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I hope that's ok


Posted on 2017-02-11 at 08:49:00.

Cheshire Cad
Karma: 103/3
1188 Posts


Post is up.

Oh, and Lano, the colored dots next to the thread names indicate which forum they can be found in. Red for games, green for Q&A, yellow for Recruitment, etc.

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 12:10:01.

Veteran Visitor
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also nice pun.

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 12:21:10.

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What you know about eachother

You know eachother's first names, and whatever you may have gleaned from looking at that person's physical appearrance. If you think your character would have shared more information, you should include that probably in the introductory post so that, well, they know

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 12:23:08.
Edited on 2017-02-19 at 14:06:41 by Lano

Ma' Nozzle
Karma: 38/0
668 Posts


I'm out of town for the weekend but I expect to post asap. Excited to begin!

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 18:41:05.

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Cool cool

By the way, pronunciation, in case anyone's wondering:


That's how the module says it's pronounced.

names, in my head are pronouced like this:

Sill dar

Posted on 2017-02-19 at 22:59:42.
Edited on 2017-02-19 at 23:00:31 by Lano

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 2/0
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coming down with something

i'm coming down with something... likely the flu. chills give it away for me. normally, i'm super warm... except when i'm sick. it's my kryptonite.

i'm going to try hard to post something now before I got further down this rabbit hole, but if I don't post this week, you know what's up. npc if necessary.

Posted on 2017-02-20 at 16:44:41.

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Next Post

This week is busy so I'm shooting for this weekend or monday. We'll see.

Posted on 2017-02-21 at 22:26:56.

Padre J Roulston
Karma: 16/1
428 Posts


How often, and in what order are we expected to post?

Posted on 2017-02-25 at 18:53:24.

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I don't know if I want to formalize post order quite yet.

But for the post I just made, I think Pavel, Oskarr, and Dan should go first. One of the other characters can go second, depending on what the first person does. Like if Oskarr shouts "we need help" Theren post how his character responds to that.

Likewise with post frequency, I'm not sure it ought to be formal. I'm playing this by ear and seeing how it goes.

Posted on 2017-02-25 at 23:57:47.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 2/0
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Perception check please


Do you roll checks for us or do we?
I'd like to make a perception check for each side of the road to search for hidden foes.

Posted on 2017-02-26 at 10:31:32.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Rolls and the next move

My suggestion is to just have the DM make such rolls, but I have seen it done either way.

To the group -

Obviously if we spot ambushers we need to act on that. And that probably means we start by looking around and then fighting. But what if we don't? We might want to post both "look around" and "if we don't spot an ambush" plans. It would help keep things moving.

Do we approach the horses as a group?
Send one person forward? If so, which one?
Try to move off the road and approach through the woods?
Just leave the cart where it is?

Also, we do know the two that hired us went ahead. Two of them, two dead horses. Perhaps there is a chance that we would recognize the horses or some gear if there is any. It is interesting that the dead horses were left. If this was a goblin/orc ambush they tend to eat horses. I think.

Posted on 2017-02-26 at 13:02:16.

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In my experience, the DM just tells you when to make a check. However, part of the reason for that, I suspect, is for spoilery reasons.

For example, if this was a real life game, and one of you said, "I want to check the cover-type areas for enemies" even if there weren't any enemies, I might make you do a wisdom check just to throw you off.

In this case, if there are enemies, and you're looking for them, and there are enemies, you would not roll. I MAY roll, if there are enemies, if I think you have a chance to spot them.

The other scenario is that, supposing there are enemies, I MAY roll anyway, even if you don't decide to explicitly check for badies.

Though I suppose that might relate to whether I roll against your passive perception or your perception skill. Where perception skill would be the actively/explicitly looking, and if you don't mention it, it would come down to passive perception.

So, to answer Norm, just be explicitly about whether your checking in your post, and how you are checking. Remember, perspective matters. Are you stopping the wagon fifty feet out, checking, and then proceeding? Are you approaching more slowly, oscillating your head back and forth as you go? Are you getting out of the wagon? All these things might matter as to whether or not you spot things (if they are there).

Nomad, that's a good point, you may recognize the horses, but it may be that you have to get closer in order to tell, or perhaps they are completely different horses.


Posted on 2017-02-26 at 13:35:00.

Veteran Visitor
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Theren can see that Dan notched his arrow. If the wagon slows or stops, or if Pavel and Oskarr suddenly stopped talking, Skovl would likely notice...probably, unless he's too distracted with his bedroll

Posted on 2017-02-26 at 19:10:25.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 1/0
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Theren and Skovl can post now

Just in case that wasn't clear.

Posted on 2017-03-05 at 10:47:42.


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