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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Poetry

Warrior's Love

I could stare into your eyes for days,
Get lost in their radiance and blue,
Chances are, I will never say this,
I can not tell you that I love you,


I sometimes wonder if you even know my name,
I sometimes wonder if we somehow feel the same.
Spent my life with a weapon in hand,
And I know how bad that sounds,


But within the calluses and scarring,
In my heart, feelings have been found.
There is a darkness gone, given over to your light,
There is a darkness gone, no longer cold with fright.


My mind is now filled with flowers and poems,
And other thoughts that I never once had,
There once were dreams of danger and pain,
Woven into visions that would drive me mad.


Your eyes are to me, as to the eagles, the sky,
Your eyes are to me, as to the berries, the pie.
I can not find the words to say this to you,
From this mouth, words of love are barred,


So I will stay within my shallows and arms,
And always feel love for you from afar. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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