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The Archives
Nyx on the Prowl:
Eyebiter: Tiamatt5774 brings us his personal creation, the Eyebiter.
Shadowblade: A half-elven fighter/thief from the Return of the Prodigal Son game
Halfling Barbarian: Halfling Barbarian
Beowulf & Grendel: Beowulf approaches Grendel for a nice wrestling match.
Elandor: Kender thief in the woods, holding his hoopak
Demon of Wheels: a demon in a clockwork setting, done in pencil
Rynada the Ragged: A winged elf rogue.
Alacrity's Crew: Alacrity's Crew, a portrait of characters from Alacrity's long running table top game
Beams of Light: An underwater image.
Tiao: A clawed sorceress.
Thorin: The King of the Dwarves.
Anticipation: Lizardmen in the jungle.
Farseer: A ranger in the wild.
Elven Druid: An elven druid.
Demon-Fight: A battle with a demon.
Salerna: A sorceress.
The Cleanest Cut: A decisive blow.
The Earth Golem: A powerful earth golem.
Monarch Fairy: A petite fairy,
The Kindergarten of a Warrior: Learning to be a warrior.
Blue Wizard: A wizard and a dragon.
J'Chef: J'Chef
HrrGrrGrr: HrrGrrGrr
Lizard Woman: A lizard woman.
Ghast: A terrifying ghast.
Ghoul: A cannibal ghoul
Carmen as a Were-Rat: A were-rat in hybrid form.
Queen Caeline Alaris, Queen of Coria: The Queen of Coria.
Allegiance: War of Factions: Allegiance: War of Factions
Allegiance: War of Factions: Allegiance: War of Factions
Allegiance: War of Factions Art: Alliance: War of Factions
Aavali: Aavali
Bromern Sal: Bromern Sal
Char: Char, Human Ranger
The Golden City: The party descends into a golden city in the Forgotten Realms land of Maztica. Clockwise, from top left: Aranthal the psionicist, Revith, an elven druid/bard, Selena the nature knight (and Shadow, her wolf), Caineth, a half-elf ranger/psionicist/sorcerer.
Elkentar: Elkentar
Dwarven Worshipper: Dwarven Worshipper of Kelemvor
A Desert Scene: Brom's image of a desert.
Layne: Keeper of law. Divider of lightness and dark.
Oshima Sen: This character is a Planescape Monk.
Leiilu: An image by Yanamari.
Yanamari: Image of Yanamari the PC
Fireknot: An image by Yanamari.
Justinarius: An image by Yanamari.
Elvaleryn Kitathas: An image by Yanamari.
Jocaste: Lady of the Planes, walker of the stars..
Witchling: Settled in darkened halls and surrounded by fading murals, the witch holds her own counsel. Admist the rubble of ancients prophesies, she seeks views to new times and ages for the would-be client. Although the orb shows her much, it is the eyes that tel
Elven Lady: An Elven Lady.
Shadowflame: Wicked wielder of strange flames, the wizardress of the shadowflame considers if you shall live or die.
Necromancer: Wielding the power of bone and blood, the necromancer controls the realms of death.
Amer'Loch: The Lich Queen of Sendria. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit


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