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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Free form RPGs --> Horror --> Witchcraft: Stare into the Night
Parent thread: The Sharpeness of Smoke Related thread: Stare into the Night Q&A Related thread: Stare into the Night characters GM for this game: Eol Fefalas Players for this game: Reralae, Merideth, Nimu, Boo Boo This game has fizzled.
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
A little fresh air
Penelope took a step closer to the glowing door. A strange presence came to her awareness the closer she came to the ward, a powerful and undying presence. Alexander and the bast moved along her periphery but she paid them little heed, it was the approaching immortal that held her attention.
Ignoring her immediate surroundings the siren began to focus her full attention on the unknown immortal presence. She felt the power of the energy strongly and gasped as it washed over her, something of it was wrong. With a shake of her head Penelope began to concentrate further, probing for some sign.
It was the creaking of the door that pulled her awareness back to the shop. Her grey eyes darted immediately to the doorway to find Alexander and Smoke stepping out.
"I'll be right back," the PI said as he moved past her out the door.
Reaching a hand out to him she called out, "No, wait!"
Her words fell on deaf ears, for as they left her lips both man and bast were already out the door. Penelope shook her head in a mix of fury and concern. Idiots! The thought reverberated through her head as she followed them out the door.
Posted on 2009-10-07 at 02:15:42.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2529 Posts
To be followed... but are you sure you want to be following?
As Alice wandered down the way she was headed, she kept alert of the people around her. She was looking for someone after all, so she needed to be paying attention. Although, she didn't see any people fitting her memory of Jen, and she would've been pretty easy to spot amidst the crowd... a girl just an inch shorter than her, with a braid of dark hair at either shoulder down the back, wearing a kimono with a floral pattern.
Yet, she paused for a moment, looking around. She could've sworn she heard someone.
Alice blinked. She definitely heard something that time, but it was a bit hard to tell where it came from... or, more specifically, who had said that, and it didn't look like anyone else heard it... maybe she was just hearing things.
She had only gotten halfway down the block when she felt it. The unmistakable sensation that one was being watched. She looked around one more time, before she saw a pair of golden eyes looking at her. The golden eyes of a cat. Or was it a cat? It was hard to tell... her vision blurred over the cat, and it just felt like there was something different about it...
But then again, she felt that way with many things... and so wasn't overly concerned. She stopped and turned to approach the cat, leaning over slightly.
"Hello kitty." Alice said, her voice innocent, gentle, perhaps even sweet, but strangely identical to the Alice that Smoke met in Janelle's memory, "Are you out for a walk today too?"
Alice tentatively reached out with her hand, offering it to the cat. She didn't really expect it to stay still; most animals and even some people she held out her hand to generally ran away, but she held out her hand anyway. It was almost habit for her.
Posted on 2009-10-07 at 08:01:41.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8870 Posts
It's just a little... girl?
Alex was already on the sidewalk before he heard Penelope call out for him to wait. He did stop, of course, in the middle of the walk just outside the front door of the place. His gaze swept the length of the street - turning first in the direction that Smoke had chosen not to go in order to ensure that no nasty surprises might be coming from that direction, then, in the opposite direction to see what the bast had been so anxious to get out and see, A little girl? What? - before he turned his gray eyes back to the siren to acknowledge that he had heard her.
"It's just some kid," Alex shrugged, his eyes tracking back up the street in search of the adults that would surely be close behind their adventurous offspring - there were none. Again, his turned in the opposite direction and regarded Smoke as she padded after the little girl in the blue dress and he wondered, at first, why Smoke would have been so dead-set on getting out of the house just to see a little kid up close, it was at that moment that Alex noticed the funky tinge to the little, blonde girl's aura, and the wings that, he hoped, were nothing more than some weird attempt at a costume even though Halloween had long since passed,
The kid had turned around, then, and spotted Smoke close behind. "Hello kitty," he managed to make out the little blonde's sweet voice as she leaned over and offered her tiny hand to the bast, "are you out for a walk today, too?
All Alex could do was gawk. Aside from the bone and leather wings and the seriously bitter tang that the girl's essence imparted it was almost a cute scene, almost,
"I don't like this," he murmured, casting a sidelong look at Penelope who was now on the sidewalk herself,
Posted on 2009-10-07 at 17:44:44.
Edited on 2016-09-30 at 09:38:24 by Eol Fefalas
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
Approach with Caution
Smoke was not most people or most animals. And from what she had just seen with Rosie she had a better idea than most about what the girl was, or at least had been.
"Whatever you do, don't frighten her," She sends to both Alex and Penelope behind her.
Her golden eyes look at the hand then slowly move up toward the girls face. The fact that the girl hasn't grown up in all this time is creepy. The symbol on her forehead is even more so. Smoke can't look at it very long before she turns her head back to the hand. Taking small steps she actually gets closer. She sniffs the hand then rubs her head against the out stretched fingers. Touching the girl almost brought up her hackles but she did her best to appear calm. She let the girl pet her so long as she gets to keep all her fur during the process. With her distracted with petting Smoke sends a message to Alex.
"This has to do with Rosie, and the clocks. I can't fully explain it. Don't get Rosie. I don't want to frighten this girl, Alice I'm pretty sure, by talking to her. Maybe you can though, see if you can find out why she is here,"
Posted on 2009-10-08 at 15:14:11.
Edited on 2016-09-30 at 09:39:52 by Eol Fefalas
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
Ask Alice, I think she'll know...
The siren followed Alexander and Smoke out into the street. Before them a little girl in a blue dress knelt before the bast seeing only a tabby cat to play with. A hideous stain marred her forehead and a pair of decaying wings grew from her shoulders, but it was not these anomalies that narrowed Penelope's grey eyes. This little girl was the very immortal she had sensed and within her aura vibrated an impurity that she had only seen on one other. Whoever this girl might be she was deadly dangerous
Penelope moved closer to Alexander as he cast her a sidelong glance muttering. "I don't like this... "
With a quick motion she reached out to grab his arm and drew herself close to him, "That is no little girl," she whispered in Alexander's ear, "She is immortal. Take Smoke inside and let me deal with this," although she spoke in a whisper her tone echoed with severity, "Do not argue with me."
Not giving Alexander a moment to respond she moved away from him and took a step closer to the strange child-immortal. As if sensing her intent Smoke's telepathic voice began to echo in her head, "Whatever you do, don't frighten her..."
Penelope sent no reply and let the white halo of essence surrounding her speak for itself. With a smile on her face she closed the distance between herself and the girl. Kneeling she studied the child briefly, in spite of her dark aura and deformities she seemed as innocent as any child.
"Hello little one," Penelope said with a smile letting the channeled essence wrap itself around her words to lend all she said the power of persuasion. "Where is your mother? You should not be wandering the streets so by yourself."
Posted on 2009-10-09 at 01:33:16.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2529 Posts
A question with no answer...
"Aww... soft..." Alice murmured, as she ran her hand over Smoke's body, kind of surprised that the cat had stayed there, but happy about it too. It had been a long time since she had felt fur before, and the last one was...
She blinked. Her mind drew up a slight blank.
"Hmm..." She wondered, thinking for a moment. Was it a cat... or...
Then she remembered. It was a cat... Jen's cat... the cat named Tabby. She regarded the cat carefully... no, this one wasn't Tabby; this one's fur was more... almost smoke-like.
Then Alice noticed someone else nearby. She looked up and saw a woman approach and kneel by her. For some reason, she felt comforting in a way, and... Alice could feel that she was... strong... although she couldn't exactly place that feeling. Everyone around her felt differently to her, a select few strong, some mediocre, but most calm, in a way, like a puddle of water sitting still and undisturbed.
Before she could think about it further, her train of thought was interrupted by the woman's voice, also calm, comforting... soothing in a way.
"Hello little one," Penelope said with a smile letting the channeled essence wrap itself around her words to lend all she said the power of persuasion. "Where is your mother? You should not be wandering the streets so by yourself."
"Mother?" Alice repeated, "Um..."
It was in her hesitance that perhaps revealed the most; she actually could not remember. In one memory, her mother was there, as was her father, but in the next, both were gone.
"I... don't know." She replied honestly, "But I've been alone for a while now, so it can't be too bad, right?"
As she spoke, the minute hand of the mark on her forehead shifted slightly, marking the passage of another minute...
Posted on 2009-10-09 at 08:24:01.
Eol Fefalas Lord of the Possums RDI Staff Karma: 475/29 8870 Posts
You ask Alice... I'm gonna go inside and hurl!
Whatever you do, don't frighten her, Smoke warned as the bast moved closer to the little blonde girl and allowed the child's hand to stroke her fur, This has to do with Rosie, and the clocks. I can't fully explain it. Don't get Rosie. I don't want to frighten this girl, Alice I'm pretty sure, by talking to her. Maybe you can though, see if you can find out why she is here,
Alex's expression shifted towards bewilderment, What? Rosie? Clocks? This little kid? , He couldn't quite get his head around what was going on, here. How would Smoke suddenly know what was going on with Rosie and her clock-phobia all of the sudden and, even more puzzling, how in the hell did she figure that some little kid played any part in the whole thing?
Smoke's tone hadn't left any room for the doubt that Alex felt, though, and even though he knew that the bast must have been up to something that he'd want her to explain later on, now wasn't the time to call her on it. Instead, he simply nodded - or thought he nodded - pushed his confusion and questions aside for the time being and started to move towards the kid who was now cooing over his cat. He hadn't managed to take the first step, though, before he felt Penelope take hold of his arm and pull herself close to him.
"That is no little girl," her voice whispered in his ear, "She is immortal. Take Smoke inside and let me deal with this."
Alex spiked a brow and looked, almost disbelievingly at Penelope, What're you talkin' about, lady?! he was all set to retort, That's just some little kid with, His attention had swung back to Smoke and ‘Alice', then, as Penelope's warning had somehow prompted him to reexamine the situation and his stomach practically lurched when he felt the wave of Taint emanating from the cute little toe-headed kid,
"Do not argue with me," cautioned the Iberian beauty sternly as she released his arm and, herself, advanced on the tiny, tainted immortal.
"Yeah," Alex mumbled, suddenly feeling as if he could take a knee and puke right there on the sidewalk, "No problem."
He did take a knee, then, but it was only partially because the Taint exuding from little Alice was turning his stomach, "Smoke! Where do ya think you're goin'," he called to the bast, falling into the ruse that he'd just chased his escaping pet out onto the street, "C'mon, sweety! Get back here!"
He risked a look at Alice then, too, and tried to smile when he said; "Thanks for stoppin' her, kid."
Posted on 2009-10-20 at 16:23:09.
Edited on 2016-09-30 at 09:43:02 by Eol Fefalas
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
"Aww... soft..." Alice murmured, as she ran her hand over Smoke's body.
The taint was strong and as Alice touched her Smoke could feel the oily sickness of it against her. Her mouth opened a little as cats do when they smell something bad or very strong, a row of tiny white teeth glistened in the early afternoon light. The hairs along Smoke's spine tingled but she held her reserve, and let Alice's hand smooth them down, although they threatened to spike back up immediately.
Out of the corner of her awareness she caught ear of Alex and the lovely woman stepping out of the store.
With a quick motion she reached out to grab his arm and drew herself close to him, "That is no little girl," she whispered in Alexander's ear, "She is immortal. Take Smoke inside and let me deal with this," although she spoke in a whisper her tone echoed with severity, "Do not argue with me."
This certainly made her hair stand on edge for a moment, and her lips curled into a slight snarl, but for the moment she stayed where she was and let the girl run her hand down her back again, smoothing down the hair for a moment before it puffed back up, Smoke looking like she could really use a dryer sheet right now.
Penelope approached and asked the girl about her mother, a question the girl had some difficulty with. Smoke felt sorry for Alice, and she respected the girl's condition. She didn't feel she had any reason to currently fear the girl though, and so she stayed put.
"Smoke! Where do ya think you're goin'," he called to the bast, falling into the ruse that he'd just chased his escaping pet out onto the street, "C'mon, sweety! Get back here!"
Golden feline slits turned up to Alex.
"You really dumb enough to think I'm going to listen to that?" Smoke smarts off to Alex.
"And you, I don't really even know you, so don't you go start thinking you can boss me around just because you're some powerful immortal," to Penelope.
"Now then, I want to know where she is living. She's not posing a threat currently, just talk to her. Find out where she is living, and if she won't answer, I need to know and I'll follow her to find out if I have to." she offers to both of them.
Posted on 2009-10-21 at 15:29:12.
Edited on 2016-09-30 at 09:45:37 by Eol Fefalas
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
One b^tch, two b^tch...
Still kneeling before the little girl Penelope looked up to peer into her tainted aura as she awaited the immortal child's reply. Only once before had she seen an aura so entwined with taint and it was not a memory she cared to recall. Holding onto her calm with all her being the siren continued to smile at the child.
"Mother, uumm..." the girl child answer and then paused as if trying to remember something that was no longer there. "I... don't know, but I've been alone for awhile now, so it can't be too bad, right?"
At this Penelope sighed and reached out a hand to touch the girl's arm as if in understanding. The moment her skin touched the child immortal a filthy oily sensation crept over her. It was all the siren could to do to keep her face smooth. Never in all her centuries in this world had she felt anything such as that.
Just as she moved to respond to the girl Smoke's telepathic voice shot into her mind. "And you... I don't really even know you, so don't you go start thinking you can boss me around just because your some powerful immortal..."
In a mental voice dripping with saccharin Penelope sent her telepathic reply, "I did not realize I had addressed you, one thousand pardons..."
Smoke's telepathic voice began to chatter, but Penelope had already returned her full attention to the child. Letting the intoxicating flows of essence entwine her words the siren spoke to the girl, "I'm so sorry to hear that. Why don't you tell me how you came to be here and we'll get you safely back home."
Posted on 2009-10-22 at 00:24:22.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2529 Posts
Wrench? I see no wrench...
"Oh, that's okay." Alice replied, smiling, "I know how to get home by myself."
She suddenly tilted her head a moment, a memory vaguely hitting her squarely behind her left ear. She paused a moment and blinked for a second.
"Um, I think mommy told me not to tell strangers where I live as well..." Alice added.
Posted on 2009-10-28 at 18:46:13.
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
Short and Sweet
With her smile held in place Penelope listened to the tainted immortal child's response. Somehow the girl had resisted her charm and the siren found it difficult to maintain her pleasant smile, but maintain it she did - long ago she had mastered her emotions.
Cocking her head to the side Penelope let tendril of dark hair fall in her face as she channeled, "Your mother is a wise woman," she answered in a soothing voice as the flows of essence entwined themselves around her words beguiling any who heard them. "I would have told my own daughter the very same. I also never would have let her wander the city streets by herself, you should be careful little one."
Posted on 2009-11-11 at 01:31:26.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2529 Posts
Innocence is a strong defense... but there's something else as well...
The girl giggled, as one would giggle if they knew where the cookie jar was hidden. "But I'll be alright... I know some people are mean... but all I have to do is tell them to go away like my mom said... I tell them to go away, and they go away... well, they fall down anyway... but they don't hurt me anymore."
Alice smiled brightly, without a care in the world, before suddenly she stopped, as a thought struck her, "Oh, but you can come with me... I could use some help, and I trust you... I'm looking for my friend..."
Her eyes widened slightly, very much as the pleading young girl she was, "Will you help me? Please? I don't know where Jen is..."
Posted on 2009-11-14 at 04:52:07.
Nimu RDI Fixture Karma: 64/11 1427 Posts
Shall we continue?
The girl giggled, as one would giggle if they knew where the cookie jar was hidden. "But I'll be alright... I know some people are mean... but all I have to do is tell them to go away like my mom said... I tell them to go away, and they go away... well, they fall down anyway... but they don't hurt me anymore."
At this Penelope cocked her head to the side. I tell them to go away, and they go away... well, they fall down anyway... What did the girl mean by that? She had met human immortals before, they had power but none that she had ever known had magic. Something of their very nature kept them from it. Whatever magic this girl possessed it was born of the taint and nothing good could be born of that. This child immortal seemed truly innocent, perhaps she did not even know what she did. That made her all the more dangerous.
With thoughts Penelope reached out to Smoke, Get Alex out of here. We don't know what the girl can do, she might kill him without even realizing it. I'll try and do what I can, but I need you both to go inside... now.
Alice smiled brightly, without a care in the world, before suddenly she stopped, as a thought struck her, "Oh, but you can come with me... I could use some help, and I trust you... I'm looking for my friend..."
Her eyes widened slightly, very much as the pleading young girl she was, "Will you help me? Please? I don't know where Jen is..."
The siren smiled and reached out a hand to brush the girl's cheek. Once again the oily sensation of taint washed over her, threatening to consume her with sickness. Penelope supressed the feeling and held her smile.
"I'm sorry little one," the siren began in the same soothing voice, "I do not think I know your friend."
Penelope stood up next to the girl and offered her a hand, "Let's go for a walk, you can tell me all about your friend and maybe we can find her."
Posted on 2010-02-07 at 02:06:46.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2529 Posts
Yays! Here we go!
Alice tilts her head, closing her eyes and smiling, "That would be great! Thank you so much. Let's see... she's an inch shorter than me... has long dark hair... which she usually keeps in a long braid... oh! And she likes wearing her kimono... It's dark blue, with a floral pattern... hydrangea flowers and cherry blossom petals... yes... that's it..." She nods to herself twice.
She ponders a moment, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "She likes playing in the park..." Alice giggles, "She's very acrobatic... although she prefers drawing over showing off... oh, but I've never seen her at any of the parks lately..."
Alice smiles, taking Penelope's hand, before habitually waiting, used to being led by her mother or father after they offered their hand in the same manner.
"By the way... my name's Alice." She says lightheartedly.
Posted on 2010-02-07 at 18:19:02.
Edited on 2010-02-07 at 19:20:13 by Reralae
Merideth Muse-i-licious RDI Staff Karma: 186/13 3273 Posts
I hate that you are right...
With thoughts Penelope reached out to Smoke, Get Alex out of here. We don't know what the girl can do, she might kill him without even realizing it. I'll try and do what I can, but I need you both to go inside... now.
Smoke stood there on the street. The girl had lost her attention on the kitty when Penelope came into the picture and started to talk to the girl, about her friend, no doubt Rosie. She hesitated. She didn't like to be bossed around, especially by some vixen woman who has been in her life for all of ten minutes. The thought of her hooking up with Alex had been alright, Alex needed a good hookup, it had been too long. But that didn't mean she wanted this woman to come in and boss her around.
No matter what she wanted or didn't want Penelope to do, however, the woman had a point. With a slightly disgruntled "mew" Smoke had to admit that.
She turned, gave Penelope no further conversation, only the flip of her grey stripped tail as she bounded back toward where Alex stood on the pavement. She had made a promise long ago to protect her gifted human. Penelope would have to fend for herself, she wasn't human even if she was gifted. Alex needed Smoke more than the immortal vixen did. She ran her slender body around Alex's feet.
Alex, Rose needs us. Penelope has the girl. We have to go inside now, she offered to Alex, and Alex alone, in as calm a voice as she could, even though the slightly oily sickly feeling the girl had driven down her spine when she touched the cat still lingered.
Posted on 2010-02-14 at 20:59:39.
Edited on 2016-09-30 at 09:47:41 by Eol Fefalas
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