I'll die on the rack,
Seems like everyone is hunting me,
Better death if I can die free.


Can I help myself take back my old life?
Lose the pain, suffering and strife,
How by Gods did I get to Freegate?
Luck sometimes is just what you make.


I see what no one else can see,
Been places that others would flee,
Cold and hungry while hiding in a cave,
That's the life of a runaway slave.


And everyone they knows not why,
Sunny days make me cry,
Somehow they just don't get it.


Runway Slave, never going back,
Catch me I'll die on the rack,
Seems like everyone is hunting me,
Better death if I can die free.


So you are looking for a runaway slave?
She is a woman called Vixen by name?
Stands about so tall, a Fighter by trade,
Rather die fighting than living on a chain.


Runway Slave, never going back,
Catch me I'll die on the rack,
Seems like everyone is hunting me,
Better death if I can die free.


Runaway Slave, never going back,
Runaway Slave, ready to attack,
Runaway Slave, never trust a man.
No longer running cause it's here I make a stand Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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