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Karma: 10/0
251 Posts

Looking forward

I read through Loaded Dice and some of the other comic strips that ran on RDInn, and they truly are a valuable part of the inn. Looking really forward to seeing updates come through, and I wish all the best to Yanamari as the new artist!! Her preview is looking great!

Posted on 2014-09-02 at 18:56:24.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Long Ago...........

Well the last artist to post interest was in April of 2013.

So is there any budding artists out there that want to show their stuff?

Posted on 2014-09-02 at 19:48:20.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts


I'm an artist, I guess, and specialize in drawing and sketching with pencil and pen. I also dabble in digital art (Photoshop)- the avatar I have which really needs updating was a drawing I did in early 2012 of a character I created. (Gad, I sound pretentious-- I really am not, I promise!)

I plan on attending a 2-D animation diploma program next year- I'd like some professional education and a career in animation.

One day I would love to contribute some of my more relevant stuff to RDInn, including various character designs for games I'll play and a medieval fantasy-themed comic strip SirSadaar and I have been working on since 10th grade. That one is going to be a lot of fun. As for comic drawing right now, however, I'm not interested in taking on anything yet as I'm working on my portfolio...

Posted on 2014-09-03 at 01:13:57.
Edited on 2014-09-03 at 01:21:46 by I-Binary

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