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    Messages in Star Wars: A Clone's Duty
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Karma: 18/0
415 Posts

Star Wars: A Clone's Duty

21 BBY Uden Fen Asteroid Outer Rim Territories Outpost # 8394
The asteroid wasn't much to look at. Much to the dismay of the rookies, this was their first assignment. Having to guard an outpost in the middle of nowhere seems boring to any soldier, but they're told time and time again how important it is. This particular outpost was large enough to hold 4 squads of 4 troopers each, plus their sergeants. Shifts were to be taken guarding outposts Epsilon, Alpha, and Theta, while the fourth squad stayed within the main building. The layout of the outpost was simple to memorize. Within 3 days the rookies had fallen into a pattern and stuck to it.

Currently, all is quite in the space around the asteroid, and many, if not all of the clones are quite bored. Though the complaining has died down, the recruits wish to fight the separatist armies and prove their worth.

((OOC:Alright PC's! Your squad is currently in the central building, the other 3 in the outposts. Your shift has just started so you'll be here for 4 hours. Start however you wish(sleeping, eating, watching cameras for example), you all know eachother somewhat, and your sergeant is not with you at the moment. Also no one has their weapons currently except for maybe a blaster pistol if you have one. Good luck and have fun! EDIT: Everyone should post first before anything else happens, just like to get the gist of what everyone is doing.))

Posted on 2013-05-23 at 02:27:13.
Edited on 2013-05-23 at 03:17:23 by Kamina

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


Hodges sat in a far off chair from the others, cleaning his rifle for the hundreth time. The smaller, leaner clone wearing only his armored pants, his chest guard and helmet discarded on a nearby table.
He was not happy about this assignment, and though they had been here a short time, the knowledge of future boredom seemed to intensify it. They were in the middle of nowhere, assured it was an important assignment... The fighter considered if he had done something wrong. This had to be punishment...

But as usual, he remained silent and stoic, accepting his orders without question. His place was to serve. And he would fulfill his purpose, simply because he could hope for nothing else.

He considers the men around him, knowing them a bit from the other troopers, and trusted them well enough. He wondered if they weren't better off... Perhaps better they wouldnt be in the middle of the action... They would not die here, on this monotonous assignment. They would not have to dodge mortar rounds and blaster bolts...

Yet Hodges felt bothered. He had seen little battle after the constant training sims, and was ready for action. To play his part in the war.

He shakes his head, laying his again-cleaned weapon down and leans back with a sigh, resting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes, imagining the epic and terrifying battles they would face in the future....

Posted on 2013-05-23 at 02:51:37.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Gyro's ideas

As he had for many days before, Gyro quickly ran into the room for the start of his shift. It wasn't because he was the best soldier, no it was because he wanted to be at the terminal monitoring space. Space had always fascinated him. Many times when he was younger, he wondered why he couldn't be a pilot or marine. But he had grown to accept it. Being an infantry man wasn't so bad... sure, one got to run getting shot at by a huge army of droids, but that meant doing your part for the army.

Unfortunately for the rookies, they had been assigned to an outpost. Possibly the most boring thing to be assigned to... and Gyro didn't get to spend much time in space. Although, they were fortunate to get this outpost, at least in Gyro's mind: if he was lucky, he could sneak outside into space at least for a few moments. Multiple times, he had been caught by his sergeant and berated for doing that!

Today was one of those days that nothing was happening.
Gyro decided it might be a good idea to fill in the silence with a little conversation. "Ya know guys, this outpost leaves us a lot of spare time... perhaps we can become master chefs..." Gyro listened to silence in response," No? Ooh! How about we build a droid to do this job for us? How about that!" Another silence. "No? Geez guys... I'll never know what you want to do." Once again feeling the amount of boredom overtaking him, Gyro took the power pack out of his pistol, set it's safety, and attempted to juggle it.

Posted on 2013-05-23 at 03:05:12.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts

The Bored Mechanic

"They're always telling us how important the base is. Important, my foot!" The clone mechanic would say to himself as he paced around the perimeter of the dorm. "Why can't we get some real action?"

Riggs had always heard about the battles going on outside in space and on far-off worlds as a young boy in Kamino's vast training facilities. He would hear of the tales of woe and bravery told by adventurous clones; of pilots, soldiers, ships, and Jedi. These stories always seemed to stick with him; but it wasn't the battle which piqued his fancy. No, it was the action behind the scenes, carried out by spies, tactical commanders, and engineers. A very mechanically-inclined clone, Riggs was a techie. He aspired to become an engineer of the highest calibre one day... day far from here. Now, he was bored out of his mind, trapped on some forgotten (yet terribly important) outpost on a rock out in space, where everything was working perfectly and there was nothing to tinker around with. He would take apart his comlink and gun, along with various other oddities, and put them back together just to remind himself what he was doing sometimes. Other times he would stir up conversation; but often he would just sulk around.

At the back of his dusty brain, he faintly heard the voice of Gyro, one of his comrades on the asteroid; usually he would be happy to engage in conversation. Riggs liked Gyro, and viewed him as a friend- though making friends was easy for him. As long as the other party wanted to talk, that was all it took; trust was rarely an issue, and he wasn't terribly prudent. This view was not shared as well with the other guy, the one called Hodges. He liked Hodges enough, but the scout never seemed willing to talk. Perhaps, however, he was just as bored as everyone else, and was never in the mood. Now, however, he paid little notice. Gyro's words seemed to lack the stimulus he desired today. Perhaps the draining apathy was sinking in too deep.

Posted on 2013-05-23 at 04:14:12.

Karma: 18/0
415 Posts


Batter slowly paced along the Southern wall in the Security room. Like the other Rookies, he came here excited, hoping for a chance to prove his worth. To his dismay, him and his fellow comrades were left on this asteroid. Of course he listened to his orders, and didn't argue when his superiors said this place is important, but he couldn't help but feel useless here. He trained for combat, life in the battlefield, not sitting on some dusty, long-forgotten rock.

"Ya know guys, this outpost leaves us a lot of spare time... perhaps we can become master chefs..." Batter stopped pacing at this, and looked towards Gyro.

" No? Ooh! How about we build a droid to do this job for us? How about that!" Staring at Gyro from under his helmet, Batter stifled a laugh by letting out a cough.

"No? Geez guys... I'll never know what you want to do." Taking a seat near one of the monitors, Batter sat as he watched Gyro attempt to juggle his pistol for what must have been the hundredth time since they got here and found there wasn't much to do. Suprisingly, Gyro actually managed to get the pistol going this time, and started juggling it with a little more ease then before. "Nice one Gyro, glad to see you aren't dropping it on your toes anymore."

((OOC: You rolled a 17 on an Acrobatics check, Gyro juggles the pistol with a bit more control and manages to get a stable juggling pattern going.))

Posted on 2013-05-23 at 04:30:37.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Juggling... for once

"Nice one Gyro, glad to see you aren't dropping it on your toes anymore." Batter said.

"Or the face for that matter. Just that one time though... even then, I'm glad I wear my armour most of the time." After a minute or two, Gyro finished his juggling. "So guys, anyone interested in the music station? We could always vote in a song." Gyro smirked for a moment; sarcastically, he said, "Being we are soooo important, they will have to play our song."

Posted on 2013-05-24 at 00:36:04.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts

Musics? I love musics!

Out of the corner of his distracted consciousness, Riggs could hear Gyro saying openly, "So guys, anyone interested in the music station? We could always vote in a song." There was a pause, and he added: "Being we are soooo important, they will have to play our song."

The clone mechanic snorted and turned to face the speaker. "I guess I could go for some music; sure beats listening to each other breathing all day. What do you think is on, besides the anthem?" That was all the Republic military would play; naturally, Riggs knew it inside and out.

Posted on 2013-05-24 at 01:19:41.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


Hodges cracks an eye, frowning. It wasn't that he disliked music... He didnt LIKE it but he didn't dislike it. But these past days had made his temper run short, and often, anything he said was quick, stoic, and to the point, rarely consisting of more than a few words.

Sitting forward again, he sighs and stands, stretching, then begins doing pushups, a regiment he had always done daily, but here, did several times a day to kill the boredom. He made no response to the music idea, and all that could be heard from the lean close was his quiet mumbling as he counted off his reps.

Posted on 2013-05-24 at 04:33:00.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Beep bop boop....

"I guess I could go for some music; sure beats listening to each other breathing all day. What do you think is on, besides the anthem?" Riggs replied to Gyro?

"Actually, I don't think that they play that too much. Mostly they play requests... probably from the finest groups. So the 501st I guess..." Gyro turned his attention to the radio. "Ok so if I turn it on and..." The music station turned on, and began to play.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gyro noticed Hodges doing push ups. " Bored Hodges? Yeah, I guess this is horribly boring for us all. Meh. They can only leave us here for a couple weeks. If they didn't cycle troops out before then, we'd lose more to boredom then droids."

Ambling over to it, Gyro replaced his weapon's power pack. " And when we do get to the battlefield, we'll show them who is boss! If the droids have any sense, they'll run away from us!" To add affect, Gyro raised his right hand to his final statement.

Once again, Gyro got back to sitting down at his desk.

Posted on 2013-05-24 at 22:40:50.

Karma: 18/0
415 Posts


As the music played, and the clones sat around the security room, a voice came over the buzzer. *Attention Security Room, this is Outpost Theta checking in. Everything seems to be normal, like always. Rotation switch in 3 hours... Wait, what's.................*

With an audible swoosh, the mic immediately goes to static. If one were to look at the monitors, all cameras in the Theta sector have completely gone out. Not even static on the screen, just inky blackness on the screen.

A small rumble can be felt coming from the direction of the outpost. Then, silence.

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 02:29:39.
Edited on 2013-05-26 at 18:27:11 by Kamina

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

Uh oh...

As the music played, and the clones sat around the security room, a voice came over the buzzer. *Attention Security Room, this is Outpost Theta checking in. Everything seems to be normal, like always. Rotation switch in 3 hours... Wait, what's.................*

Being he was sitting near a console, Gyro decided he had to do something. "Troopers report!" He called into the intercom. " Troopers!" He radioed the other outposts, "Outposts Epsilon and Alpha, report! Do you know what happened to Theta?" Gyro drew his gun, expecting a fight.

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 02:54:39.

Salvator Navaar
Karma: 6/0
333 Posts


Hodges was on his feet in an instant, watching Gyro, waiting to hear a response.... grabbing up his rifle, he slowly moves over to his armor and begins suiting up, a bead of sweat running down his forehead. Fear.
So he got his wish. They were seeing action. And with so few....
He pushed the thought out of his head, just waiting to see if anyone responded from the different outposts.

Posted on 2013-05-25 at 04:58:15.

Karma: 10/0
251 Posts

Rising action.

The smile on Riggs' face suddenly turned to an expression of shock mixed with intrigue. As the hiss of static settled into the background, Gyro took the intercom function at the console he was sitting at and called the troopers at the other outposts. They had to respond.

The mechanic put on his helmet, previously lying on a table, and grabbed his blaster pistol. It was loaded and ready for action; now, so was he. Turning to Gyro for further orders, Riggs glanced expectantly at the door.

((OOC- Edit: I'd forgotten nobody has their supplies with them. Riggs didn't just grab his tool kit- it's back in the dormitory. My bad.))

Posted on 2013-05-27 at 22:24:35.
Edited on 2013-05-28 at 13:25:08 by I-Binary

Karma: 18/0
415 Posts


With a start Batter fell to floor from his precarious position on his chair. Jumping up immediately and drawing his knife he looked around. "What in the blazes was that!?" Looking at the other troopers from under his visor he dropped into a combat stance.


Both Gyro and Riggs jumped to the intercom and radioed the other outposts. Alpha only gave static as they awaited a response. From Epsilon's radio a faint voice can be heard, "We're falling back...... came out of nowhere......... prepare to lock the blast doors............ casualty.........."

After that, only the hiss of static can be heard through the radio. The clones stand in the security room, unsure of what lies outside.

Posted on 2013-05-27 at 22:32:18.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 11/0
656 Posts

To Epsilon!

"Guys!" Gyro panicked. "We need to get to Epsilon if possible." Gyro paused as he looked at his one pistol. "On second thought, let's get to the dorms and get weapons. I know I don't have any seniority over you, but I am going to see what is over there." With that, Gyro turned, with his weapon drawn, he began to move towards the dorms.

Posted on 2013-05-27 at 23:44:33.

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