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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Audalis --> Religion
 Oriana, Goddess of Love and Passion: Oriana, goddess of love and passion, is one of the lesser deities in Audalis campaign setting pantheon.
 Miellyah, Goddess of Fertility and Growth: Miellyah, goddess of fertility and growth, is one of the most commonly revered deities in the campaign setting of Audalis.
 Thadril Anskar, God of Storms & Pride: Thadril Anskar, God of Storms & Pride - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Sharlys, Goddess of Fear: Sharlys, Goddess of Fear - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alanus, God of Greed: Alanus, God of Greed - the Audalis Campaign Setting for D&D.
 Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt: Vilathera, Goddess of the Hunt - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Khamaruz - God of Winter: Khamaruz, God of Winter - The Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Salerna, Goddess of Pain: Salerna, Goddess of Pain - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Thirkell, God of Trickery: Thirkell, God of Trickery - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Alvareon, Goddess of Prophecy and Fate: Alvareon, goddess of prophecy and fate - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Telamor, God of Artistry: Telamor, God of Artistry - the Audalis Campaign setting for D&D.
 Cardista, Goddess of the Sea: Cardista, goddess of the sea - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D.
 Valdorn, God of Dreams and Dreaming: Valdorn, god of dreams and dreaming - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Falloes, God of the Hopeless, Lost, and Needy: Falloes, god of the hopeless, lost, and needy - the Audalis campign setting for D&D
 Merca, Goddess of Duty and Honor: Merca, goddess of duty and honor - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Bakloran, God of War: Bakloran, the God of War - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Garghas, God of Disease: Garghas, God of Disease - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 D'hurgen, God of Death: D'hurgen, god of death and decay - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Tyrannis, Goddess of Evil and Treachery: Tyrannis, goddess of evil and treachery - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Kharox, God of Crafting: Kharox, God of Crafting - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Kith-jora, God of Nature: Kith-jora, God of Nature - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Shinara, Goddess of Luck: Shinara, Goddess of Luck - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Jusarin, God of Knowledge: Jusarin, God of Knowledge - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Solanis, God of Light and Life: Solanis, God of Light and Life - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Therassor - God of Righteous Battle: Therassor, god of Righteous Battle - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Lysora, Goddess of Healing: Lysora, the Goddess of Healing - Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Rydor - God of Truth and Justice: Rydor, God of Truth and Justice - the Audalis campaign setting for D&D
 Religion in Audalis: Resources for Audalis, an AD&D campaign setting - Religon in Audalis Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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