A Dragon's Song
A low bellow, sending echoes through the mountains,
Sending shivers through the skin.
A trill, igniting the sky in a thousand shades,
To fireworks, so akin.
The steady roll, an eternal beat in the trees,
Seeming breath of the soul.
Another steady, another constant drone,
Echo of life, the whole.
As thunder echoes in the mountains, I hear.
As lighting flashes from earth to sky, I see.
As wind rushes from it's hidden home, I feel.
As life goes on living, I understand.
Earth beneath my claws, air above my wings,
Water before my face, fire within my veins.
As I listen to the eternal tune, I learn,
Of life, not to lose; blood, not to spill
And love, ne'er to spurn
  Thanks to Rune for this contribution!