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DM's Corner

 Becoming an Epic GM: Celeste brings us her thoughts on what it takes to become an epic GM.
  Digital Gaming; All The Cool Geeks Are Doing It: Innmate Skye reviews some iPhone, iPad, and Android apps designed to increase the Dungeons and Dragons gaming experience.
 Paladins of Other Alignments: Is there any reason that paladins should only be lawful good? Why can't non-good deities employ paladins, also? This article explains how to allow paladins of other alignments.
 Mass and Grand Scale Combat: Optional rules for military combat in D&D v3.5 or, alternatively: Bloody long article about military combat in D&D v3.5
 Political Rules for D&D: A political system for D&D.
 Bonus Points: an Advancement House Rule for White Wolf Games: A house rule designed to reward good play in a White Wolf game by granting bonus points to use towards character advancement.
 Cinematic Houserules: Knockbacks: A D&D house rule to add a chance to knock back creatures or characters who suffer massive damage in a single blow
 Small Rules: Added Rules for AD&D to help make the game easier and more fun
 Optional Healing Rules: Optional rules for the healing of Characters
 Perception: How to use perception wisely in a AD&D game. A new ability for AD&D
 Gem Descriptions: Descriptions and value of various gems used in Role Play
 Large Scale Combat: Article dealing with the nature of large scale battles.
 The Tides Of Magic: Article dealing with the allure of Magic
 Special Maneuvers - Can I? Rolls: A new Special Maneuvers for Player/Characters in the AD&D world
 Guide to Herbs for RPGs: This is a guide for game purposes only. DO NOT under any circumstances, use any of the herbs contained in this guide for any real life purpose.
 Optional Rules for Spellcasters: A new system for Spellcasters to access their spells
 Prestige Points: An alternate system for going up in levels called Prestige Points ("PP"). "PP" are based on tasks, adventures and personal quests accomplished, not on killing monsters and collecting gold coin.
 Master Points: How to better an Existing charater Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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