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Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts


Amending my post to add in the developments...

We just need to ensure we band together; if we assault any particular flank, I'll likely cover the rear to ensure a chance of turning some foes away, which will leave the main frontal assault to Willhem and Vincent

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 02:59:31.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts


@ziklag, i figure we can chop up one of the smaller groups, then let the turning work on the bigger one.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:01:37.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

We see

I guess the question is what group do we see? One or all of them. If we charge I would charge the center. If we get thru we might make it back to the ship.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:05:39.

Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts

not so quick...

If we fail to carve a path through, they would collaspe in on us from the sides. Given the terrain fleeing once we engage is worse off than fleeing now, and increases the risk of losing an ally to the skeletal horde....

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:09:07.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts


Could color spray into the group that might clear a path, my hound can distract others. We might just make it. I think we will get closed in either way we strike. The ship might be a best hope.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:13:54.
Edited on 2013-06-13 at 03:15:02 by Ziklag

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


You have a Cleric on the right side who may be more interested in bashing skeletons than turning them (only going by what he PMed me when I discussed his Charisma Attribute) so we will have to see what he decides!

Tuned_Out has his Paladin at the end of the right line behind Tohmas (east) and from what I am hearing the Paladin would attempt turning the Skeleton Pirates that are coming from the south (depends if he is successful and will see how many he turns if successful) which is the best strategy from his position!

Meanwhile, all 3 groups are steadily advancing against the Party of Ten!

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:17:18.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts

I think,

we shoudl definitely charge the eastern group, have the paladin turn the large southern group, and hopefully by then the 15 will be dead(again), and we'll only have to deal with 2:1 odds

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:20:06.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


How certain are you that the ship will still be there if the group makes a run for the ship ?????

They are Loyal and will not abandon you on purpose, but what makes you so certain the ship will be at the exact spot where it was before you went to the city ???

Skeleton Pirates will chase you all over that island no matter where you go!

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:21:06.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

getting late

not sure at all, but if Dagger and the party that was left on shore are there we would have help.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:24:15.

Khash Munee
Karma: 47/0
707 Posts

Again note

Distance toward the ship's original position and Dagger was ~1000 yards, which would be a fairly difficult escape.

Post is in; shall we proceed comrades?

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:26:51.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

in for a penny...

Posted, hope spells help. Hope Areldor does good for all. Have a good night. I will read the finding on the morrow. Edited my post, just use the hounds and mist if need. I guess the spell caster is going go down swinging.

Posted on 2013-06-13 at 03:55:30.
Edited on 2013-06-13 at 19:05:45 by Ziklag

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts


Hey Gang

I just got back to the house from Tornado Relief work and am checking Posts while I cool down before showering!

Sometime Friday I plan to Post a Short Update revealing what the Turn UnDead and any Range Attacks do or do not do to thin out the ranks!

Posted on 2013-06-14 at 00:50:28.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Wednesday Deadline

What was supposed to be a 'Short Post' became Much Longer than previously planned today!

It would have become Much Longer if I had included italicized quotes and descriptions from each player who had posted over the past few days!

I just tried to include the most pertinent parts to the UpDate, not intentionally slighting anyone!

I have NPCed Crow according to what I perceived to be true during the beginnings of this adventure!

NPCed Bartimeous as I did not hear from Salvator in response to a PM Message!

Wednesday Deadline You have until Wednesday to post in the QnA the actions your character will be taking until the Skeleton Pirates are totally eliminated and the Seekers (hopefully) survive!

My Next UpDate will be sometime from Thursday on into the weekend, depending upon if I join a work crew for Tornado Relief either Thursday, Friday or Saturday!

I will be on a work crew for Tornado Relief tomorrow (Saturday), so in the meantime everyone is free to Post in the Game Thread anything pertaining to the events up to and including the Skeleton Pirates current position in relation to each of the Players Characters!

Therefore, My Next UpDate Will Include the Conclusion of Your Current Battle Against the Skeleton Pirates; While Possibly Setting the Stage for Your Next Decision on Seeking Treasure!

Posted on 2013-06-15 at 01:57:42.

Karma: 18/0
415 Posts


Vincent plans on staying close to Willem, as well as keeping up the defensive with his shield and striking at any skeleton who gets within range of his sword. Once the group is done he'll double back to help cover anyone who plans on escaping through the gap they hopefully make.

Posted on 2013-06-15 at 02:51:28.

RDI Fixture +1
Karma: 67/14
1556 Posts


Willem will try to lead an attack on the now smaller group of skeletons which I think is the group they were going to attack anyways. It's the utmost importance that we make sure they're all dispatched before the other skeletons get into combat with us.

also will try to fight near vincent, and will two hand the broadsword the whole time (not sure if there's a two handed fighting bonus like in DnD)

Posted on 2013-06-15 at 02:56:28.


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