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Githelien's Song

-Cellwyn's lament upon the fall of Githelien

No valiant sword to save my heart When quests we end and roads we part No happiness or love in sight Just fate and fire in the night. No deer may run, no birds may sing When shadow falls and death takes wing No soaring souls may take their flight From fate and fire in the night. I wept long when you rode away On golden steed at break of day 'Twas lonliness that lost the fight Of fate and fire in the night. I pray protect, O Gods above For you I sing and you I love I pray that you may find the light From fate and fire in the night. You stand alone in golden plain Where someday we shall meet again No safety from the evil's might Just fate and fire in the night. We walk upon our broken feet Through mountain road and city street No star to guide us, shining bright Just fate and fire in the night. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Adlon the Harper and Godmstr for this contribution!


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