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Khamaruz - God of Winter
Sphere of influence:
Winter, cold |
white, blue |
three frosty icicles |
Granted powers:
always under a Resist Cold spell, cast Endure Cold twice/day |
Allowed alignments:
Any neutral |
Allowed weapons:
Any blunt |
Allowed armor:
Any |
Other Names:
The Winter God, Khords: Ezbad dul korthal (Lord of Frost), Sylvari: Aran en' hrive (King of Winter) |
D20 Information
God Alignment:
Neutral |
Winter, cold |
Air, Knowledge, Water |
Favored Weapon:
Mace |
Khamaruz is a large, stocky dwarf, with a frosty icicle beard and pale white skin. It was he who, with the help of Kith-Jora, created the fourth season of winter. He resides on the highest peak of the Kharolis Mountains, higher than any creature has ever climbed. With his magical powers, he conjures forth massive heaps of snow to drop down over Audalis during winter, and with his gigantic lungs, he freezes all lakes, rivers, and streams to ice. Barbarians and other people that live in mountainous areas commonly worship Khamaruz, mainly because they are constantly surrounded by snow, and want the Winter God's blessing. A few dwarves also pray to the Lord of Frost, as well as those merchants and traders who travel during winter and need his protection from snowstorms and avalanches.
Most of Khamaruz's clerics live alone in arctic areas, where they are always close to their holy elements-ice, snow and frost. They harden themselves by bathing in frozen lakes and lying in cold snow for several hours - experiences they believe will strengthen their ties with the King of Winter. Moreover, it empowers their bodies, making them more enduring and resistant to cold. Clerics of Khamaruz seldom study the art of divine spellcasting, instead concentrating more on physical prowess. This makes them less skilled in magic than other clerics, though they are most often stronger and sturdier.
Khamaruz himself is said to descend from his home on the Kharolis mountaintop when winter is in its dawn and the continent is covered with snow. The mighty dwarf traverses the lands of Audalis, preserving the winter wherever he finds it necessary, withdrawing back to his home only when the fourth season is nearing its end. |
  Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!
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