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Musings on Godhood

They walked amongst us one sunny afternoon,
A young god and his two sisters,
Drawn to earth by a day akin to heaven’s light,
Taking their leisure in a dappled glade.

Young and eternal, cast in gold and bronze,
They moved with unhurried grace,
Unheeding of the mortals gazing on, hungrily,
Bereft in lumpen imperfection.

I could not take my eyes from them,
The young warrior and his lovers,
Their sculpted bodies and poreless skin,
Blonde hair cascading down.

They spoke for hours in liquid tones,
A musical, god-tongue of theirs,
My ears of clay could not fathom meaning,
My mortal mind, barren.

The setting sun signaled their departure,
The Sun King and his courtesans,
Still not having perceived us, they ascended,
We wept at the loss.

They walked amongst us one sunny afternoon,
A young god and his two sisters,
They have gone, returned to grace,
And yet I remain. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Vanadia for this contribution!


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