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Dungeon Goat

I took a closer look at your character sheet and I have a couple of questions:

I'd like you to start at first level, though I'm ok with you starting with the same amount of exp as everyone else. That in mind, you may want to reselect your spells.

Also, I noticed your sheet says "phoenix sorcerer" What does the phoenix part mean? I don't see it mentioned in the handbook. I'm guessing it's an alternative sorcerer background? If so, is the "All Eyes on You" and "Mantle of Fire" thing associated with that?

I also don't see the "Far traveler" background in my handbook.

I'm ok with using content from other books, but I'd appreciate I link or something so I can refer to it.

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 10:55:51.

Dungeon Goat
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I did forget

that not all groups use Unerthed Arcana bits. The Phoenix background Sorcerer is from an Unearthed Arcana release, and said features do stem from it--as well as the Ignite action. I can absolutely rework this to a base Origin, and I'll get to de-leveling him and reallocating spells immediately. As I'll be showing up after the current battle, however, I believe the XP from it will bump the party to level 2. As for the Far Traveler background, I'm unsure. It's one we frequently use in my irl campaigns as people often go for the type of character it applies to and my DM is typically a major rules-man. Possibly from a later release after the PHB? I'll look into it.

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 13:11:31.
Edited on 2017-08-28 at 13:20:55 by Dungeon Goat

Dungeon Goat
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The nat 20

Was that a special case or do all nat 20s in your run deal max damage? Gotta know these things if I plan to manage my character well, since I use traditional crits usually.

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 13:14:05.

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It was the first nat 20 I've gotten and I just did what my real life DM does when that happens: Automatic max damage.

Another reason I did that is...I didn't want Pavel to get one hit killed. I think the PHB recommendation is that you roll all the attack die twice plus the modifier, which would have been 4d8+2 in this case; which could have been really bad if the damage was high enough. (I'm giving you all some cushion in your vulnerable situation, and I'm also still getting a feel for how difficult certain encounters are and I don't want to overwhelm you).

So I guess for now, what "critical hit" means may vary as I get adjusted to the rules, but for now, since you're undermanned, it's probably going to bend towards giving the party a push forward to make up for the lack of players.

Also, DG...I may have you join early and manufacture some reason as to why you'd be randomly walking around the dungeon. This battle could be tough if the Bugbear rolls good and our heroes roll badly. He is definitely wounded but he hits really hard.

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 13:40:20.

Dungeon Goat
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Oh darn,

Forgive me for the slip up, but the All Eyes on You feature is from the FarTraveler background, not the Phoenix Origin

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 13:43:20.

Dungeon Goat
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If you want a reason for me to join early, perhaps the ol' prisoner deal, but in hearing the commotion Maren could have possibly decided it was time to stir up some trouble of his own? He's not much of a gung-ho hit things type, but such an opportunity would be welcome in his eyes

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 13:45:07.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
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Down but not out

And remember - in this system down does not mean dead. If we win the fight and can bind his wounds and heal him he will be ok. We just can't take all night and we have to deal with the bugbear first. Should be simple enough, right?

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 18:56:38.

Dungeon Goat
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Death Saving Throws

As I don't believe we have a healer, *if* the battle persists and an unconscious character remains unaided for too long--with some bad luck on throws--that's a death. If they are pulled away or the battle ends soon, we'll presumably be relying on Medicine checks to stabilize them--and that's no easy feat so likely a high DC.
Just a reminder that one should never become confident at low levels

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 19:59:41.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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Unless the bugbear was sitting there playing around with a potion of healing. Bugbears do that sort of thing. Just sayin'.

Posted on 2017-08-28 at 23:20:13.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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Dane is up and posted

Our wily rogue managed to hit the bugbear, but not for a ton of damage. Here's hoping things go well.

Posted on 2017-09-03 at 00:39:22.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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Calling all DMs

Are we waiting on something? I don't think we need to wait for Mr. Unconscious.

Posted on 2017-09-13 at 19:06:23.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
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Posted on 2017-09-13 at 19:07:32.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
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What happened to my avatar?

Posted on 2017-09-13 at 19:08:03.

Dungeon Goat
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Dunno ._. Maybe something happened to the file on the site's end?

Posted on 2017-09-14 at 00:52:53.

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Waiitn for your slow DM

Sorry I should have just did that quick sooner, now it's just a grind to see who can last longer.

Posted on 2017-09-16 at 12:20:40.


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