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Dungeon Goat
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Alright, I figured as much

So I'll have to take a bit to work out a new character... I may just cop out and make pretty much an elven version of Kash, since I've got too many characters swimming around up here to come up with anything more separate... building a backup for a custom campaign as I speak agah. I'll post when I've got the character up

Posted on 2017-08-15 at 17:02:36.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
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Rather than the navy shouldn't pirates be in the Arrgh-me!

Posted on 2017-08-15 at 19:03:54.

Dungeon Goat
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Rather than sleeping,

I took care of the rework. Ended up using Kasharit as a base and swapping his race and personality, so as to keep the play-style. The link from my previous post should lead to it.

Posted on 2017-08-15 at 20:44:48.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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I don't remember if the system specifically gives bonuses or penalties for surprise and I don't have the books with me to check at the moment. The earliest I could do so is Friday and you probably want to move on by then. So do what you need to do.

That said, I think it falls within the purview of the Gm to make calls on things like this. My understanding is that armor class isn't just literally armor. Some critters might have a high armor class because they are fast, which makes them hard to hit. Like goblins. Unless, of course, they are just sitting around staring at a campfire and not even aware they are being attacked. Would I need to roll a 14 if he were tied up? So, as a player, I'll petition for a small to hit bonus. But I honestly don't know what the rules actually say. Do as you wish. What is Dane going to do, complain?

Posted on 2017-08-16 at 01:06:41.

Dungeon Goat
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Karma: 3/0
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In my experience,

surprise gives the attacker advantage on the attack roll but the AC remains. I'm not the rulemaker here though so

Posted on 2017-08-16 at 05:44:37.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
428 Posts

in 3.5 ed...

During the surprise round those who are unaware cannot act, and lose their dexterity bonus to AC (including dodge if they have a dodge bonus).

I would think that would be the same in 5 ed, because this has been a universal rule from the beginning of D&D...

Just my 2 cents.

Posted on 2017-08-16 at 07:05:45.

Dungeon Goat
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 3/0
37 Posts


Certainly makes sense to me. While I'm 80% certain it may have been dropped in 5e, I'm going to bring that up to my irl DM.

Posted on 2017-08-16 at 07:25:09.

Dungeon Goat
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 3/0
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If it's not too much trouble,

Before I get into the campaign, could I perhaps get physical descriptions of Dane and Pavel? Good Mr. Krosi is a judgmental man, including appearances, so it may affect his behavior toward them. Obviously, I won't be a drama-starter for the sake of my character being pompous, but just general mannerisms.

Posted on 2017-08-17 at 13:55:47.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Appearance: Dane is an attractive, although slight, young man. 5'8" and around 150 lb. He has short hair, somewhere between a dark blond and a light brown, short and simply cut.

He has the general outfit one would expect of a roguish character - leather armor, rapier, daggers and shortbow. He is fairly young as well.

Posted on 2017-08-17 at 14:42:28.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
428 Posts


This is the pic of what he looks like more or less


Posted on 2017-08-17 at 14:59:11.
Edited on 2017-08-17 at 15:05:57 by Padre J Roulston

Dungeon Goat
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 3/0
37 Posts


Very nice classic looks for characters of their respective classes, nice. Both Human?

Posted on 2017-08-17 at 15:22:09.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
428 Posts


Pavel is human yes

Posted on 2017-08-17 at 15:33:16.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Humans it is

Yes, Dane is human

Posted on 2017-08-18 at 01:14:16.

Dungeon Goat
Occasional Visitor
Karma: 3/0
37 Posts


A strangely normal party for me. I actually haven't gotten around to playing a human till now, as I'm a bit of a half elf lover... Okay slightly more than a bit. Looking forward to it

Posted on 2017-08-18 at 06:51:04.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
187 Posts


is a good idea, but decided to just roll with it this time for the sake of expediency.

Posted on 2017-08-18 at 22:21:27.


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