Szordrin Trith'Tarl
Red Dragon Inn
Szordrin observed the child, wondering how she had crept up on them without his trained and keen senses noticing her. Even if she had been transported magically, one of his items would have informed him. Strange... but not the strangest thing he had yet experienced. There was this incident with the archon on Elysium... or the Emperor's daughter...
Anyway, he chose to observe, as he usually did when students were present. Such a strange occurance was likely the doing of... hmmm...
"Well little one, I'm sure your new friends will help you find the mother you seek." He slowly stands up from the table, finishing his frostwine in one gulp. "If you will excuse me my students, I have other things to attend to at this moment. Do enjoy the rest of your evening. And if you would, help the young one find her mother will you please?"
He bows slightly to the table and walks across the room, to where the Headmaster as seated yourself, picking up another pair of frostwine filled goblets on his way.
"Greetings my Lady. Would you mind if I joined you?" Without waiting for an answer he seats himself in a chair beside Merideth, in the same movement placing one of the goblets on teh table before her while bringing his own to his lips for a sip.
"Perhaps it is my incredibly keen sense of personal emotion..." he says with a slight grin. "But you seem troubled. Nothing a bit of good wine and pointless conversation could not stave off for a few moments I hope. If nothing else, at least you haven't lost your mother as the little girl over there." He motions with his goblet to the table he just came from. He looks for the slightest reaction from the Professor, believing this to be some sort of after school hours test or some such. Meanwhile he still watches the table and the girl, curious as to her nature and where she came from.
(OOC: Is that direct enough to stir some action?
