Solanis, Greater God of Light, Life, and the Sun
Rise with the sun, the holy light of our father. Seek his holy divinity and share it with the world. The land of man is a garden we must tend and shine upon as the Luminary shines upon and within us. -Elston Leavold, High Priest, Eyes of the Blazing Sun
Sphere of influence: |
Light, life, the sun |
Colors: |
yellow |
Symbol: |
blazing sun |
Deity Aignment: |
Lawful Good |
Granted powers: |
Cast light twice per day, turn undead as if one level higher |
Allowed alignments: |
Any good |
Allowed weapons: |
Any blunt |
Allowed armor: |
Any |
Relationships: |
Son of Rydor and Lysora. Father of Gaela and Lleua. Lover of Oriana. |
Subordinates: |
Erna |
Other Names: |
Radiant Father, Blazing Star, Luminary, Solinari by Sylvari, Inko-mengu (Sky-light) by Khordaldrum, Brieskiir by Vidar, He who Rules the Skies by Slaa'kar, Rosshun by Brathunspar, Rajanen by Chindari, Lannal by Ungoulid, Sal by Cidals, Norik by Bófir |
Priests of Solanis are welcome in almost any town, and are often considered to be good luck. This god is favorably viewed by common people, and his worship is widespread; he is one of the most popular deities in all of Audalis, regardless of race or creed. This religion is one that seeks to actively promote better life, and is often prominent in the community. This religion works actively with that of Lysora; the two faiths are in many ways intertwined. They are also closely allied with the church of Falloes, and will openly offer aid to that lesser god's followers.
Creatures of darkness and undeath abhor followers of Solanis, as his servants have special power over them. This, of course, makes them valuable to adventuring parties, where they tend to fit in well.
Religious services are held every day at dawn and sunset, and midday services are not uncommon. Temples and churches of Solanis are always built to give the best use of the avaialable light, making them cheery places to visit. Clerics pray for their spells every day at dawn.
Solanis is known to be quite handsome - and perhaos more than a little vain. This vanity led to a reduction of his power when he allowed Tyrannis to seduce him - see the tale of Gaela and Lleua. He is a known lover of Oriana.
Dogma Solanis is the great light of goodness that shines upon all. He gives light and life, strengthening the good of heart. He admonishes the darkness, burning away evil and unlife with his radiance. So to must we shine upon the world, the holy embodiments of his will and light. Live every day to the fullest, and in doing so, set an example for all people, so that life is never a gift to be taken for granted.
Avatar Solanis appears as a great lord of light and life. He stands tall and serene, yet a great sense of strength and purpose is felt in his form. His age is undeterminable, though older than youth and younger than elder. His eyes blaze golden as the sun, his hair a corona of light. He wears blazing robes of yellow with few adornments, though he had also been seen wearing gleaming plate armor and carrying a shining sword and shield.
Fellowship The clerics and followers of Solanis tend to use magics of enlightenment, knowledge, healing, and protection. Their work is benevolent, bringing light and hope to people while casting back the darkness. They excel at working against the undead.
The fellowships of Solanis include the following:
Eyes of the Blazing Sun: The Eyes seek out darkness in the world, be it of the heart or of the undead. They bring forth the words and will of Solanis to aid the world. These followers travel the world widely, erecting and maintaining churches and temples in many towns and cities. They are wise sages who balance charitable works, preaching, and warring against evil. This is the largest of Solanis' fellowships, with large temples in Felarin, Ertain, and Dawn Castle, Drannon.
Society of Luminaries: The Society seeks to understand the darkness and light in the world. These loremasters maintain incredible libraries of knowledge regarding the cosmos, the struggles of man against demons, and the enlightenment of angels. The Society includes a wide range of tradesmen and artisans such as bookbinders, painters, and singers. Some remain in seclusion in the churches of the Eyes, documenting their words and copying the words of Solanis for others. Other members travel the world singing of the tales of Solanis and the writers. If ever a warrior needed to understand how to defeat darkness, it is said this Society either knows or can get the information. This fellowship binds the various sects of Solanis.
Dawnbringers: Secretive and wary, the Dawnbringers infiltrate warrens of darkness to destroy and banish evil from the world. As their name states, they bring the light of Solanis into the heart of eternal night to bear it away. Their numbers are never truly known, though some of the greatest battles and cataclysmic events have been noted as the final acts of the Dawnbringers. Some of Solanis' brethren consider the sect as insane and foolish while others pray for their safety and good works.
Knights of Aina'rutha: These knights are powerful clerics who seek to end the tyranny and evil of the dark and undead. The Aina'rutha, or Holy Anger, was founded by two clerics: Gilmandrion, priest of Solanis, El'endar, and Amiolia, priestess of Lysora, Coria. The two met in Quevin to answer the aid of the council under attack by dark forces. Together, they worked to banish the darkness and heal the injured. After the terror passed, the two spoke with others and soon a following was formed. Members typically are sylvari and human, though some khordaldrum have come to answer the call.
The constellation of Solanis lies midway between Bakloran and Kharox. It is by far the most dense cluster of stars to be seen in the skies over Audalis. At its heart lies a region of particularly bright stars, seven of which can be discerned with the naked eye in good seeing conditions. The brightest and most central of these is Saldorak Its intense yellow light easily outshines its six companions. The clearer the night, the more outer stars are visible. Under the best conditions and with good night vision, a pale yellow glow can also be seen emanating from the space between the stars of the cluster, seemingly binding the constellation together.
  Thanks to Olan Suddeth for this contribution!