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3e Character Sheet Special thanks to Bromern Sal for this quality 3e character sheet. Crisp and concise, this sheet is in Excel format (.xls).
A Guide to the Khordaldrum of Audalis Almerin gives us a wonderful description of Khord scoeity.
AD&D 2nd Edition Character Generator Special thanks to Nick Bosovic for providing this handy Windows utility. Flexible, and allows for a lot of options.
Alacrity's Spell Minders A list of the wizard's spells stats only for quick reference. Based on the 2nd edition spells listed in the Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic. Also set up for Duplex printing (Word 97 Format)
Antaron Wallpaper (1024x768) Great wallpaper of the continent we all know and love, compliments of Yanamari.
Antaron Wallpaper (800x600) Great wallpaper of the continent we all know and love, compliments of Yanamari.
Basic Character Sheet Special thanks to Moody Mage for this basic, but very useable, character sheet Prints well, easy to write on. Done in Excel (.xls) format.
Bromern Sal's v3.5 Excel Character Sheet Special Thanks to Bromern Sal for providing us with this detailed and *involved* character sheet. It is done in Microsoft Excel.
Elven Dictionary A dictionary of Elven words and terms. Includes rules for translating new words and phrases into Elven, plus a phrase book containing many common expressions. (.rtf format)
Ever Changing Book of Names v 3.3 The benchmark in creating names for fantasy characters. This small program runs quickly, and is the best utlility I have ever seen for name generation.
Ever Changing Book of Names v 3.3 addon chapters Unzip this file and copy the folders into the main EBon folder to add close to a hundred new chapters to your Book of Names, including Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, and other location-specific names.
Gallery of the Blades A huge reference volume on magical blades. Contains stats, histories of most of the blades, and more. Converted to .rtf format for maximum compatability.
Kimrian's 2e Character Sheet Special Thanks to Kimrian for this 2e character sheet. All the info you'll need while playing, with enough room to write on.
Kimrian's 2e DM Sheet Special Thanks to Kimrain for this MS Word-based DM Sheet. Keep track of all your PC's and NPC's with these handy tables and charts.
Nations Template A comprehensive and detailed template for building cultures and nations. It has been provided in Microsoft Word and PDF formats within a ZIP file for your convenience.
Red Dragon Character Sheet A great AD&D character sheet (2nd edition) in .rtf format, so almost anyone can use it. Easy to fill out, either with your computer or with a pen.
Red Dragon Font Pack (improved) Fifteen excellent fantasy-themed fonts. Thanks to Almerin for updating this collection!
Red Dragon Spell Sheets Keep track of your character's spells with these handy printable sheets. Spell level, range, components... all of the "critical stats" for your character's spells.
Rune's Book of Spells The spells of 2nd edition magic-users all in one place. Please note some material components may be missing for brevity. Also set up for duplex printing (Word 97 format)
The Clan of the Ape Men The first Red Dragon Inn downloadable adventure, written by Erythnul. This adventure is specifically, 3e, and calls for a party of 4+ PCs ranging from levels 7-10.
The Die is Cast Created in the days of RPG radio, we are not sure who is on vocals, but this is a silly rendition of Alacrity's poem "The Die is Cast". (View the original poem)
The DM's Song The webmaster Olan Suddeth puts music and vocals to Alacrity's song about playing D&D and getting older. (View the original song)
The Inventor Almerin gives us a character class that is a bit different and very well illustrated. Take a look and you won't be disappointed.
The Netbook of Feats A wonderful compendium of Feats collected and compiled by the gamers on the net for your enjoyment. Well worth a look. Please note it is set up for duplex printing, so there is the occasional blank page. (PDF format)

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