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Thank You to the Red Dragon Inn

Back in 2010 I was looking around for ways to restart the roll playing style of gaming I had done in my youth and I came across this site.  In truth, a group I was a part of found it when looking for a place to host a game, and I tagged along.  I absolutely fell in love with play-by-post gaming.  I love the games and I love the writing.  I have also really enjoyed the people I have met here.  I may not have ever met any of them in person, but I feel like I got to know some of them beyond their characters and campaigns.  This site became a place that I loved to check online and I quickly joined almost every game that would have me.  I have to admit, I stuck them out longer than pretty much anyone else as I don't think I ever quit a game - I played and posted until they died under me.  

Honestly, it is hard for me to say "thank you" to the Inn strongly enough.  This was a little community I fit into.  This was a little community that welcomed me.  This was a site that played in a way I loved playing.  And I have loved everything I have done on this site for the last 14 years.  Sadly, it does seem that the lights are going out in the Inn.  There are no other active games here and the one I have been running for quite some time appears to be dead as well.  It is with great sadness, but many, many thanks for the last 14 years, that I close down my time here at the Inn.  

But . . . if anyone is interested in getting a campaign going - as player or GM - just post away as I might well be lurking to see if life returns!  

Thanks to the Red Dragon Inn and all the Innmates I have known over the years for many great campaigns and posts!

Posted on 2023-10-18 at 21:53:43.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
6817 Posts

Back at ya

And the Red Dragon thanks you for running your game as long as you did. Nomad take care and be safe and know you will always have a home here.

Posted on 2023-10-19 at 15:32:54.

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