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Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Attention Mylos Goldspinner

You will probably be more effective using Double Daggers, than you would be using the Cross Bow!

You get 2 shots maximum with your Light Cross Bow, but you get 4 swings with your Daggers for being Ambidextrous, plus you get +2 more points in dagger damage than is normal for each Dagger Swing from worshipping your deity!

Posted on 2013-06-19 at 20:38:19.

Trilogy Master
RDI Staff
Karma: 181/119
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Finally a game post from me :)

Ok per the map am moving to the East to rejoin the rest of the group.

Also as no one has told him about wearing the eye patch in his pocket he will not put it on. With him being away from the party per the map he would not have heard the yell about doing so being fixated on the Undead pirates.

Honestly I never thought of that till the last few Q/A posts so I will not use player knowledge in game.

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 01:58:28.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Tann & Ody

No Problem Tann it will add to the suspense!

Hey Ody, there were 15 at the East and 5 Turned so 10 left on the East (blank spaces and missing numbers are the 5 Turned UnDead Skeletons!)

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 02:13:59.

Karma: 18/0
207 Posts

In that case...

... I will have Mylos put away his crossbow and draw his daggers, ready to try hand to hand combat for the first time.

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 11:36:56.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Bifocals and dying brain cells..............

Totally mis- remembered what I thought I read. I took the spaces for the gaps created as the skeletons wandered away and only counted boxes and forgot to reread the info.

Now this would leave Will and Vince vulnerable from the skeletons to the northeast which were the ones Tohmas originally was going to go after.


Now it would make more sense that he stay and help with the 10 and the defense arc forms southeast to northwest to fend off those. Then when the east 10 are done Tohmas, Will and Vince join in against the 15 and 20.

With Tann back and moving Crow toward the east does anyone object to me rewriting to keep Tohmas helping Will and Vince?

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 12:28:23.
Edited on 2013-06-20 at 12:30:43 by Odyson

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts


That fine with me Odyson. If we have to fight them this round you will be able to help there left flank. Hope the eye patches work; maybe this can be resolved with out loss of life.

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 12:43:16.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Eye Patch Count Confirmations

Wearing Eye Patches:

Not Wearing Eye Patches:

At This Point I Am Ruling the Following Characters Did Not Hear the Alarm from Mylos to Put on the Eye Patches, Because They Were Too Focused on Battling the Skeletons!

I will begin writing UpDate Today, I have Tornado Relief volunteer work on Friday and hopefully I will finish the UpDate on Saturday and Post the Results!

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 14:20:53.
Edited on 2013-06-20 at 16:58:02 by Hammer

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Bump Armor Hit Points

I have edited my previous post to include the Armor Hit Points that are protecting you!

These will let you know how your Armor is holding up when hit by Weapons!

At some point your Armor will either have to be repaired or replaced, because unlike Hit Points for your Character, that can be restored by Cure Light Wounds etc, the Armor must be either repaired or replaced sometime during the adventure, all the more reason to return to the Toothless Dragon Tavern once you finally leave Tagea!

Armor Hit Points Amur 'Nimblefingers' of the Red Buttons [Half Elf of Elf Lineage/Rogue] 20/20
Tohmas Goodwood [Human/Druid] 20/20
Willem Bariendul [Human/Fighter] 30/30
Maithias Crowmarhte aka Crow [Elf/Ranger] 30/30
Vincent Wysman [Human/Knight] 20/20
Bartimeous Dathier [Human/Cleric] 30/30
Mylos Goldspinner [Gnome/Bard] 30/30
Jaufre Vanvoie [Human/Paladin] 20/20
Elyra Nightshade [Elf/Bard] 30/30
Areldor Glanolwath [Half Elf of Human Lineage/Illusionist] None/None

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 16:19:17.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts

Staying Put....

I've edited my post to keep Tohmas helping Will and Vince.

If his Quarterstaff becomes a +2 weapon that should do good damage with each strike. He might be able to take out a skeletons with each hit.


How does Barts sound spell work?
1-Level Bonus Spell Sound Burst is A pulse of sound that causes 1d8 damage.
What area effect would it have?

If it were cast on the skeletons would it blast some apart?

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 18:33:28.
Edited on 2013-06-20 at 18:43:23 by Odyson

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Risky Ody

Even if Bart were inclined to use the Sound Burst Spell, it would end up stunning everyone in a 20 foot diameter for one round, but he is intent on clobbering Skeleton Pirates with One Swing of his +1 War Hammer!

Posted on 2013-06-20 at 21:06:30.

Karma: 158/25
6327 Posts


Well that's why I was wondering what the area effect would be.

Sort of like trying the get the skeletons to hold hands so he could use the touch spell, lol.

Posted on 2013-06-21 at 01:41:54.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Slowly But Surely

Combat Turn 1 Round 1 is finally written, but we have a looong waaay to go!

Glad to Report: No Dead Seekers!

Posted on 2013-06-21 at 02:19:04.

Regular Visitor
Karma: 4/5
84 Posts


Yea!!!! No additional skeletons to deal with.

Posted on 2013-06-21 at 02:40:37.

Karma: 7/0
224 Posts

And here comes the Card girl for round one

Round one to the visting team!

Posted on 2013-06-21 at 02:40:38.

Extreme Exclaimator!
Karma: 93/24
4361 Posts

Oh Angelic

There are Plenty of Menacing Skeletons to Battle!

I only mentioned that No Seekers lost their lives!

Am just now plodding along with Combat Turn 1 round 2 (there are 6 rounds per Combat Turn, so we still have a Long Way to Go!)

Posted on 2013-06-21 at 03:11:18.


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