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Karma: 24/0
404 Posts

Site dead?

Hey people, I'm checking in again but this site seems dead now.  I keep hoping to RP here again, but nothing appears to be going on.  

I'll keep my eyes open, and check back later. 

I hope this place can be revived.  I want to play!!!

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 16:38:58.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts

Not Dead

It isn't dead yet!

Sadly, the Inn is not as active as it has been in the past.  However, it is not dead.  The Blacktooth Ridge is a D&D game that is alive and kicking.  We don't need another player, but could squeeze one in if needed.  

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 16:43:17.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

One Game

Nomad has the only game regularly active at the present time: Blacktooth Ridge

Glad to see you are Alive and Well in 2022

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 16:44:08.

Karma: 24/0
404 Posts


Glad to see the air is still going. 

Unfortunately, I'm not really a rules RPer, and D&D is a rules game as far as I know.  I don't know anytabout the rules and frankly, not interested in learning a bunch of rules.  I'm all for the RPing aspect. I love getting into the character and playing them, and not worrying about rules.  I wouldn't know the first thing about how to use the rules, especially during like combats and such.

I'll keep my eyes open for something free form I guess. ?

Posted on 2022-01-09 at 19:57:52.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts


I'm a newbie to D&D but Nomad is a great DM. He's always there to clarify things I don't understand and I've learned a lot from him. He's my Yoda lol. Nomad takes care of all the dice rolls and stuff.

Posted on 2022-01-10 at 08:27:05.

Fun is Mandatory
RDI Staff
Karma: 371/54
7067 Posts


Not dead.  Just pretty empty.  Maybe we can do something about that.

Posted on 2022-02-21 at 23:16:20.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 50/1
1694 Posts

* glares at Olan in brainwashed half-elf *

Posted on 2022-04-27 at 22:43:36.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/1
45 Posts

* glares at Olan in brainwashed half-elf *
Hey, I occasionally resemble that remark!

Posted on 2022-06-12 at 10:33:04.

#1 Kibibi
Karma: 50/1
1694 Posts

*too brainwashed to get it*

Posted on 2022-08-18 at 22:57:27.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

I'm advertising the site in D&D Facebook groups, but looks like that hasn't worked. :/

Posted on 2022-08-19 at 05:41:54.

Ma' Nozzle
Karma: 38/0
668 Posts


I decided to pop in after a very long time away. Hello everyone!

Posted on 2023-01-13 at 17:14:00.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3140 Posts



The site isn't dead - I'll be updating my game tomorrow.  

And maybe with what Wizards/WotC is screwing up so badly perhaps traffic here will pick up a bit.

Posted on 2023-01-13 at 23:35:35.

Occasional Visitor
Karma: 8/1
45 Posts


Boy, I had no idea there was so much drama around the OGL stuff. Heard about it from one of the geek/toy reviewer YT channels I watch. Cripes.

Posted on 2023-01-18 at 18:16:18.

Veteran Visitor
Karma: 3/0
172 Posts

Honestly I would love to do more freeform or just dnd without a sub because of the whole mess. If anyone has anything planned count me in lol.

Posted on 2023-01-19 at 12:19:48.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 16/1
884 Posts

Blacktooth is moving really slowly. We're not even out of the tavern yet. I want to hunt some bandits!

Posted on 2023-03-15 at 08:13:11.

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