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Dragon Memories
People say I cannot remember playing in storms, dodging the lightning. and all the joy that used to engender. The wind dragging at my wings, clouds that caressed as forms flashed by. I do indeed remember these things. The magic I cast, at those who would slay me. They say it's all in the past. Maybe. But I remember what I was, and will be again, I remember my old loves, I recall my old friends. I refuse to forget the claws I once had I often regret wings with which I was clad. Where are my scales now? What happened to my neck? I lost my tail how? These answers are my quest. These questions always remain, the memories always there. forests where I've lain, caverns where I'd lair. This life is so confusing, things seemed better then. But Time we're always losing I search now for my clan.
  Thanks to Gwydion Emrys for this contribution!
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