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    Messages in Despair: Of Life, Of Love, Of Death
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Despair: Of Life, Of Love, Of Death

The Arrival

Beneath their feet the stony trail that constituted the Way of the Forsaken slowly widened out as it followed the muddy river down from the mountains. Far off a blood red sky loomed behind black cancerous clouds as the sun set before them. One of the group suggested they make camp for the night. Another shook their head, and pointed ahead, two hills grew on either side of the path, and between them the group could almost make out the hunched shapes of buildings. It was agreed that they would continue until they reached this settlement.

Each step brought more clarity to the small settlement. Before they reached it, though, they passed the summit of the hill north of the trail. It rose high above them, a pile of rocks and dirt with bits of pale green grass trying to take root. At the top rose a castle, or what was left of a castle. Yellowish stone had once been the foundation of the great building. Four towers rose toward the red sky, one at each corner of the square outer wall. What lay inside remained a mystery to those below. It appeared abandoned. The heavy iron bars on the windows leaked rust down the walls; thin vines covered the heavy double door braced with iron strips; tower roofs caved inward; blocks of stone from the top of the wall had toppled and lay smashed on the ground below. As they continued to walk toward the settlement hiding in the valley they noticed that the western wall was black with char. Eerily it sat on the hill, an empty shell of what would have once been an impressive fortress. Despite its apparent emptiness, the group still felt unease as they passed it, as if eyes were watching from the dark windows.

The girl with the dark hair and the big green eyes was especially moved by the ruins, she pulled her cloak tighter around her and found it difficult to pull her eyes away from the dark char marks. When she finally broke her gaze from it she turned eyes to the summit of the southern hill, where her companions were already looking, it lay much farther west. But even from the distance they could make out a hunched shape with a tall tower rising up from the middle of it. Flecks of red sky could be seen through the tower and spoke of its ruined state as well.

Moving forward they kept their attention on the settlement. The rifle wielder, having the most knowledge on what might lay before them, commented that this might be Cherish Valley. While the tall elf noted that there seemed to be little worth cherishing here as she curled her lip slightly. This brought about small laughter, but it easily got lost on the rocky hills that surrounded them.

Ahead a wooden sign had been thrust into the ground, but it was too dark and too far off to see if anything was written on it yet. But the buildings ahead started to take shape. The first could be best described as a compound. The muddy river dipped under an arch in the high wall that surrounded it. Every now and then something moved atop that wall.

Peeking out from behind the compound wall were more buildings, the tallest of which reached a height of two stories, while most were squat little huts. The spread was actually surprising, especially to the travelers who had spent the last month passing over a largely deserted mountain range. There were probably a hundred or more buildings that could be seen, and most even appeared to be laid out in lines, as if there were streets between them.

Suddenly the sign that had seemed like a small mile maker in front of them was beside them. It was a crude wooden sign with ‘Chairish Valle’ scrawled across it in chipping white paint. They had made it, but this was just the beginning of their journey, and what lay ahead was just as mysterious as those hollowed out castles.

Not long after they had passed the sign the compound reared itself to their right. The river disappeared under the arch on its far side, and disappeared from sight altogether. On the other side of the compound a dry river bed seemed to sneak out from under the wall and rushed toward the huddle of buildings beyond. The walls were made of reddish stone and stood at least three stories tall. The movement seen before proved to be guards pacing the top of the walls, their heads bobbing over the edge and peering down at the travelers now and then. Torches flickered from the watch ledge, in slotted windows running the length of the walls, and astride the massive doors that pierced one wall. At the doors the path they were on split and a well tended branch of it led straight up to them. Each of the wooden doors had a ‘S’ carved deeply in it, where such large amounts of what looked like oak had been found truly was a mystery. A small niche in the left hand door suggested that a guard stood on the other side to watch the door and let in those authorized to do so. Even at this late hour, with the sun dipping down behind the distant hill with its solitary tower and leaving the sky to fade from blood red to black, there were noises from inside the compound. Loud bangs, chains rattling, hot bursts of what could be steam, shouts and other muffled noises. Pillows of thin white clouds drifted over the walls as the steam like noises hit the air.

Whispered thoughts flittered among the travelers as they passed as to what the compound was for. The construction of the compound caught the eye of the Halfling, glancing around at the barren surroundings he wondered out loud where the wood for the doors had come from. But none dared to approach it.

Just as soon they were in the town. The town was laid out in streets, small dusty streets that did not appear to have names branched out off the Way of the Forsaken. Randomly selecting one of them they wandered the streets. Few people moved on the street, and those that did cast the group suspicious looks and moved to the other side of the street before hurrying on their way. Up the street though candle light spilled from one of the taller buildings out onto the street and sounds common with a bar could be heard. Nodding to each other the group headed that way.

The inn stood back a bit from the road, allowing for the patio that stuck out from the first floor. The patio was little more than a wooden platform in the dust. Beams rose from it’s corners and were topped by other beams. Weathered canvas nailed to the beams gave the patio a roof. Rolls of canvas at the edge of the roof could easily be untied to give the patio walls. Circular tables were spread out over the platform, a metal lantern on each lit the place up warmly. Sitting in the mismatched chairs were a handful of patrons, drinking, playing cards, laughing at each other. Everything, including the patrons, seemed covered in a layer of fine dirt, likely the food was as well.

Above the patio windows looked down on the street, thin curtains blowing in a soft breeze. Placed perfectly around them was a black dragon painted across the pale planks. Under the red flash of flame that escaped from his lips was written ‘Midnite Dragon’.
As the travelers approached a female dwarf rose from one of the tables and came to the edge of the patio. She grinned a toothless smile and waved her hand at them. Her appearance stopped the group for a moment, none had ever seen a dwarf quiet like her before. The satin bright purple gown she wore was trimmed in black lace, it also had been worn everyday since it appeared in her wardrobe and it showed in loose hems, torn lace, and stains of unknown origin. Though toothless her mouth was ringed in heavy red lipstick, dark lines were drawn around her eyes but the makeup had spread out in spidery veins through her crow’s feet. She propped a hand that was covered in a fingerless black glove on her hip and greeted them.

“Welcome Pilgrims, yer welcome to come up, but I’ll warn you, gotta pay –before- I’ll bring you yer drink,” and she laughed heartily into the night.

((Same as the teaser posted in Recruitment, just added in the characters playing, I'll open this up to everyone as soon as I get all those sheets. Welcome!))

Posted on 2009-01-26 at 19:32:58.

Karma: 2/0
14 Posts

A room for the night

Nuar, rises his eyebrows slightly to his companions but doesn't say anything as he turns back to the dwarf and politely smiling says, "Thank you for your kind welcome, we will happily come up for a drink but first we should see about some rooms and a stable and feed for the horses."

Unless anyone objects he’ll ask for two rooms next to each other if that’s available, Nuar can do the bargaining but will happily defer to Karn Tar’s whose local knowledge might give him an advantage in making sure they get a fair price.

Once the bags and horses have been seen to let’s get a table on the patio. Nuar would like to make light conversation with either the female dwarf or one of the locals. First to find out what the conditions further along the way are likely to be but he'd also like to gently ask about the town itself, if there is anything travelers should be aware of, and what is that compound on the way in.

Posted on 2009-01-30 at 02:37:20.
Edited on 2009-01-30 at 08:40:32 by Cyco

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts


“Horses… aye. I got a small stable out back, an two rooms upstairs, not right next to each other, but both looking out the back, so ye can keep an eye on dem beaut’s. Eastern horses have a habit of disappearing round here, if ye catch me drift.” She grinned that toothless grin at them again.

Leaning back against one of the tables she examined her fingers and started to dig at the grit under her fingernails.

“One ounce a night for each room, another for the care of the horses, and if ye want I can throw in dinner and breakfast, whatever ye want – well whatever I gots that you want – for another. So that be four ounce of gold.” She leaned in a little closer to them and looked down the street both ways and back at the others on her patio.

“That be unless ye got something else to trade.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Like some good clean water from dem mountains… you got any left?”

She stared at the group her eyes wide, though with fear, or with glee, or some odd combination of them both it would be hard to tell.

Posted on 2009-01-30 at 15:51:52.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts

And some information

When he knew they were getting near Cherish Valley he was 'on guard', he took this by taking out his rifle, loading it and very actively keeping an eye for bandits all whist on his horse. He didn't have any gold but he knew that all of them carried stuff more precious then gold, water.

As they got closer to the town conversation seemed die down, at least to him, and so he took his chance to share some wisdom. "Keep ya water and weapons close and in view, it's a scum town this. I hope yous know what sign stop is and ya can mount quick."

As they got into town they traveled down the main road till they got a the first inn, Karn snapped open his rifle and removed the bullet, slotting it into his bulletbelt, and unmounted. Following the group inside after taking his waterskins off his horse and tieing her up.

Once inside he was content to let Nuar barter but it soon dawned on him that they were quite low on funds and having separate rooms probably wasn't the best idea to have single rooms. It soon came to paying before he though he'd bring up a little bomb shell, as the dwarf leaned on the the bar so his head was closer to hers and he spoke in the same whisper as she had employed. "We might, but what's it worth? I heard that Scott's running this towns water, I wonder what you can tell me."

Posted on 2009-01-30 at 22:08:34.
Edited on 2009-01-31 at 00:50:09 by Loki

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Worth More Than Gold

“So ye want to know about dat?” Her eyes glittered slightly as she whispered with Karn

“No so much a pilgrim as I’d thought I sees.” A cackle erupted from her chest which overtook her completely for some minutes until it turned into a cough that wracked her body. To stop it she hit her chest and leaned over the side of the table, spitting something up onto the floor and then turned back to Karn, face red, eyes watering slightly.

“Eh… the dust round here, that and the tobac.” Again she started to laugh but managed to cut it short before she started that terrible coughing again.

“But enough lamentings of an old woman. Yeah de Scotts Brothers run the water around here. An what’s it worth? More than ye could know pilgrim, more than you could know…” She leaned back against the table and grabbed a dirty glass from behind her, it was chipped at the top and covered in a thin almost milky residue. It was a pint beer glass. Holding it between the two of them she grins at Karn.

“Ye fill up two of des with some of that clean mountain water, I let you, yer friends and hell even yer horses fer three days. But like I says ye gotta pay upfront. An don’t think I’m doin you any favors on this either. James or Henry finds you buying water from someone else…”

“Well fires have been known to start over such things. Funny thing that too, cause you either gotta watch your building go down in cinders or pay James to get water to put it out…” she cackles at that until she coughs some more.

“So… what ye say?” She leans in again, the foul stench of her breath is overwhelming, but she doesn’t seem to notice. “Get me paid an I’ll get ye all a drink and some food an we can sit here and talk all ye want…”

Grinning widely she waits for a response from this group.

Posted on 2009-02-02 at 16:11:29.

Karma: 2/0
14 Posts

Out of his Depth

Nuar has a slightly shocked expression on his face and has looked between Karn Tar and the Dwarf watching and listening closely to this exchange. Even though the Ranger might have mentioned something about water being valuable on the way here he never thought it would be like this.

His valley has a strong fresh glacial stream running through it and water was as free as the air. He thought about his water flask, half fill and carelessly so since he hadn't bothered to top it fully up at the last clean water.

"Ah, two glasses or four ounces you say, I hope you don't mind if we take a moment to check our resources" he says motioning the others to take a couple of steps back

"That'd be all my water an a bit more I guess, I didn't think it would be like this, if we pay how do we get more? I'm concerned but willing to put my share in if everyone agrees that this is the right thing to do. I'm truly out of my depth here." he says a tad weakly.

(OOC - In case I wasn't clear the last paragragh regarding the water was only to the party once Nuar and the others had moved out of her hearing range. He's not quite so naive as to admit what he or doesn't have in front of the Dwarf )

Posted on 2009-02-02 at 16:27:25.
Edited on 2009-02-03 at 02:58:15 by Cyco

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

A touch of spirit

Ielei dismounted from her horse, patting the black mare's mane as she grasped the equine's reigns. The exotic elf stood tall and striking, a wild mane of pale silver curls fell nearly to her lower back framing features finely sculpted from smooth copper. Her almond shaped eyes peered out into the township, deep pools of indigo, nearly black. A sleeveless tunic of unbleached linen fell to her knees, cut low an ample expanse of copper flesh lay exposed. Weighted down by a belt at her waist, the diaphanous tunic split at her hips. She wore form fitting grey leggings tucked into dust covered brown boots. Moving with a languid grace she led the ebony mare as she made her way towards the inn. The building structures of this time never ceased to amaze her, in the world she remembered the architecture would ebb and flow with the seasons, born of the land it would so return to the land. Now buildings jutt out of the land, near permanent edifices of modernity. Ielei regarded the grimy inn and the eclectic dwarf that stood before her.

She let the energetic halfling and the local human engage the dwarf, bartering for food and lodging. Her pointed ears twitched at the mention of water as payment, a thing worth more than gold. Her memories were full of landscapes, lush and green, sweet with the water of life. They were in a desert now, what more could be expected. There was a reason water was worth more than gold here, she had no intention of giving up even a drop of water. Ielei's eyes widen and burn with rage as Nuar not only admitted they had water from the mountains, but considered paying the swindling dwarf with it. Foolish child! She couldn't lie, and not even she would have revealed that much. As he came over to the rest of the group to further discuss using water as payment she shoved past him, leading her horse behind her. As she slowly made her way to the dwarf, essence began to flow through her and she burned with ecstasy. Gathering the rising essence she spun flows of spirit around herself, the matrix wove itself around her lending to her an air of power, majesty personified. Focusing, Ielei spun the remaining essence around the dwarf into a complex tapestry, dazzling and beguiling. With a smile she took a step closer to the dwarf, reaching into her purse she pulled out a golden coin weighing about two ounces.

"We certainly don't want either of the Scott brothers to hear you purchased water from us," Ielei addressed the odd dwarf, her smile never fading. Lifting the gold coin she takes a step onto the patio and speaks in a soothing voice "I think this should cover food, lodging, and care for the horses for a night, don't you?" Her indigo eyes stare into the dwarf's dark eyes awaiting a response.

(OOC - 8 essence channeled - Aura of Confidence 2 essence, Infleunce Emotional State 6 essence.)

Posted on 2009-02-03 at 02:51:31.
Edited on 2009-02-03 at 02:52:19 by Nimu

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

Where I go...

Renee had been in a very pensive mood since stumbling across the hills and their ruins.

If it's true... then what are the dreams? The past, or the future?
Shaking her head clear of the thought, Renee brought her mind to the present. Just in time too, for they had already reached a potential destination for this evening. Renee quickly ran over the barter in her mind. Gold, or water... and unfortunately, they'd probably need the water for their own journey.

There was something else nagging in the back of her mind as well. Should they give water to the woman, there was something potentially disastrous that could happen. Renee did not like to trust luck, not with those around her.

Renee closes her eyes, and focuses, feeling as though a door within her mind had opened. Quickly, she blanks out the immense feeling of possibility, drawing herself to focus on the prospect of paying in water, to see what would probably happen...

(Attempting Mindtime use... specifically, trying to see if it would be discovered that they had paid the woman with water if they did so.)

Posted on 2009-02-03 at 20:32:38.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Welcome Home

The dwarf woman eyes the elf cautiously, she opens her mouth as if to make some kind of objection, but then something seems to almost come over her and she sighs and settles back against the table quietly. Reaching out with her grimy fingers she snatches the golden coin and holds it in her hand as if weighing it before bringing it up to her mouth where she promptly gums it slightly.

“Know, that trick works better when ye got teeth!” She laughs and the coin disappears down the front of her dress, where to, no one really wants to imagine that.

“Horses go out back, like I said. Inside dem doors Bart had better be behin’ the counter, he’ll get ye two rooms, upstairs on de back like I say. Once yer all settled in make yer way back here and I’ll get ye some grub. I be Clementine, if ye be wonderin’.” She grins at them.

You find a small stable out behind the inn. Not a whole lot more than a log attached to the back of the building for tying up the horses, a bed of straw and a thin tin roof covering it all. Bart is at the counter like she said. Although he is human unlike the land lady he is just as grisled and lacking in the teeth department. Though while she seems like she could talk up a storm if she wanted to he barely says a word to you as he hands over two skeleton keys and shows you up a flight of steep wooden stairs to the upper floor. Two rooms are given, one on the southern corner of the building, and the other on the northern corner, there are two rooms between them. The rooms themselves are not much. Wooden floors that seem to let light in from the floor below between the planks. There is a small bed in each with a hay stuffed mattress, Bart kicks a pallet with another hay stuffed mattress on top of it that is hidden under the bed to explain where the other occupant will sleep. A small dresser with a lantern on it, a chamber pot and a thatch seated chair accounts for everything else in the room. Each does have a window facing west however, just as Clementine had promised. Thin curtains are drawn over each, and each looks down onto the tin roof of the stable.

Back downstairs the group finds that the evening has given away to night and the candlelit patio is the brightest thing on the block now. A few other buildings have lights coming from their windows, but nothing worth too much notice.

Four bowls of watery bean and pork soup are sitting around a table, along with a loaf of semi-stale bread and four mugs of ale. As can be expected none of the bowls, cups or silverware match and all look like they’ve lead a hard life.

When Clementine wanders by to check on them Nuar asks about the compound they saw on their way in.

“How you liken’ the food? Well it’s warm anyway, and the ale ain’t hot, not that it’s cold, but ice is sometin’ you never see round here, besides I figured you’d want ale over the water I gots to offer.” She laughs a little, then goes on.

“Ah… dat fortress. That is where the Scott brothers are. Henry calls it the Oasis.” Cough. “Fitting I suppose. I’m guessing you noticed the river runs right under his wall, but it don’t come out the other side. Used to be that the river ran down through the valley. Didn’t disappear until it got soaked up by the sun on Lester’s Pan. But not no more…” shaking her head. “Nope, Henry went and stopped up the river. Built that big wall round his dam, and the massive house he built for himself. Got it made real nice in there he does. Or so I heard. I never much had occasion to go in myself, and don’t feel too sorely about that either. Never seen Henry close up either. Now his brother, James, seen him around. He’s a quiet one, James that is. But he watches, could always feel his eyes on you if he was around. They clean the water up in there. That’s what all them clouds and all that noise is about. Didn’t ye notice that soon as the water comes down from the mountains it hits the valley floor and turns into mud nearly. No good for drinking, gots to clean it up, get the mud out before you can drink it, or before I’d drink it!” Another cackle.

“How does he clean it? Ain’t no one know for sure, except those that do it, and even them I’m not sure know completely. Some say it’s magic, black, white… hell could be purple for all we know. But since he stopped up the river and cleaned up the water, there ain’t really any good place to go for water, cept him. Sure der are a few who go up river from the Oasis, but they just can’t compete. Can’t gather up as much water as him, and can’t clean it as well or as fast as he does. Besides it’s hard to find someone to buy it. But I done told ye about dat already…” she cackles at that until she coughs some more.

After a spit she looks back up at Nuar and opens her mouth to speak but something behind him catches her attention instead. Her eyes narrow and her mouth snaps closed.

“Excusin me for a minute…” She mutters between her lips and stands up without another look at Nuar. At the edge of her patio she puts her hands on her hips and looks down the road.

As Nuar and the others turn to see what has gathered their landlady’s attention they notice two figures swaggering up the street. In the dark it is hard to gather details, but they are vaguely human in shape, but there is something animalistic about their swagger. They both wear large hats resembling sombreros, and brightly colored ponchos over their clothes. Ragged pants are held up with heavy gun belts. Hands and feet are bare and even from this distance seem to be hairier than would be expected.

“Ye best keep walkin… ye know ye aren’t allowed here. Still haven’t paid for last time. An’ even if you do you ain’t welcome back!”

A growl came back from the one on the left. “Hey! You don’t get to tell us where we can go. If we want some of your watered down ale, we’ll have it!”

The dwarf’s eyes flickered to the canvas doors leading into the actual building as if judging the distance, and then looked back at the two figures who were coming closer. As they drew closer everyone could see them a little better. Neither was large, in fact their limbs seemed oddly thin for their bodies. The one on the left had long scraggly hair that was a mix of brown and slate grey, his eyes caught the light of the lanterns and reflected their golden iris’s, though his face was still shadowed white sharp teeth more like fangs than teeth seemed fixed in a snarl. The one on the right had his mangy black hair tied at the base of his neck, his face was more in the light and they could see the distorted features more clearly. A heavy beard, or was it fur, surrounded his face, his nose pulled forward more than it should, his top lip split in the middle and reached up toward his nose, his bottom lip curled up in a hideous grin, heavy eyebrows turned down on his wide eyes the color of cool water. Under his poncho his hand rested on a large revolver.

Posted on 2009-02-05 at 02:51:34.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 64/11
1427 Posts

soup, information, and an approach

Sitting at the table with Nuar, Ielei spooned the lumpy soup of pork and beans. She made her meal mostly out of the stale bread, soaking up the soups warm broth. In her past she had rarely eaten meat, though she greatly doubted the likelihood of finding many fresh vegetables in the barren desert. Her indigo eyes narrowed as Clementine detailed the story of the Oasis. The power to wield magic was a gift, and with that gift came great responsibility. It would be a great abuse of power if the Scott brothers were really using magic to control the water in Cherish Valley. Had her long sleep not weakened her so greatly Ielei would have taught the brothers a lesson herself. But the sleep had weakened her, and she had other reasons for being in the Despair. She would need more than rumors to be called into action, and even if that proof presented itself she would need help.

Clementine left the table abruptly, and made her way to the doorway. The elf watched the dwarf carefully, and her eyes were pulled to the strange pair making their way to the inn. Indigo eyes met golden eyes, narrowing at the sight of their animalistic features. Growls of bravado erupted from the pair and Ielei stood up to get a better look. She cock her head to the side, hissing out breath as her eyes fell on the glinting revolver. Of all the creations of this age she could not resign herself to guns. It was true she had guns of her own, but they sat at her hips as a last resort. Ielei had her own defenses, should the approaching pair turn violent they would discover things more dangerous than a bullet.

Posted on 2009-02-09 at 03:26:40.

Karma: 2/0
14 Posts

Looks like trouble

Nuar was avidly listening to Clementine and nodding as she talked about the Scott brothers. His expression still showing his surprise at the situation and also a hint of the distaste he felt about the whole situation.

When Clementine broke off the conversation and he saw the reason why, Nuar twists his seat around somewhat so he can better see down the road whilst on the side now hidden from view he slowly restrings his bow. Nuar almost never leaves the bow behind since it's generally his only fail safe way of finding food but he had unstrung it after he had dropped his others belongings in the room to give the wood a rest.

He looks around to see how the other patrons at the Inn are reacting to the approach of the two figures.

Posted on 2009-02-10 at 05:30:22.

TRSG 2.0
Karma: 113/94
1606 Posts

Reach for the sky mister

It would seem that information was easier to come by this side of the mountains, at home it would take at least a pint or some gold. He didn't approve of what Ielei was attempting to do, he had seen it used before, not being new to magic and it being common in his home he was familiar with it being used for this but had never seen it used for anything else.

He listened intently to the dwarfs tale of the Scotts brothers and there enterprise, he didn't approve of it but unfortunately if they didn't clean the water who would. He was about to enquire about the bandits around the edge of town when they were interrupted.

The two things swaggered in belts at there side, he didn't know what they were but he still drew his loaded revolver under the table, one thing was certain, if they tried anything they'd get it. But they were right, the ale was very watered down, probably not with the cleanest of water, and the food was fairly south of appetising.

Posted on 2009-02-10 at 20:50:41.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

Cries of the past...

Renee had kept to herself mostly... she was crying. Not loudly, or really noticeable, but crying nonetheless.

Why am I crying? She thought to herself, trying to push the... thing out of her mind. She didn't even know what to call it. A vision, or a memory? It felt like the latter... a bad memory one does not want to ever remember.

Unfortunately, trying not to think about something often ends up leaving a person still thinking about it, and Renee was no different. She was only human after all... or was she? She didn't know the answer to that...

Thankfully, something now caught her attention. The others had tensed, and a few even went to the door... Renee slowly stood up and went too, to see what was happening. Two approaching people... both seemingly hostile... and the glint of a firearm...

Renee sniffed in disdain. She did not like firearms, and hardly ever used hers. There was nothing to the firearm that gave it any weight in her mind. It was artless, blunt, and a mere harbinger of death. It could do little else. Ah, but the rapier, like the one at her side, that was something else. That in itself is an art to make the blade, and an intricate dance to wield it properly. Renee's hand rested upon the hilt of the rapier, more to simply feel it than to be ready to draw it.

It looked like this would end up in a fight; Renee didn't even need to look ahead to know that by her intuition.

Posted on 2009-02-10 at 20:54:01.

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

What You Gonna Do To Stop Me?

While the group of Pilgrims tensed at their tables the three other patrons took squinted looks at the newcomers. As the two approached with their threats and their guns they all got up one by one and left. Two disappeared off the patio and into the shadows between the Midnite Dragon and the building standing next to it. The third wandered out onto the street and giving the two hairy men a wide berth nodding slightly to them and shuffled off.

It seemed that the Scott Brothers were not the only thing those living in Cherish Valley feared.

Clementine stamped her foot and put her hand on her thick hip. “Now look at dat! Ye went and made me customers run off.”

The one on the left smiled a snarl at her and pointed at the one table still occupied. “They stayed didn’t they? Maybe they’ll be up for a game of cards…”

“Oh they just don’t know no better. And I’ve seen how ye play cards, someone usually ends up dead if they beat you at a hand… now go.”

“No.” The one on the left stated plainly enough. And he stepped up into the light only a few feet from the dwarf and stared down at her.

His brown and grey hair grew over his face and up close looked much more like fur than hair, his wild eyes glared down, and it was all too apparent that this creature was certainly not all human.

The one with black hair stepped up onto the patio while his compatriot confronted the inn keeper. A wide fanged smile was sent to the Pilgrims as he walked past their table.

Clementine shifted her eyes between the two. “I don’ want no trouble, now just go find somewhere else to drink tonight…” she said between gritted teeth.

“Or else what?” the creature in front of her hissed. “You gonna stop me?” He laughed into the night.

A second later his laughter stopped and he reached down and grabbed Clementine by her upper arm and leaned down so his face was in hers. “Now you are going to serve me and Hector there some drinks or Bart is going to have to scrape you off your own patio. You hear me?”

Posted on 2009-02-13 at 16:30:07.

TRSG 2.0
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1606 Posts

Long time no post?

Waiting and observing no one seams to take any action, these two were dangerous but he couldn't stand for what they were doing.

He lent back in his chair and put his two very mucky boots on the table with loud thuds, following that he took the revolver out from under the table and rested it, whilst still holding it on his calf. And looked straight at the strange dog people
"Now just give the nasty dog people some ale Clementine then you can tell us bout the bastard suns o'bitches that have been terrorising this s*** hole."

The fowl comments above are aimed at dog people and he will point this out if they say anything along the line of 'You better not be talking about us'

OOC: Sorry about the fowl language but it's what my character would say to the dog people to evoke them into something *wink wink*
Karn Tar has an attack readied against the dog men if one of them should draw there weapons, he'll shoot one shot at each of them and aim it at which ever of the hands they go to draw there weapons with. I am aware of the penalties it would incur.

Posted on 2009-02-17 at 22:39:05.

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