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sorry, not trying to affect how anyone else plays their character. and neither Oskarr or I care much if the goblins die.

Posted on 2017-03-15 at 17:34:34.

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oh, nothing to apologize for, I was just making sure how I was proceeding on this was clear.

Posted on 2017-03-15 at 19:07:47.

Nomad D2
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Friendly fire

What are the odds of hitting Oskar? It might change my post.

Also, how many rounds will it take Dane to run up? Again, the answer might change my post.

Posted on 2017-03-15 at 20:33:04.
Edited on 2017-03-15 at 20:54:35 by Nomad D2

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I will laugh hard if, now that dane made the "predictable" comment, 8 more goblins are actually in the tree line waiting for us all to converge on the 4 dumb saps they sent out first.

goblins aren't THAT smart, are they?

Posted on 2017-03-15 at 21:00:14.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
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Lets see . . . something interesting lying in the middle of the road . . . right where the woods come right to the road . . . the group approaches . . . goblins jump out in an ambush . . .

Everyone that was shocked and surprised by that move please raise your hand.

Yep. Predictable.

Posted on 2017-03-15 at 22:54:36.

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Norm: that isn't a bad idea... too predictable,eh? Goblin army!

The battle is going easier than i expected. Actually considered having the goblins fire arrows at oskarr from cover which would have increased the difficulty of the encounter somewhat. Then again, if all three goblins scored hits on oskarr, it'd be a very different battle.

I figure they attacked because they thought oskarr was the only one who was heavily armed, hoped to take him out quickly and deal with the other two characters they were aware of.

Dane, pavel, and theren (and skovl, if he's roused from his current state of distraction) are all 25 feet away at this point by my reckoning so all three can move in and attack.

I think the odds of friendly fire depend on the situation, and your character kind of has to use their best judgement. Right now, oskarr and the goblins are pretty close to each other, so if you miss, there is definitely a solid chance of you hitting him.

Posted on 2017-03-16 at 09:19:17.
Edited on 2017-03-16 at 09:22:02 by Lano

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Theren can do something now, if he likes.

Also, padre, just saying, technically I guess Nomad should have posted first. Oskarr was able to post twice because in my understanding you get your attack plus an action, so the attempt at negotiation was the action.

Posted on 2017-03-18 at 00:05:49.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Updated my post

Since you want us to roll attack numbers and said that Dane could reach them in one round, I went ahead and posted attack numbers for Dane on the thread.

Posted on 2017-03-18 at 17:55:29.

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I'm gonna say, you either choose to attack here, or don't. It's your turn, and the goblins can't do anything until it's their turn. Oskarr was the bottom of the round.

Also, just saying, you don't have to leave your bow on the wagon (though you can if you want), you could just have thrown on your back or whatever.

Posted on 2017-03-18 at 21:49:32.
Edited on 2017-03-18 at 21:50:21 by Lano

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Posted on 2017-03-19 at 17:30:55.

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That being said about turns, Theren is gonna go less anyway, so the goblins are next after Dane.

But I don't know if you want to edit your post Nomad in light of what I said or if you just want me to resolve it with my best judgment.

Posted on 2017-03-19 at 20:50:25.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts


Have Dane keep his bow, but otherwise do the same. If that means attack before they get a chance to surrender, so be it.

Posted on 2017-03-19 at 21:44:14.

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Well the post had an "if" in there so i thought you might want tchange iit knowing that its a definite one thing or the other.

I need to check the book on the sneak attack rules but im not sure you automatically get it here. In any case you dont need a sneak attack to kill these guys with on hit with your initial attack roll.

I'll try to post in the next couple days.

Edit: Sneak attack definitely applies here. Damn it's easy to get a sneak attack bonus O.o

Posted on 2017-03-20 at 11:30:29.
Edited on 2017-03-21 at 00:27:00 by Lano

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Dice roller

I use this one:

Posted on 2017-03-21 at 00:29:41.

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I might not post till Sunday. Not that I expect the next post to really be that long, but I need time to sit and think before posting.

Just a really busy week this week. I was trying to post last night but passed out at my computer O.o

Posted on 2017-03-23 at 07:12:29.


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