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GM for this game: Alacrity
Players for this game: TannTalas, Almerin, Keeper of Dragons, Nomad D2, Odyson, Astrid
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    Messages in Weird War II
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Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Now why did she have to go and do that?

Corban pulled himself up from the floor. Trust a lady with too-much makeup to ruin a good night in a haunted temple.

As he stood, shook of the pain, and adjusted himself Corban looked at the remains of the "lady." Hearing Stars words he did have to wonder about who was in charge. He doubted it was the Nazis, somehow they didn't really seem like the sort of thing that would that to a witch. Then again, maybe those were bullet holes. Hhhmmm. He didn't like the idea of Nazis in control of nasty bad magical, mythical, demonic stuff. But they kept trying. Stubborn jerks. So Yee Olde would just have to be stubborn as well.

With such thoughts on his mind he resumed his position. Watch the rear and keep a general eye and ear out for anything out of the ordinary until the boss pointed them towards the other door. At least that is where he assumed they would go. But probably not until someone had checked out that statue and the leftovers from the lady.

Posted on 2016-02-20 at 12:59:43.
Edited on 2016-02-20 at 13:03:09 by Nomad D2

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Heart Breaker............

Doc clutched his chest as the waxy female shouted her chant. The pain was so sudden he couldn't react and fall to the floor. Then as a blue light glowed out from where the thing stood he felt the pain subside. Looking over all he could see were the remnants of the waxy body.

Jack got to his feet and quickly looked around to see if any the team needed help. The other were recovering on their own so he just prepared to move on. "Ain't that like a dame..they try to break your heart and then just go to pieces...."

Posted on 2016-02-22 at 19:03:04.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

The Rat lives on.

The wax priestess seems to either be confused by Star's words or mulling them over - hard to say with a molded face. But suddenly her eyes and hands glow intensely blue and she makes a grabbing gesture in the air and cries out, " Hamon-rye im yaeud syd maebad bldy!"
Almost as the last syllable left the witch's lips Rat felt a blast of pain slamming into his head. Trying to keep a grasp on his Thompson as he fell to his knees was impossible and the SMG sled across the floor.

Then as suddenly as it had started the pain was gone and Rat looked up to see the wax witch in pieces on the floor those pieces unmoving. First he heard the Sarge speaking then Star.

"Bugger all. What is it with crazy birds and causing heart-aches? Anyone see what happened?"

"Anyone dead?"

Still recovering Rat could only look at Star and the Sarge and shake his head no. Finally getting back to his feet he reclaimed the Thompson. Checking it quickly for any damage he moved towards the priestesses remains and without touching looked them over. Looking back at the rest of the squad he heard Star address the Captain.

"She said Hamon-rye is not longer master in my temple, then what .... or who... is?"

Then Doc piped in with a bit of humor causing Rat to smile.

"Ain't that like a dame.. they try to break your heart and then just go to pieces...."

Rat watching the room and keeping alert waited for the Captain's next orders.

((Glad to be back, thanks Roger for this opportunity))

Posted on 2016-02-23 at 13:43:48.
Edited on 2016-02-23 at 13:53:56 by TannTalas

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Map will be coming later

Through the room and to the doorway, you find a corridor that runs east -west to another room. The north side of this room is 30feet across with a stairs going downwards into darkness. The room is 20 feet deep to the south. Stairs lead downward from the east and west walls. Two sets of four lights are set up here on stands attached to a generator that runs with a slight putter on the floor. There are several of the undead Egyptians on the floor here, all dead from head-shots. There is a corridor on the other side of the room and up the stairs that connects up with the room you were previously in. Looking down the corridor you see some dead and equipment knocked over.

Even approaching the stairs to the north, you feel a strange foreboding and the air seems unearthly cold as you approach.

Posted on 2016-03-07 at 19:26:04.

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


As sarge moved towards the north stairs he felt something. "All the little hairs on me nape are standing and I get an odd feeling in my gut. Must be headed the right way."

Posted on 2016-03-07 at 21:31:27.

RDI Fixture
Karma: 31/3
600 Posts

lucky post #13

Star rolled her eyes at doc, flipping him off with a less then lady like gesture an a curt smirking smile.

Taking once last glance over the group, just to make sure everyone was as they said an in one piece

. star turned to the corridor ahead, looking at the dead. Star pulled a pouch from her belt an quickly tossed salt over the bodies of the fallen Egyptians muttering a quick warding.

(it probably wouldn't be strong enough to ward off necomantic magics but might delay any zombie~sih effects... or not lol )

Moving of to stay with the group. Looking at the Northern stairs they seemed to draw the most energy as if beckoning.

Posted on 2016-03-08 at 10:49:11.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Got a bad feeling

As Rat once more orientated himself he took a quick look around the room. 30 ft by 20 ft 2 set of stairs East and West walls, lights, dead Egyptians, stairs back up to previous room.

"All the little hairs on me nape are standing and I get an odd feeling in my gut. Must be headed the right way."

Moving up beside the Sarge to get a better view up the stairs to the North, Rat too could feel the air had turned very, very cold.

Turning to Sarge first, then to the Captain, he posed a question.

"Captain, should I scout ahead? The way North is kinda creepy and I got a bad feeling."

Then Star was also beside him and the three of them standing very alert looking towards the North.

Posted on 2016-03-09 at 20:28:29.
Edited on 2016-03-09 at 20:29:45 by TannTalas

Keeper of Dragons
Devil's Advocate
Karma: 59/18
2581 Posts


"That's what ye get paid for. Go ahead and scout. Just not too far and yell if you get in a sticky wicket."

Posted on 2016-03-10 at 10:25:49.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

High Sign.....

Doc smiled at Star to acknowledge her hand gesture.
"Forever the lady.... well get along..I'll protect your rear since you saved my a**." Jack gathered he things and fell in as the group moved on.

Posted on 2016-03-14 at 20:48:45.
Edited on 2016-04-03 at 18:56:22 by Odyson

Typing Furiously
RDI Staff
Karma: 177/19
3012 Posts


With the sudden obliteration of the waxy woman, the group was left wondering what exactly had happened. More so, the Captain was left wondering what exactly the exchange had been between Star and the strange lady, but he was informed of the most important part soon after.

"She said: Hamon-rye is not longer master in my temple," Star translated for them, and then voiced the question that was probably bouncing around in everyone's minds.

They moved onward, into a chamber filled with dead people.

Bullets to the brain, the Captain mused. It was interesting because it could mean two things: these poor people had been executed, or these poor people had not been poor people at all, but risen corpses trying to eat an avid member of an association for gun owners.
In any case, the atmosphere in the room was dreadful. A cold wrapped itself around the Captain's body and tried to bury itself deep in his heart. Luckily for him, his heart was layered with callus, and while this emotional deformity had forced some questionable decisions in the past, it now gave him the necessary protection to continue the mission.

"Go ahead," the Captain nodded to Rat's request to scout. "We'll take a look at this equipment here, trying to figure out what it is that's been going on here."

OOC: He'll check on the corpses himself, to make sure they're really dead and to see if there are any clues to what has happened.

Posted on 2016-03-18 at 06:44:40.

Nomad D2
RDI Fixture
Karma: 55/6
3141 Posts

Keep your eyes on a rat...

They continued to move further into the temple. Everywhere they went they seemed to find more bodies. More bodies with headshots. The most likely scenario seemed to be that these were either zombies or that the Nazis thought they were zombies. He was assuming that the Nazis were the ones doing the shooting. Was that a fair assumption? Corban wasn't positive, but it seemed like a good working hypothesis. What did it say that in an ancient tomb filled with zombies and melting witches, he was most concerned about some very modern, and probably very well armed, Krauts? It meant the residents of this lovely building were likely having a very bad day.

Corban moved forward with the rest of the group. The new room was odd - well lit up with a generator. He wasn't a mechanic, but glanced briefly at the generator and cables. Were the lights (they were welcome!) the only thing being powered by the thing? Were there other cables leading elsewhere?

When they first entered the room Corban had held his position as rear guard. When nothing seemed to happen and Rat offered to scout ahead to the North, Corban didn't like the idea of sending him off alone. As the Rat moved forward, Corban spoke to the captain. "Chief. I'll cover rat as he moves forward. But that means I'm not watching the back or that other entrance." getting a nod from his CO (Assumption here, correct me if I'm wrong.)Corban moves forward and keeps his fellow Ye Olde group member in his sites.

Posted on 2016-03-19 at 22:47:47.

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